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The Church of Our Saviour Practicing God’s Graciousness Celebrating Worship: Why we do what we do Advent, 2009 – Week 1. The Church of Our Saviour Practicing God’s Graciousness.
The Church of Our SaviourPracticing God’s Graciousness Celebrating Worship:Why we do what we doAdvent, 2009 – Week 1
The Church of Our SaviourPracticing God’s Graciousness The Episcopal Tradition – a liturgical tradition, using The 1979 Book of Common Prayer and supplemental worship materials like Enriching Our Worship I, II and III, and the Book of Occasional ServicesLiturgy means “the work of the people”. Participation is key to our worship tradition, as is the Book of Common Prayer.The Lutheran Tradition – a confessional tradition using the Lutheran Book of Worship and supplemental worship material like With One VoiceThe Lutheran confessional tradition means the Augsburg Confession and associated Book of Concord, embracing Luther’s Large and Small Catechism.
The Church of Our SaviourPracticing God’s Graciousness A brief History of the U.S. Book of Common Prayer
The Church of Our SaviourPracticing God’s Graciousness • What is The Book of Common Prayer? • A way of worshipping founded on a living tradition and a distinct way of being Christian. • “Being an Anglican/Episcopalian means doing what the church does – and what the church does, first and foremost, is worship the living God.”* • A way to understand God, and shape our ethical and moral decision-making. • * Opening the Prayer Book, by Jeffrey Lee
The Church of Our SaviourPracticing God’s Graciousness • Principles, values and theological perspectives that mark the identity of Anglican/Episcopal corporate worship. • A contrast to the confessional church (including Lutheranism) where membership is marked by subscribing to certain doctrinal statements.
The Church of Our SaviourPracticing God’s Graciousness The SacramentsFrom the BCP Outline of the Faith (the Catechism) p 857Q. What are the sacraments?A. The sacraments are outward and visible signs of inward and spiritual grace, given by Christ as sure and certain means by which we receive that grace.Q. What is grace?A. Grace is God’s favor towards us, unearned and undeserved; by grace God forgives our sins, enlightens our minds, stirs our hearts, and strengthens our wills.Q. What are the two great sacraments of the Gospel?A. The two great sacraments given by Christ to this Church are Holy Baptism and the Holy Eucharist.
The Church of Our SaviourPracticing God’s Graciousness Holy Eucharist, Holy Communion, The Lord’s Supper, The Mass, and the Great Thanksgiving
The Church of Our SaviourPracticing God’s Graciousness The Principle Service of Holy Communionand the Shape of the Liturgy:The Liturgy of the Word including gathering in the Lord’s name, proclaiming the word of God, responding to the word of God, the profession of faith, prayers of the people, confession, and the peace.The Liturgy of the Table including the offering, the Eucharistic prayer, distribution of communion, and the blessing.
The Church of Our SaviourPracticing God’s Graciousness The Liturgy of the Word Gathering in the name of God – we sing or keep silence, but we always say the acclamation, which declares in whose Name we gather… . “Blessed be God…” etc. depending on the season. The Collect for Purity is optional, and spoken by the celebrant on behalf of all to prepare our hearts and minds to worship God. It is based on Psalm 51 and sums up the elements of true worship: The Sovereign God knows our hearts and we stand in need of cleansing by the indwelling Spirit in order to worship God fully.
The Church of Our SaviourPracticing God’s Graciousness The Liturgy of the Word A prayer or song of praise is then offered to God either the Gloria in excelsis, the Trisagion, or the Kyrie – usually depending on the season. * The Gloria has been used for most of Christian history and its words remind us of the angels singing at the birth of Jesus.* The Trisagion is one of the ancient liturgies of the Orthodox churches.* The Kyrie is very ancient and comparable to the Hebrew shout “Hosanna”, meaning “save us, we pray.” It is a joyful affirmation that God is merciful.The Collect of the Day concludes the gathering portion. The collect asks God to make our individual lives and concerns one common witness, and sets the theme of the day. The classic structure of the collect is three-fold, an address to God, petition, and doxology. Collects always have a Trinitarian form.
The Church of Our SaviourPracticing God’s Graciousness The Liturgy of the Word Proclaiming and Responding to the Word of God – can be achieved in a variety of ways. At COS we read a lesson from the Hebrew Scriptures, the Psalm, the Epistle from the New Testament, followed by the Gospel reading. Members of the congregation are assigned to read all the readings except the Gospel, and the prayers of the people, underscoring that the Scriptures are for the whole people of God. This is part of the ministry of the laity.The BCP rubrics tell us that a Psalm, hymn, or anthem may follow each reading.The Eucharistic lectionary (which readings we read) in the 1979 BCP is a version of the Roman Catholic lectionary prepared after the Second Vatican Council in consultation with scholars from Protestant denominations including Episcopalians. The readings are arranged in a three year cycle: Year A, B and C. 1 Advent marks the beginning of the new liturgical year – we are starting today on Revised Common Lectionary readings for Year C.
The Church of Our SaviourPracticing God’s Graciousness The Liturgy of the Word The sermon is an integral part of proclaiming the word of God. There is nothing in the prayer book rubrics to suggest that the sermon is optional.The purpose of the sermon is: - To explicate the gospel. - Sacramental in that it uncovers how the history of salvation is our own story; and - How our lives (our narrative) reveal God’s presence in the same way as the stories of Scripture.The affirmation of faith in the words of the Nicene Creed then follows on Sundays and major feast days. The Creed is a doctrinal statement of faith, formulated in defense of orthodoxy against heretical movements. Each of the three paragraphs is dedicated to one person of the Trinity. Its position in the service is a response to the sermon.
The Church of Our SaviourPracticing God’s Graciousness Questions?