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AER Committe ”C” ”Regional policies” Meeting

AER Committe ”C” ”Regional policies” Meeting. The Regions and the Lisbon Strategy Exeter, Devon 2005-10-20. Position paper on the 7th Framework Program and Research South Sweden Lars Malmborg, Sydsam. Science Park Network of South Sweden: Subnational Co-operation.

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AER Committe ”C” ”Regional policies” Meeting

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  1. AER Committe ”C” ”Regional policies” Meeting The Regions and the Lisbon Strategy Exeter, Devon 2005-10-20

  2. Position paper on the • 7th Framework Program and Research • South Sweden • Lars Malmborg, Sydsam

  3. Science Park Network of South Sweden: Subnational Co-operation Jönköping (Science Park) (Teknocenter) Halmstad Växjö(Videum, InternetCity) Kalmar (Kalmar Science Park, Kalmar BioScience) (Ideon) Lund Karlskrona (TelecomCity, Karlskrona Innovation Center) Medeon, MINC) Malmö Ronneby (Soft Center) Kristianstad (Krinova)

  4. “Facing the Challenge. • The Lisbon Strategy for Growth and Employment.” • Wim Kok’s report, November 2004

  5. Five areas of policy: • The knowledge society • The internal market • The business climate • The labour market • Environmental sustainability

  6. Political action is needed: • If we want to reach the the Lisbon Strategy goals of growth and employment, we all must take actions. • The Kok report suggest that all levels have to be prepared: • European Council • Member States • European Commission • European Parliament • Regions and Cities

  7. Knowledge Society • The Knowledge Society is a larger concept than just an increased commitment to R&D. • It covers every aspect of the contemporary economy where knowledge is at heart of value added: • from high-tech manufacturing and ICT • through knowledge intensive service • to the overly featured industries.

  8. EU is challenged • USA threatens to consolidate its leadership, • China has begun to compete not only on low but also in high value added goods markets, • India’s challenge is no less real – it is especially noticeable in the service sector. • Today only Sweden and Finland meet the Lisbon strategy goals on 3% of GDP for R&D.

  9. Knowledge Society Making R&D has to have a top priority all around EU!

  10. R&D as % of GDP Reference: Lars Malmborg, based on Wim Kok’s report.

  11. Skype • “...Skype could hardly be a more typical Silicon Valley company but for its location...” • “...but Skype is hardly all-American. It is headquartered in Luxembourg, its main marketing and administration office is in London, software is handled from Estonia and Skype was founded by Niklas Zennström and Janus Friis, a Swede and a Dane.” • From FINANCIAL TIMES. Friday, September 9, 2005

  12. The Link • The link between the 7th Framework Programme and the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme has to be much more clearer. • CIP and R&D must both be seen as parts of the process to make EU competitive. R&D is not enough if you cannot produce innovations out of it.

  13. The Challenge • It is challenging to • Create sustainable innovation systems • Make entrepreneurship a vocation of fundamental importance • However, today’s Europe is not “entrepreneur-minded” enough...

  14. Infrastructure • We must build a WORLD CLASS INFRASTRUCTURE for the world’s largest internal market. • ICT is vital to get the links working from Early Stage Financing, in terms of local grants, to an “European Nasdaq”.

  15. PAXIS Commission’s initiative within the Lisbon agenda Networks within the PAXIS: Edinburgh Stockholm Cambridge Copen- hagen HIGHEST Helsinki South Sweden Alpes- Maritimes Hamburg Madrid START Berlin Stuttgart SPRING Torino Veneto Vienna PANEL KREO


  17. Position Paper of South Sweden • SydSam considers the European Commission’s proposal to be satisfactory. • The 7th Framework Programme is a significant step towards achieving the aims of the Lisbon and Gothenburg strategies. • However, looking from the general point of view, SydSam notifies that a stronger commitment from EU is required in order to strengthen the social and humanitarian perspectives.

  18. Capacities Programme • More R&D has to be focused on SME’s. • Regions of Knowledge and the Triple Helix concept. University Public sector Corporate sector The Triple Helix model

  19. Co-operation Programme • Health - more from a social and humanitarian point of view, - biotechnology as a driving force for SME’s. • Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology • ICT – from a multi-disciplinary point of view • Energy and Environment - environmentally-driven business development • Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities - Europe’s ageing population and migration

  20. Co-operation Programme • SydSam identifies a number of research initiatives that are partly lacking in the Commission’s proposal. For instance: • Interplay between research and practice in the service sector • How public bodies can increase their capacity for innovation • How to handle employment and unemployment in a long perspective

  21. 65+ Population, aged 65+ as a percentage of population aged 15-64 Reference: Lars Malmborg, based on Wim Kok’s report.

  22. Employment rate Employment rate of elder workers, % of age group between 50-65 Reference: Wim Kok’s report.

  23. Conclusions • The links between R&D and Innovations are vital for Europe’s future • The Regions have an important role: • Regions link the regional clusters to the European 7th Framework Programme • Regions clarify the links to CIP in their Regional Development Programmes • The way of doing it - • Make Regional Innovation Strategies

  24. Thank You for Your attention! • SydSam Lars Malmborg • Box 762 Ph. + 46 705 76 99 43 • SE-391 27 KALMAR lars.malmborg@kalmar.se • Sweden http://www.sydsam.se

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