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Level of Academic Challenge

Assessing Embry-Riddle's academic challenge level using NSSE benchmarks to enhance student learning and collegiate quality. Graphs compare performance with peer institutions.

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Level of Academic Challenge

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  1. Level of Academic ChallengeNSSE benchmarks are made up of groups of related items from the survey and are on a 100 point scale. NSSE calculates this score each year at the institutional, sector, and national level. This is an easy way to gage Embry-Riddle’s performance in this area, compared to these other groups.The Level of Academic Challenge Benchmark is described by NSSE administrators with the statement: Challenging intellectual and creative work is central to student learning and collegiate quality. Colleges and Universities promote high levels of student achievement by emphasizing the importance of academic effort and setting high expectations for student performance.Slide #2 shows the benchmark scores of Embry-Riddle compared to AITU consortium, Master’s-Level schools, and all NSSE participating institutions nationally. The following graphs show the percentage frequency distributions for each of the items that NSSE used to calculate the benchmark score, followed by items from the survey related to the theme of the benchmark, but not included in the calculation. The last group of graphs in this section display the results of the items included in this benchmark by college and class level.

  2. Level of Academic Challenge

  3. During the Current School Year, How Many Textbooks, Books, or Book-Length Course Packs Were Assigned to You?First-Year Students

  4. During the Current School Year, How Many Textbooks, Books, or Book-Length Course Packs Were Assigned to You?Senior Students

  5. During the Current School Year, How Many Papers or Reports of 20 Pages or More Did You Write?First-Year Students

  6. During the Current School Year, How Many Papers or Reports of 20 Pages or More Did You Write?Senior Students

  7. During the Current School Year, How Many Papers or Reports Between 5 and 19 Pages Did You Write?First-Year Students

  8. During the Current School Year, How Many Papers or Reports Between 5 and 19 Pages Did You Write?Senior Students

  9. During the Current School Year, How Many Papers or Reports of Less Than 5 Pages Did You Write? First-Year Students

  10. During the Current School Year, How Many Papers or Reports of Less Than 5 Pages Did You Write? Senior Students

  11. To What Extent Does Your Institution Emphasize Spending Significant Amounts of Time Studying and On Academic Work? First-Year Students

  12. To What Extent Does Your Institution Emphasize Spending Significant Amounts of Time Studying and On Academic Work? Senior Students

  13. How Many Hours Per Week Do You Spend Preparing For Class (Studying, Reading, Writing, Rehearsing)? First-Year Students

  14. How Many Hours Per Week Do You Spend Preparing For Class (Studying, Reading, Writing, Rehearsing)? Senior Students

  15. How Often Have You Worked Harder than You Thought You Could to Meet an Instructor’s Standards or Expectations? First-Year Students

  16. How Often Have You Worked Harder than You Thought You Could to Meet an Instructor’s Standards or Expectations? Senior Students

  17. To What Extent Has Your Coursework Emphasized Applying Theories or Concepts to Practical Problems or in New Situations? First-Year Students

  18. To What Extent Has Your Coursework Emphasized Applying Theories or Concepts to Practical Problems or in New Situations? Senior Students

  19. To What Extent Has Your Coursework Emphasized Analyzing the Basic Elements of an Idea, Experience, or Theory? First-Year Students

  20. To What Extent Has Your Coursework Emphasized Analyzing the Basic Elements of an Idea, Experience, or Theory? Senior Students

  21. To What Extent Has Your Coursework Emphasized Synthesizing and Organizing Ideas, Information, or Experiences? First-Year Students

  22. To What Extent Has Your Coursework Emphasized Synthesizing and Organizing Ideas, Information, or Experiences? Senior Students

  23. To What Extent Has Your Coursework Emphasized Making Judgments About the Value of Information, Arguments, or Methods? First-Year Students

  24. To What Extent Has Your Coursework Emphasized Making Judgments About the Value of Information, Arguments, or Methods? Senior Students

  25. The following items are related to the benchmark Level of Academic Challenge, but were not included by NSSE administrators when calculating the benchmark score.

  26. This slide was intentionally left blank

  27. How Often Have You Prepared Two or More Drafts of a Paper Before Turning It In? First-Year Students

  28. How Often Have You Prepared Two or More Drafts of a Paper Before Turning It In? Senior Students

  29. How Often Have You Worked on a Paper or Project that Required Integrating Ideas or Information From Various Sources? First-Year Students

  30. How Often Have You Worked on a Paper or Project that Required Integrating Ideas or Information From Various Sources? Senior Students

  31. How Often Have You Put Together Ideas or Concepts from Different Courses When Completing Assignments or During Class Discussions? First-Year Students

  32. How Often Have You Put Together Ideas or Concepts from Different Courses When Completing Assignments or During Class Discussions? Senior Students

  33. How Often Have You Come to Class Without Completing Readings or Assignments? First-Year Students

  34. How Often Have You Come to Class Without Completing Readings or Assignments? Senior Students

  35. To What Extent Has Your Coursework Emphasized Memorizing Facts, Ideas, or Methods from Your Various Courses and Readings? First-Year Students

  36. To What Extent Has Your Coursework Emphasized Memorizing Facts, Ideas, or Methods from Your Various Courses and Readings? Senior Students

  37. In a Typical Week How Many Homework Problem Sets that Take You Morethan anHour Do You Complete? First-Year Students

  38. In a Typical Week How Many Homework Problem Sets that Take You More than an Hour Do You Complete? Senior Students

  39. In a Typical Week How Many Homework Problem Sets that Take You Less than an Hour Do You Complete? First-Year Students

  40. In a Typical Week How Many Homework Problem Sets that Take You Less than an Hour Do You Complete? Senior Students

  41. In a Typical Week How Many Homework Problems that Take You More than Fifteen Minutes Do You Complete? First-Year Students

  42. In a Typical Week How Many Homework Problems that Take You More than Fifteen Minutes Do You Complete? Senior Students

  43. To What Extent Have Your Exams During the Past Year Challenged You to Do Your Best Work? First-Year Students

  44. To What Extent Have Your Exams During the Past Year Challenged You to Do Your Best Work? Senior Students

  45. Level of Academic Challenge: By College The following graphs show the results for each of the items that NSSE used to calculate the Level of Academic Challenge Benchmark. The responses are grouped by the college into which the respondent’s degree program falls, and by class level. The following abbreviations are used for the colleges: DB-CoA+S = College of Arts and Sciences – Daytona Beach DB-CoA = College of Aviation – Daytona Beach DB-CoB = College of Business – Daytona Beach DB-CoE = College of Engineering – Daytona Beach PC-CoA+S = College of Arts and Sciences – Prescott PC-CoA = College of Aviation – Prescott PC-CoE = College of Engineering - Prescott

  46. During the Current Year How Many Textbooks, Books, or Book-Length Packs of Course Readings Were You Assigned(Percent Responding Five or More)

  47. During the Current Year How Many Papers or Reports of 20 Pages or More Were You Assigned?(Percent Responding One or More)

  48. During the Current Year How Many Papers or Reports Between 5 and 19 Pages Were You Assigned?(Percent Responding One or More)

  49. During the Current Year How Many Papers or Reports of Fewer than 5 Pages Were You Assigned?(Percent Responding Five or More)

  50. To What Extent Does ERAU Emphasize Spending Significant Amounts of Time Studying and on Academic Work?(Percent Responding ‘Quite a Bit’ or ‘Very Much’)

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