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Bulgarian Academy of Sciences National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology

Bulgarian Academy of Sciences National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology. An operational marine forecasting system for the Black Sea Dr. Georgi Kortchev. Bulgaria Territory - 110,994 square kilometres Population – 7 740 000 habitants. JCOMM-4, Yeosu , 23-31 May, 2012. Black Sea

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Bulgarian Academy of Sciences National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology

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  1. Bulgarian Academy of Sciences National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology An operational marine forecasting system for the Black Sea Dr. Georgi Kortchev JCOMM-4, Yeosu, 23-31 May, 2012

  2. Bulgaria Territory - 110,994 square kilometresPopulation– 7740000 habitants JCOMM-4, Yeosu, 23-31 May, 2012

  3. Black Sea Surface area 436,402 km² (168,500 sq mi) Max depth 2,212 m (7,257 ft) Water volume 547,000 km3 (131,200 JCOMM-4, Yeosu, 22-31 May, 2012

  4. NIMH-BAS: Institutional History • 1860 – the first instrumental meteorological observations in Bulgaria carried out by the Austro-Hungarian consulate in Ruse for the purposes of navigation on the Danube River (10 years after the beginning of instrumental climate records in 1850); • 1870 – the first hydrological station was established along the Danube River near the city of Ruse; • 1880 – the second meteorological station in Bulgaria was opened again by the Austro-Hungarian consulate in Sofia; • 1890, 20 February – the birth day of the Bulgarian Meteorological Service, when the Central Meteorological Station – Sofia was given the task to “organize and manage all stations”; • 1892 – Bulgaria already had 14 working meteorological stations; • 1894, 1 January – by a Prince’s decree a Directorate of Meteorology was established within the Ministry of Education; JCOMM-4, Yeosu, 23-31 May, 2012

  5. At the end of 2010 we celebrated 150 years of meteorological measurements in Bulgaria 120 years Bulgarian Meteorological Service JCOMM-4, Yeosu, 23-31 May, 2012

  6. Visit at NIMH-BAS JCOMM-4, Yeosu, 23-31 May, 2012

  7. NIMH – BAS: Current status • NIMH-BAS – major BG research and operational Institute in the field of Meteorology, Agrometeorology, Hydrology and Water resources assessment; • Current staff of NIMH-BAS: 732 people; • 51 – DSc and PhD; • 47 – Senior researchers (SR); • 41 – Junior researchers (JR); • 4 Regional Centers; • Regional Center Varna ; • Marine meteorology staff (2 SR + 2 JR – Sofia ; 6 Marine Met Forecasters – Varna; 30 Marine observers) JCOMM-4, Yeosu, 23-31 May, 2012

  8. NIMH – BAS: MMP The Bulgarian Marine meteorology programme (MMP) in accordance with the recommendations ofWMO’s MMOP provides data, products and services for all users in the national maritime sector • Maritime transport & safety; • Marine environment; • Fisheries; • Coastal management; • Research & development; • Disaster Risk Reduction; • Tourism; • General public JCOMM-4, Yeosu, 23-31 May, 2012

  9. The Bulgarian Black Sea Coast is an important center of tourism during the summer season (May–October), drawing millions of foreign and local tourists. The golden sandy beaches occupy approximately 130 km of the 378 km of coastline. The Bulgarian marine resorts are one of the major and most important end-user of Marine meteorological information The two largest cities and main seaports on the Bulgarian Riviera are Varna and Burgas. JCOMM-4, Yeosu, 23-31 May, 2012

  10. NIMH-BAS: Operational marine forecasting system Wave models WW3, WAM, SWAN NIMH-BAS SOFIA Limited area atmospheric model ALADIN TOULOUSE Global Atmospheric model ARPEGE Internet Storm surge  model SLBUL End users Oil spill  model MOTHY JCOMM-4, Yeosu, 23-31 May, 2012

  11. NIMH-BAS operational marine forecasting system (cont.) • The NIMH-BAS marine forecasting system is a result of the scientific collaboration between NIMH-BAS and Meteo-France; • A fully tested and automated wave forecasting system is in operational use in NIMH-BAS since 2003 and continuously being upgraded; • The main purpose of the system is the real time wind, waves, storm surge and oil spill drift (in case of an accident) forecast for the Black Sea area; JCOMM-4, Yeosu, 23-31 May, 2012

  12. Wave models in operational use • NIMH-BAS operates tree models for wave prediction: • WAVEWATCH III (WW3), version 3.14 – third generation wave model (NCEP); • WAM, cycle 4 – third generation wave model (ECMWF); • SWAN, version 40.85 – a high-resolution wave forecasting model suitable for the wave propagation in the coastal zone (TU-DELFT); JCOMM-4, Yeosu, 23-31 May, 2012

  13. Wind forcing • The surface wind components at 10 m from the numerical weather prediction operational models ARPEGE and ALADIN are used to force the wave models; • The wind fields are available on 3 hour intervals to (T+72) on a regular latitude-longitude resolution grid with: • ARPEGE: 0.25°x0.25° mesh size • ALADIN: 0.125°x0.125° mesh size JCOMM-4, Yeosu, 23-31 May, 2012

  14. Wind forcing(ARPEGE / ALADIN NWP Models) • The official numerical weather forecasting tool in NIMH – BAS is LAM ALADIN (Adaptation dynamiqueDéveloppementInterNational); • The model is common development of scientists from 15 meteorological services. This is a spectral model for regional forecasting of meteorological fields. • Initial and boundary conditions are provided global model ARPEGE JCOMM-4, Yeosu, 23-31 May, 2012

  15. ALADIN: Region & Orography JCOMM-4, Yeosu, 22-31 May, 2012

  16. Operational Wave forecast • The wave models (WW3 , WAM and SWAN) run in forecast mode, twice daily, based on 06:00 UTC and 18:00 UTC; • Wave products are available through a Internet to the Regional meteorological forecasting center in Varna and end-users; • The NIMH-BAS marine forecasting system issues “warnings of danger” in case of storm situations in the Black Sea; • In order to ensure an effective warning system and avoid public confusion, the single official voice for the issue of all weather and marine warnings and advisories must be the NMS/NHMS(WMO) JCOMM-4, Yeosu, 22-31 May, 2012

  17. Wave models output • Products from the numerical wave models: • Significant wave height; • Mean direction of wave propagation; • Mean period; • Swell wave height; • Mean Swell direction; • Mean Swell period JCOMM-4, Yeosu, 22-31 May, 2012

  18. Storm on the Black Sea: 7-8 February 2012 JCOMM-4, Yeosu, 22-31 May, 2012

  19. Storm on the Black Sea: 7-8 February 2012 JCOMM-4, Yeosu, 22-31 May, 2012

  20. Storm on the Black Sea: 7-8 February 2012 Predicted pattern of wind speed & direction for the Black Sea on February 7 and 8, 2012, ALADIN limited area atmospheric model JCOMM-4, Yeosu, 22-31 May, 2012

  21. Sea state forecast (WAVEWATCH III, SWAN)Satellite tracksSWH altimeter data along the ENVISAT JCOMM-4, Yeosu, 22-31 May, 2012

  22. High resolution coastal zone wave model SWAN (Simulating the Waves Near Shore) Predicted pattern of significant wave height and mean wave direction for the Black Sea at 00 UTC on February 8, 2012, SWAN wave model JCOMM-4, Yeosu, 22-31 May, 2012

  23. Time series (SWAN) of SWH, wind speed&direction,Black Sea storm: 7-8/2012, St. Shabla JCOMM-4, Yeosu, 22-31 May, 2012

  24. Satellite tracksSWH altimeter data along the Jason-1 и ENVISAT JCOMM-4, Yeosu, 22-31 May, 2012

  25. The existing operational forecast set-up JCOMM-4, Yeosu, 22-31 May, 2012

  26. NIMH - Oil spill drift forecast • Tanker transportation is the source of potential risks of the oil pollution in the Black Sea; • The operational oil spill drift forecasting model of Meteo-France (MOTHY) was adopted for the Black Sea; JCOMM-4, Yeosu, 22-31 May, 2012

  27. Simulation of the oil slickBay of Bourgas (Black Sea) JCOMM-4, Yeosu, 22-31 May, 2012

  28. Conclusions The marine system is designed to: • Describe and forecast the Black Sea surface state; • Mitigate damage from natural hazards and pollution; • Protect life and property on coasts and at sea; • Enable scientific research; The system is the component of the current Bulgarian National hydro-meteorological information system and a major component of the Multi-Hazard Early Warning System. JCOMM-4, Yeosu, 22-31 May, 2012

  29. Thank you for your attention! JCOMM-4, Yeosu, 22-31 May, 2012

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