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Final exam review

Final exam review. Spring 2014. U2E2 Preterite verus imperfect in the same sentence Cuando = when Mientras = while Yo veía la television cuando el teléfono sonó ( I was watching tv when the phone rang)

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Final exam review

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  1. Final exam review Spring 2014

  2. U2E2 Preteriteverusimperfect in the same sentence Cuando= when Mientras = while Yoveíala television cuando el teléfonosonó( I was watching tv when the phone rang) Mi padre llegómientrasyohacíala tarea. ( My father arrived while I was doing my homework) Look at thesentence and findwhatistheongoingaction (thatistheimperfect). Thenseewhattheinterruptionis (thatisthepreterite).

  3. Clues for preterite • Completed actions in the past • La semana/ mes/ añopasado • Ayer = yesterday • Anoche = last night • De repente= suddenly • hablarcomerThere are manyirregulars • yo hablécomíthatneedto be reviewed • tú hablastecomiste • él/ella/Ud. habló comió • nosotroshablamoscomimos • Ellos/ Uds. hablaron comieron

  4. Clues for usingImperfect • D description/ Cuando era joven o niño • P personality ______________Yo era baja, tímida y tenía el pelocorto. • S situation _______________ Era unatarde, habíamuchosárboles y la gentecaminaba. • W weather ________________Hacíafrío, llovía y estabanublado. • E emotion _________ ______Teníamiedo de lasarañas/ Queríallorar/Estabacansado • A age ____________________Yoteníadiezañoscuandofui a Disney World • T time ___________________Eranlascuatrocuando Pedro llegó. • R repetitive actions _________Siempreíbamos a la playa.

  5. U2e3 Direct object pronouns DOPs • Direct objects are the receiver of the action and answer the question “who” or • “what” in reference to the verb. • Hilda lee el libro. Becomes Hilda lo lee. Los niñoscomenla fruta. Los niños la comen • 1. The direct object receives the direct action of theverb in a sentence. • 2. A direct object pronoun replaces the direct object. The DOPs are: • 1me (a mí) = me1 us (a nosotros) = nos 2 you (a ti) = te 2 you all (a vosotros) os 3him/you/it (m) = lo 3 them/you all (m) = los 3her/you/it (f) = la 3 them/you all (f) = las

  6. U2e3 Indirect object pronouns IOPs • An indirect object tells “to whom” or “for whom” in relation to the verb. • Mimadrastracompra la ropapara mí. Escribolascartasa la revista. • Mimadrastrame compra la ropa. Le escribolascartas a la revista. • 1. The direct object receives the indirect action of the verb in a sentence. • 2. An indirect object pronoun replaces the indirect object. The IOPs are: • 1 me (a mí) = me 1 us (a nosotros) = nos 2 you (a ti) = te2 you all (a vosotros) os 3 him/you/it = le 3 them/you all = les

  7. Placement of pronouns • If you have a gerund (ing form) add an accent if the object is put after the verb. Yoestoypreparándola / escribíendolo If it is double pronoun do the same. Yoestoypreparándosela / escribíendoselo. With an infinitive and 2 objects add the accent on the a/e/i of the infinitive. Voy a compartírsela. • When there are two object pronouns in a sentence, they will appear in the IOP +.DOPor RP + DOP(Reflexive pronoun) : Sara me los mandó. Me lo dijo. Telasvenden. Sara sent them to me. She said it to me. They sell them to you • Keep in mind that object pronouns are used in referring to previously mentioned information in paragraphs and conversations. • 􀂾 If both the direct and indirect object pronouns occur together in the third person (lo, la, los, las – le, les), then change the indirect object pronoun to se. • Manolose lo vendió. Élse lasregaló. The object pronouns may either be placed before the conjugated verb or attached to the infinitive. • For tú, Ud., or Uds. Affirmative commands Attach pronouns After Add Accent. AAA Dámelo • For Negative tú, Ud., or Uds. commands the pronouns go before and no accent. No me lo des.

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