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MIddleware, 27 th APAN Meeting March 3 rd , 2009. SINET3 L1-Ondemand Service Interface. Motonori Nakamura, Shigeo Urushidani National Institute of Informatics (NII). SINET3: Science Information Network 3.
MIddleware, 27th APAN Meeting March 3rd, 2009 SINET3 L1-OndemandService Interface Motonori Nakamura, Shigeo Urushidani National Institute of Informatics (NII)
SINET3: Science Information Network 3 • SINET3 is the new Japanese academic backbone network launched in April 2007 for more than 700 universities and research institutions. • It has 63 edge and 12 core nodes and deploys Japan’s first 40 Gbps lines between Tokyo, Nagoya, and Osaka. 622 Mbps 622 Mbps Los Angeles 10 Gbps New York 10 Gbps : 40 Gbps : 10 to 20 Gbps : 1 to 20 Gbps : Core Node : Edge Node Nagoya Osaka Tokyo Japan’s first 40 Gbps (STM256) lines
Service Features in SINET3 • SINET3 emphasizes four service aspects: transfer layer, virtual private network (VPN), quality-of-service (QoS), and bandwidth on demand. • It provides all services on a single network platform, and users can freely choose the best transfer layer services for their applications.
Bandwidth on Demand (BoD) Services • SINET3 provides bandwidth-on-demand (BoD) services as part of layer-1 services. • Users can specify the destinations, duration, bandwidth with granularity of about 150Mbps, and route option,via simple Web pages. • BoD server receives path setup requests from users, calculates the appropriate routes, schedules accepted reservations, and triggers layer-1 path setup. Hokkaido Web-based Interface (Destination, Duration, Bandwidth, & Route option) Layer-1 BoD Server User 1 Gbps (13:00-14:00) Layer-1 path setup trigger Osaka Fukuoka 2 Gbps (17:00-18:00) On-demand layer-1 path 1 Gbps (15:00-16:00) SINET3 Tokyo
Architecture for BoD Services • BoD server receives reservation requests, performs path calculation, schedules accepted requests, and triggers layer-1 path setup to source layer-1 switch. • Source layer-1 switch sets up layer-1 path toward destination using GMPLS. • BoD server changes path bandwidth for L2/L3 traffic by LCAS via L1-OPS as needed. Destinations, Duration, Bandwidth, & Route Option Layer-1 BoD Server Scheduling Route calculation User Front-end Path control Resource management Path setup trigger L1-OPS Path setup request GMPLS control and management plane GMPLS L1SW L1SW L1SW L1SW On-demand L2 MUX L2 MUX Ethernet IP Hitless bandwidth change by LCAS IP Router IP Router
Service Parameters of L1 BoD Services • BoD server allows users to specify connection style + destinations, duration, bandwidth, & route option via Web-based interface. Connection Style + Destinations : VPN-A Duration : VPN-B : Non-VPN Pre-configured interfaces - Start Time & - Finish Time (in 15 minute intervals) VPN Extranet Public Route Option Bandwidth VC-4 Granularity (approx. 150 Mbps) - “Minimum Delay” or - “Unspecified” GE GE VC-4-7v VC-4-Av STM-64 STM-64 1 ≤ A ≤ 7 1 ≤ B ≤ 64 VC-4-17v STM-16 10GE VC-4-Bv Lambda (Full bandwidth) Bandwidth-specified
Considerations on Path Calculation • BoD server selects path (route and links) by taking into account following conditions. • Each link has different available bandwidth for L1 services which varies over time. • Each link has different delay which is a fixed value. (3) There are parallel links between core nodes. (4) There are multiple routes between source and destination nodes (1) Available bandwidth for L1 (2) Delay 12ms Sapporo Kanazawa Available bandwidth for L1 services 7ms Tokyo2 Link Bandwidth 7ms 1ms 3ms 5ms Tokyo1 Tsukuba Sendai L2/L3 Traffic Pattern Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun (4) Multiple Routes (3) Parallel Links 1.05 Gbps (VC-4-7v) Fukuoka Hiroshima Kyoto Kanazawa Router Router 0.6 Gbps (VC-4-4v) Link Aggregation & Load Balancing VCAT Tokyo2 L1SW L1SW L1 Path 0.45 Gbps (VC-4-3v) Matsuyama Osaka Nagoya Tokyo1 VCAT
Backbone Topology and Current BoD User Sites • SINET3 has 16 core layer-1 switches and 63 edge layer-1 switches, and has multiple routes and parallel links between core layer-1 switches Yamaguchi Univ. L1SW Doshisha Univ. L1SW Hokkaido Univ. L1SW Kyushu Univ. L1SW : Edge L1SW : Core L1SW Fukuoka L1SW Hiroshima L1SW Kyoto L1SW Kanazawa L1SW Sapporo L1SW Tokyo2 L1SW Tokyo1 L1SW-3 Osaka L1SW-1 Nagoya L1SW-1 Nagoya L1SW-2 Tokyo1 L1SW-2 Matsuyama L1SW Osaka L1SW-2 Tokyo1 L1SW-1 Tsukuba L1SW Sendai L1SW Osaka Univ. L1SW NIFS L1SW NAOJ L1SW NII L1SW KEK L1SW
Interface Between BoD Server and L1-OPS CORBA (TMF-814) L1-BoD Server L1-OPS L1SW TL1 createSNC REQ Path registration REQ Path registration RESP Path setup REQ Path setup RESP createSNC RESP Path setup CMPLD Path info retrieving REQ Path info retrieving RESP Notification (create CMPLD) getSNC REQ Path info retrieving REQ Path info retrieving RESP getSNC RESP deleteSNC REQ Path release REQ Path release RESP deleteSNC RESP Path release CMPLD Path deregistration REQ Path deregistration RESP Notification (delete CMPLD)
Current Projects using L1 BoD Services (1) • Three projects (eVLBI, high-quality remote backup, and new video communication) are using L1 BoD services. * VLBI: Very Long Baseline Interferometory eVLBI project High-quality remote backup project Detected Fringe (June 12th ) Tomakomai Hokkaido Univ. : 2.4 Gbps : 0.15G to 1 Gbps : L1 Switch Gifu : L1 Switch Yamaguchi Tsukuba NII&NTT (Tokyo) NAOJ (Tokyo) Osaka Univ. Kyushu Univ. NAOJ: National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
Current Projects using L1 BoD Services (2) • t-Room --- a room-sharing video system that allows people to simultaneously experience "distant space" and "remote time“. Users feel as if they are in the same room. • Folding the spaces of Kyoto, Atsugi, present, past onto the space where you are overlapping spaces (rooms) and overcoming time and space constraints. “Monolith” Building Module: Present Local Room 2 Room 1 Room 3 side view (left) and front view (right). HDV Camera Past Kyoto 195 cm 142 cm PCs 65’’ LCD Panel Present Atsugi Effective Screen Size: 142 cm x 80 cm 47 cm Pathway Monolith 3.0 m 65’’ LCD Panel HDV Camera
Examples of Path Setup/Release Time • Setup(release) time was defined as the difference between the time at that BoD server sends “create(delete)SNC REQ” and the time at that it receives “notification (create(delete) CMPLD)”. • We first created each path in series after receiving “notification (create CMPLD)” but we refined the mechanism to create paths in parallel right after receiving “createSNC RESP.” 1.05 Gbps (setup) 1.05 Gbps (release) Setup (in series) Release (in series) 600 Mbps (setup) 600 Mbps (release) Release (in parallel) Setup (in parallel) 150 Mbps (setup) 150 Mbps (release) [min] [min] 11 6 Kyushu Univ. – Hokkaido Univ. (17) 10 Osaka Univ. – Hokkaido Univ. (7) 5 9 Yamaguchi - NAOJ (7) 8 (17) 4 7 (17) Gifu - NAOJ 6 Path setup/release time Path setup/release time Tsukuba - NAOJ (4) 3 NII – Hokkaido Univ. 5 (4) (17) (17) 4 2 (2) 3 (2) 2 1 (1) 1 (1) (1) 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 The number of transit switches The number of transit switches (a) e-VLBI project (b) High-quality remote backup project
More General Architecture for BoD Services • We are planning to provide GMPLS-UNI-based services in addition to reservation-based services. Forwarding adjacency (FA) paths are preliminary established to manage the services. • BoD server receives the information of GMPLS-UNI paths via L1-OPS. If GMPLS-UNI paths are established on unexpected routes, BoD server forcibly tears down them. Reservation-based Service (Destinations, Duration, Bandwidth, & Route Option) BoD Users Layer-1 BoD Server Admission control, Scheduling Path calculation HTTP(S) Front-end Path and bandwidth control Resource management PC CORBA Signalling-based Service (Destination and Bandwidth) L1-OPS GMPLSControl and Management Plane GMPLS-UNI GMPLS L1SW L1SW L1SW L1SW Server L2 MUX L2 MUX Path for L2/L3 Path for L2/L3 Path for L2/L3 Ethernet IP Hitless Bandwidth Change by LCAS Router Router
Open Issues • Admission control toward full-scale operations • If the total requested bandwidth exceeds the available bandwidth of a link, we try to rearrange pre-assigned paths for “unspecified” routes to accommodate as many paths as possible. • If the rearrangement fails, the BoD server informs the network operators about the situation. We seek negotiated solutions whereby network operators change the bandwidth and duration among users while we limit the number of users of the BoD services. We need an effective admission control algorithm that fairly selects from among the requests. • Improvement of layer-1 path setup/release times • We would like to improve the path setup/release times but this depends on the specifications of vendor products. • Dissemination of BoD services to new scientific research areas • We would like to explore new scientific research areas which effectively utilize the properties (low delay, no delay variance, and no packet losses ) of on-demand layer-1 paths.
References • S. Urushidani, J. Matsukata, K. Fukuda, S. Abe, Y. Ji, M. Koibuchi, S. Yamada, K. Shimizu, T. Takeda, I. Inoue, and K. Shiomoto, “Layer-1 bandwidth on demand services in SINET3,” IEEE Globecom 2007, Dec. 2007. • S. Urushidani, K. Fukuda, Y. Ji, S. Abe, M. Koibuchi, M. Nakamura, S. Yamada, K. Shimizu, R. Hayashi, I. Inoue, and K. Shiomoto, “Resource allocation and provision for bandwidth/networks on demand in SINET3,” 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Bandwidth on Demand, April 2008. • S. Urushidani, S. Abe, Y. Ji, K. Fukuda, M. Koibuchi, M. Nakamura, S. Yamada, R. Hayashi, I. Inoue, and K. Shiomoto, “Design of versatile academic infrastructure for multilayer network services,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, April 2009 (to appear). • S. Urushidani. K. Shimizu, R. Hayashi, H. Tanuma, K. Fukuda, Y. Ji, M. Koibuchi, S. Abe, M. Nakamura, S. Yamada, I. Inoue, and K. Shiomoto, “Implementation and evaluation of layer-1 bandwidth-on-demand capabilities in SINET3,” IEEE ICC2009, Jun. 2009 (to appear).