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Just click here to go back to this page. A. BC. DEF. G. H. I. JKL. M N. O. PR. S. T. The. WORSHIP SONGS. MASS. ACTION SONGS. UVW. Y. PRAYERS. LORD’S DAY CEREMONY. A. Worship Songs:. A New Commandment. Ang Pasko ay Sumapit (844). Aba Ginoong Maria.
A Worship Songs: A New Commandment Ang Pasko ay Sumapit (844) Aba Ginoong Maria Angels We Have Heard on High(847) A New Heart Anima Christi All Hail King Jesus (699) As A Doe (Kelly/Holst) All I Desire Is You As A Doe (Misulia) All I Want As the Deer All My Days (835) As We Behold All That Is Good As We Gather Amazing Grace Ascribe Greatness Amen, Our Hearts Cry Ascribe To The Lord And the Father will Dance(840) At the Name of Jesus (707) Ang Panginoon Ang Aking Pastol Awake Oh Israel Ang Panginoon Lamang Away in a Manger(854) BC A DEF G H I JKL MN O PR S T The UVW Y
BC Worship Songs: BCBP Song (One Family – 722) Celebrate, Jesus, Celebrate Celebrate the Lord of Love (14) Be Exalted O God Change My Heart Be Still (151) Chosen and Precious Come All Ye Nations Be Thou My Vision Come and Worship Behold Come Holy Spirit (Keating) Behold the Lamb Come Holy Spirit Bethlehem Rejoices (718) Come Holy Spirit, Fill the Hearts(734) Blessed be the Lord, My Rock(855) Come Holy Spirit, I Need You Blessed be the Name of the Lord(722) Come Let Us Go Up Come Now is the Time to Worship(691) Blessing and Glory Come Together and Worship Blest Be The Lord(860) Consider the Lilies Born Into a Battle Create In Me Build Your Throne Crown Him Lord of Lords BC A DEF G H I JKL MN O PR S T The UVW Y
DEF Worship Songs: Days of Elijah Fight the Good Fight of Faith Deeply in Love Fit For The Fight Diyos ay Pag-Ibig Find Us Faithful For All the Saints Draw In (81) Emmanuel(747) For God So Loved Enter In For Such A Time For This Exodus 15 For You Are My God From Heaven the Lord Looks Down Everyday, In Every Way From The Rising Of The Sun Father Make Us One Fountain of Life Fight the Good Fight BC A DEF G H I JKL M N O PR S T The UVW Y
G Worship Songs Give Thanks God is Good All the Time Given a Chance God is My Refuge Glorify Thy Name God the Blessed and Only Sovereign Glorious In Majesty God Will Make A Way Glory And Praise God is Raising an Army God With Us God Alone Great and Marvelous God is Good Great and Wonderful BC A DEF G H I JKL M N O PR S T The UVW Y
H Worship Songs Hallelujah, He Is Risen Hindi Kita Malilimutan Hallelujah, Our God Reigns Hiney Mah Tov Happy is the Man Holy, Mighty, Everlasting Hark the Herald Angels Sing (866) House of God He Has Covered Himself In Glory Holy, O Holy He is Before All Things Hosanna How Great is Your Love He is Coming He is Exalted How Great Thou Art Heaven is My Home Hymn of Glory Heart of Worship (430) How Lovely is Your Dwelling Place Hebrews 12 Here I Am Lord Hevenu Shalom Aleikhem BC A DEF G H I JKL M N O PR S T The UVW Y
I Worship Songs: I Am the Bread of Life In His Time (874) I Am the God that Healeth Thee In Moments Like These (876) In Your Light We See Light I Am The Resurrection I Believe (868) I Bow My Knee I Shall Be Satisfied I Exalt Thee I Shall Not Want I Will Call Upon The Lord I Give You My Heart I Will Lift Up My Voice I Just Want To Be Where You Are(870) Isaiah 43 I Love The Lord Isaiah 54 I Love You Lord Isaiah 60 I Worship You Isaiah 61 In Him Alone BC A DEF G H I JKL M N O PR S T The UVW Y
JKL Worship Songs: Let Us Exalt His Name Jerusalem Let Your Glory Fall Jerusalem, The Golden Let Your Glory Fill This House Jesus is Beautiful (883) Lift High the Banners of Love Jesus Is The One Who Saves Lift High the Cross of Christ Jesus, Jesus Lift Up Your Hands Kahanga-hanga Look Beyond Lead On O Lord Lord, Enkindle Me Let Heaven Rejoice (884) Lord I Lift Your Name on High Let the Fire Fall Lord Jesus We Enthrone You Let the Righteous Rejoice Lord We Come Into Your Holy Presence Let The Saints Be Joyful Lord We Give to You Let There Be Peace On Earth Lord You Are More Precious BC A DEF G H I JKL M N O PR S T The UVW Y
M N Worship Songs: Majesty My Redeemer Make A Joyful Noise My Soul Finds Rest In God Alone Make My Heart Your Dwelling Place Matthew 22 Mighty Is Our God Mighty King Of Zion New Song Narito Ako My All For You National Anthem (819) My God And My All Not To Us My Life is in You Lord (817) Now Let Us Sing (891) My Mouth Shall Praise You With Joy BC A DEF G H I JKL M N O PR S T The UVW Y
0 Worship Songs: O Come All Ye Faithful (892) Once No People (499) O Let The Redeemed (896) One Day (685) One Little Candle (900) O Send Forth Your Light And Truth (498) One Thing I Ask For (284) O The Depth (42) Open the Eyes of My Heart (46) O Praise The Lord, Jerusalem Open Our Eyes, Lord (909) Open Your Eyes 49 O Worship the King Our God Reigns (822) Offer to God Our Hearts Will Rise Our Life is a Prayer BC A DEF G H I JKL M N O PR S T The UVW Y
PR Worship Songs: Pag-Aalay Ng Puso (902) Psalm 89 (I have made a covenant) Philippians 2 Psalm 95 (130 – Come let us sing for joy to the Lord) Praise The Lord O My Soul Psalm 100 (slide 167) Praise the Name of Jesus (904) Psalm 115 (slide 39) Psalm 121 (I Lift My Eyes Up) Praises On High Psalm 130 Prayer Of Saint Francis Psalm 145 - I will Extol You (911) Prince of Peace Proclaim His Marvelous Deeds (906) Rainbow Psalm 8 Renew Us O Lord (slide 540) Psalm 25 Rise Up, O Men Of God (544) Psalm 37 Rise, O People Called To Worship 682) Psalm 40 Psalm 73 (Whom Have I in Heaven) Redeeming Love Psalm 84 Refiner’s Fire BC A DEF G H I JKL M N O PR S T The UVW Y
S Worship Songs: Salvation Belongs to Our God Song of Good News (931) See The King Song Of Moses Song of My People (935) Seek The Lord Our God Shine Jesus Shine Song Of Patrick Song of Praise (939) Shout to the Lord Song of Victory (939) Silayan St. Patrick’s Breastplate (942) Singing Hallelujah (372) Strong And Faithful (544) Sing A New Song (528) Sing a Brand New Canticle (723) Speak, your Servant Is Listening Sing To The Lord (532) Sino Ako? BC A DEF G H I JKL M N O PR S T The UVW Y
T Worship Songs: Take My Life The Horse And The Rider (591) The King Shall Come (384) Tanging Yaman The Light of Christ (176) Taste And See (585) The Lord is a Great and Mighty King(823) Teach Me Your Way, O Lord (59) The Lord Is My Light (594) Teach Me To Seek You, O Lord The Lord Is My Shepherd Te Deum (954) The Lord Of Host Is With Us Tell the World of His Love (960) The Lord Reigns (565) Thanks Be to God (58) The Mission (695) The Battle Belongs To the Lord The Magnificat The Celebration Song (962) The People of God The Father Of Lights (287) The Servant Song (687) BC A DEF G H I JKL M N O PR S T The UVW Y
The Worship Songs: To Be Like Thee To Him Who Sits on the Throne The Song Of Simeon The Spirit And The Bride The Victory Song (967) To Follow Him To Love You and to Make You Loved The Voice Of One Calling In The Desert Therefore the Redeemed (972) To You Our King We Give Glory To The King of Ages (232) Thine O Lord (974) To The Lamb (979) Till You See That Your Home Is In Heaven Time to Change (977) Trading My Sorrows (234) Trees of the Field (982) To Be Like Jesus BC A DEF G H I JKL M N O PR S T The UVW Y
UVW Worship Songs: Unto the House of the Lord Welcome to the Family We Are Men of Jesus Christ (988) Who Can Compare To Our Loving God We Are Servants Of The Lord Who Is Like Thee? We Belong to God Worship Him In Spirit And Truth We Give Thanks O Lord Worship The King Before Us Now We Want To See Jesus Worship the Lord We Will Magnify Worthy is the Lamb (A) We Will Worship You Worthy is the Lamb (B) BC A DEF G H I JKL M N O PR S T The UVW Y
Y Worship Songs: Yahweh, the Faithful One (826) Yea My Life You Alone Are Holy You Are Holy You Are My Delight You Are Near You Are Our Treasure You Shall be Clothed with Power (831) You Shall Love The Lord Your Love Your Love Is Better Than Itself Your Love, O Lord Yours is the Greatness and the Power You are worthy of my praise BC A DEF G H I JKL M N O PR S T The UVW Y
PRAYERS: Prayers Of The Faithful Prayer For A New Evangelization Night Prayers (slide 728)
MASS SONGS Tumawag sa Panginoon (984) Paghahandog ng Sarili Purihin ang Panginoon (915) Paghahandog Buksan ang Aming Puso(727) Take Our Bread (951) Lord Have Mercy I Offer My Life Panginoon Maawa Ka(729) As We Prepare(706) Our Father Glory To God In The Highest Ama Namin Papuri Sa Diyos Kordero ng Diyos (643) Responsorial Psalms Seek Ye First Alleluia – Purihin (693) O Praise The Lord, Jerusalem Aleluya – Wikain Mo (728) Panalangin sa Pagbukas Palad Salamat sa Diyos (923) Take O Lord This Offering (948) Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ Purihi’t Pasalamatan (919) Apostle’s Creed Isang Pananampalataya (877) Santo Santo Santo Pananagutan Holy, Holy, Holy Si Kristo’y Namatay (924) Sa ‘Yo Lamang (87) Take My Hands (945) Si Kristo Ay Gunitain
Action Songs: Romans 16:19 The Lord Is Here Chuga Dance Dip Dip Title Title Title Title
CELEBRATE THE LORD OF LOVE Trade your heavy heart for a heart of Joy Celebrate what God has done Join the song of praise as we gather to Celebrate the Lord of love – (God is Good) Jesus is our Lord He is reigning here We declare His kingdom come Darkness has to flee in his holy light Celebrate the Lord of love All creation sings hear the oceans roar Let the earth proclaim that Christ is Lord
CELEBRATE THE LORD OF LOVE All creation sings hear the oceans roar Let the earth proclaim that Christ is Lord
God is Good All The Time God is Good All the time He puts a song of praise In this heart of mine God is Good All the time In the darkest nights His light will shine God is good, God is Good, All The Time
LET THE RIGHTEOUS REJOICE CHORUS 1: Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits. Praise the Lord, O my soul, let the righteous rejoice and be glad. CHORUS 2: Rejoice and be glad, O my soul. I know that my Redeemer lives, And I shall see the face of God. 2
LET THE RIGHTEOUS REJOICE Blessed are they who hunger for righteousness, surely they will be filled. And those who suffer for the sake of righteousness, theirs is the Kingdom of heaven. (Chorus 1) Seek first his Kingdom and his righteousness. Make God your portion in life. Secure your treasure in heaven alone, where your treasure is your heart will be also. (Chorus 2) chorus
COME TOGETHER AND WORSHIP Refrain Come together and worship the living God (2x) Come together and worship the living God Come together and Worship the King of kings (2x) Come together and worship the King of king 1 2
COME TOGETHER AND WORSHIP For he is the source of all creation The giver of life to all the nations Freed us from sin and its dominion He is our God, the living God Refrain
COME TOGETHER AND WORSHIP Come let us bow down before His presence Come let us lay down our life before Him And make known his deeds to all the nations He is our God, the living God Refrain
GIVEN A CHANCE In every heart a question forms what should I do with this life Yes we were made to know the answer, Those who seek will find What can I do and what’s most Important for me, for me? If one single path leads me on, how simple life would be Refrain
GIVEN A CHANCE Come let us bow down before his presence Come let us lay down our life before him And make known his deeds to all the nations He is our God, the living God chorus
GIVEN A CHANCE Refrain: We’re given a chance to love Him, Given a chance to stand for the truth We’re given a chance to live for Him Given a chance to walk in His strength We’re given a chance to love one another To serve our master and brother who died for us. And sets us free 2
GIVEN A CHANCE How can we speak the truth to others When no who listens is found? God hears our words and He honors them all None of them fall to the ground We’ll tell all our friends so their lives never end Let them hear, let them see We’ll stand for what’s right though it cause us our life And not fear we are free Refrain
OUR LIFE IS A PRAYER Our life is a prayer A life of praise to our God For our eternal life is ‘bout praising him Our God the heavenly king 2
OUR LIFE IS A PRAYER O what glory is given us O what great joy is bestowed on us To converse with the king of glory Jesus Christ the Lord Jesus Christ our Lord 3
OUR LIFE IS A PRAYER O God in our prayer You reveal to us The vanity of this world For you fill us with light And taste of heavenly home 1
AS WE BEHOLD As we behold your presence O Lord. We call out your name, We praise and acclaim. That you alone are our King And our Lord, You are our all our life, Nothing can compare, No god can compare 2 3
AS WE BEHOLD So Lord we worship you, Nothing shall possess, Our hearts until they rest, In You our king and Lord. Your pleasure we will do, Our lives we give anew. That You may make Your home Among us as we stand And so to all the land. 3
AS WE BEHOLD We give you praise, love, glory and thanks Honor and worship for all You have done, Our lives, our will, our weakness Our strength all for You our king and Lord [We give . . .] 1 2
PSALM 25 Refrain 1: O Lord, how we love your ways and to walk in them is life for us. O Lord, teach us of your ways, and in your paths direct our every step! Refrain 2 2 3
PSALM 25 Refrain 2: And Lord, we love your Word, in it we find both pow’r and wisdom. O Lord, teach us of your Word, and in its light we live forever blessed! 2 3
PSALM 25 Good and upright is the Lord, and therefore he will teach the humble man his way, and lead him in his truth. In faithfulness and love his precepts he reveals to all who humbly wait for him. (Refrain 1) Refrain 1
PSALM 25 The friendship of the Lord is for all who love his name, and who tremble at his word, and fear him in their heart. The favor of the Lord is a sure and present shield to all who never stray from him. (Refrain 2) Refrain 2
PSALM 25 In his mercy and his love, the Lord does not forget those who trust him with their lives and call on him to save. We lift our eyes to him who guards us from the foe, and brings us to his place of rest. (Ref. 1 & 2) Refrain
PSALM 84 O Lord how we love your courts The place where your glory abides. Our hearts and our flesh sing For joy to you, Lord To you, the living God Refrain
PSALM 84 Blessed are those, Lord, whose strength is in Thee Who find their life in your praise. They shall go strong, go from strength unto strength, Until they see you face to face. 2 3
PSALM 84 A day in your courts is more precious to me Than a thousand without you, my God. The servant at your gates is more blessed than he Whose wealth keeps him far from you, Lord. [Refrain] Refrain
PSALM 84 The Almighty is a sun, A shield for his own, For all those who walk in his ways. No blessing withheld, Endless favor bestowed On him who has made you his prize. [Refrain] Refrain
PSALM 115 Refrain: Not to us, O Lord, but to your name be glory. Not to us, O Lord, because of your love and faithfulness. 1 2 3
PSALM 115 You who fear him trust in the Lord for he is our help and shield. The Lord remembers us and will bless us, will bless both small and great Refrain
PSALM 115 May you be blessed by the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth. The highest heavens belong to the Lord but the earth he has given to man. Refrain
PSALM 115 The dead do not praise the Lord, those who go down to the depths. It is we who extol the Lord both now and forever more. Refrain