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SPORT MILLIONAIRE. Questions. OLYMPICS. 1. Why are the Games called “ the Olympics ”? invented by Greek athlete Olympus first winner was from the Olymp village C. started in Olympia, Greece . D. started in Olymp village , Greece. 2. What was Olympia?
1. Why are theGamescalled “theOlympics”? invented by GreekathleteOlympus firstwinnerwasfromthe Olymp village C. started in Olympia, Greece. D. started in Olymp village, Greece
2. Whatwas Olympia? • a big mountain in Greece • anancientGreektown C: a birthplaceof Zeus D. anancientsport centre
3. What do the five Olympic rings that appear on the flag signify? • strength • B.unionofthefivepowerfulcountries C. unionofthefivecontinents D. fivebasicqualitiesof a sportsman
4. WhenwerethefirstOlympics? 566 BC 677 BC 776 BC 566 AD
5. When and wherewerethefirstmodernOlympicgamesheld? Athens in 1896 Athens in 1986 C. Athens in 1906 D. Rome in 1898
6. WhatwasthefirstOlympicevent? jumping thesprint C. wrestling D. discus
7. HowmanytypesofOlypmpics are there? 2 3 C. 5 D. 4
8. Whendidwomenstartcompeting? • 1912 • 1906 C. 1945 D. 1952
9. WhatdoestheOlympics motto “Citius, altius, fortius”mean? “Faster, longer, stronger” “Faster, better, stronger” “Faster, higher, better” “Faster, higher, stronger”
10. Canathletesunderseventeenparticipate in theOlympics? Yes No C. In somesports no
11. Howmanysports and events are in theOlympics? 22 sports/ 254 events 30 sports /301 events C. 28 sports /301 events D. 15 sports/201 events
12. Has ChinaeverhostedtheOlympics? Yes No C. Itwill in 2012 D. Never willbecauseofregime
In what country wasfootballinvented? England Brazil C. China D. Italy
2. Which country has wonthe most FootballWorldCups? • Brazil • Italy C. Germany D. Argentina
3. Whatisthefastestwomen´s serve Tennis) ? 114 km/h 210 km/h C. 119 km/h D. 206 km/h
4. Slovakia takes part ateveryWorldChampionship in ice-hockeysince ...(year?) • 1993 • 1999 C. 1996 D. 2000
5. Slovak ice-hockey team wongoldmedal in .................... . • 2000 • 2003 C. 2005 D. 2002
6. On hockeyjerseyswhatdoesthe 'A' standfor? • alternate coach • alternateplayer C. alternatecaptain D. alternategoalkeeper
7. Who has scoredthe most goals in thehistoryofthe NHL? WayneGretzky SteveYzerman C. Jaromír Jágr D. MarioLemieux
8. What'stheoldeststrokeused in competitiveswimming? • thebutterfly • thebreastroke C. thebackstroke D. thecrawl
9. WhatisMoscow's most famousfootballclub? • Dynamo Moscow • SpartakMoscow C. TorpedoMoscow D. LocomotiveMoscow
10. Whichpieceofsportingequipmentis 3 inches in diameter and weighs 6 ounces? • anicehockeypuck • a tennisball C. a baseball ball D. a billiardball
11. SergeyBubkabroketheworldrecord 32 timesatwhichsport? • javelinthrow • longjump C. pole vault D. highjump
12. Which game issometimesdescribedas 'bowls on ice'? • figureskating • curling C. speedskating D. ice-hockey
13. Howmanyeventsmakeuptheheptathlon? • Six • Five C. Four D. Seven
14. In whichsport do youplayfortheStanley cup? • Baseball • Floorball C. IceHockey D. Football
15. WhichAfrican country werethefirst to reachtheworld cup quarterfinals? • Cameroon • Nigeria C. Senegal D. Egypt
16. Whichsport in Slovakia has beenthe most successful so farattheOlympics ? • shooting • canoeing C. swimming D. biathlon
17. Which country has wonthe most medals in theWinterOlympics so far (to January 2010)? • the USA • Norway C. Canada D. Switzerland
18. Whichfootballerscored in the 1958 World Cup Finalwhenonly 17 yearsold? • Pele • Maradona C. Ronaldo D. Ronaldino
19. Whatsport has thefastestspeedachievedwithoutmechanicalassistance? • icehockey • downhillskiing C. skeleton D. sledging
20. Howmanyplayers or swimmers are there in a water polo team? • 11 • 6 C. 9 D. 7
21. Whichsport or game consistsofclubs, balls, hits, bunker? • rugby • cricket C. golf D. badminton
22.The abbreviation SLO in theinernationalsportsabbreviationsofcountriesstandsfor .... • Slovakia • Somalia C: Slovenia D. Sierra Leone
23. Wedon´tneedwhenskiing ..... • skipoles • slope C. ski tow D. shuttlecock
24. Which game wouldyouassociatethenamesof Marek Matiaško, Miroslav Matiaško. Janka Gereková, Martina Halinárováwith? • swimming • skiing C. snowboarding D. biathlon
25. What do Americancheerleadersusually hold in eachhandfortheirroutinesatsportevents? • Loudhailers B. Model flags C. Pompoms D. Drumsticks