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Do Cell Phones Cause Cancer?. Lakshmi Jagannathan 11/30/05. How Cell Phones Work. Making a call: Voice Radio Waves Base Station Receiving a call: Base Station Radio Waves Voice. Radiowaves. Radiowaves- Radiofrequency energy Form of Non-Ionizing Radiation
Do Cell Phones Cause Cancer? Lakshmi Jagannathan 11/30/05
How Cell Phones Work • Making a call: Voice Radio Waves Base Station • Receiving a call: Base Station Radio Waves Voice
Radiowaves • Radiowaves- Radiofrequency energy • Form of Non-Ionizing Radiation • Ionization: High levels of energy that cause damage to biological tissues, including DNA • Heats Tissue • Damages Tissue • Causes Diseases like Cancer • Ex: Medical X-Ray= High Doses Pose Risks
When did this ‘concern’ start? • 1993: David Reynard’s Lawsuit • Claimed that wife’s fatal brain tumor caused by cell phones • Appeared on Larry King Live • Results: Case Dismissed for lack of scientific and medical evidence • Significance: First to enter public domain
Second Major Trial • 2000: Chris Newman’s $800 million lawsuit • Neurologist: Malignant tumor behind right ear • Court/Judge: 23-page ruling or “textbook” that shows the court’s emphasis on scientific evidence • Result: No evidence that cell phone caused cancer • Significant: Another Major Setback for people who claim that cell phones cause cancer
Animal Testing • 1997: Test on Mice in Royal Adelaide Hospital, Australia • Procedure: 200 mice- 100 exposed to pulsed digital phone radiation; 100 controls • Result: • Significant increase in B-cells (implicated in 85% of all cancers) • After 18 months, exposed group had twice as many tumors • Problem: Mice sometimes exposed to 20 hours of radiation!! Therefore, not very comparable to humans
Significant Studies/Tests • Experiment: Patients with brain cancer were compared to patients without brain cancer, in terms of their past cell phone usage • Description: 1) Stockholm: • 233 brain cancer patients diagnosed between 1994 and 1996 to 466 controls 2) New York, Providence, and Boston: • Conducted by American Health Association • 469 brain cancer patients between 1994 and 1998 to 422 controls
Significant Studies/Tests • Description 3) Phoenix, Boston, and Pittsburgh: • Conducted by U.S National Cancer Institute • 782 cancer patients between 1994 and 1998 with 799 controls 4) Denmark: Largest Cohort Study • Attempted to Link 420,095 users between 1982 to 1995 to Danish Cancer registry
Results of Studies/Tests Three Main Results: 1) Patients with brain cancer did not report more cellular phone use overall than the controls. All types of cancers and all locations were considered 2) None of the studies showed a "dose-response relationship“: Brain Cancer didn’t increase with more cell phone usage 3) No Clear Link between the side of the head that the brain cancer occurred and where the cell phone was used
Who Regulates Cell Phones? • FDA (Food and Drug Administration): • Responsible for monitoring electronic products to ensure acceptable amounts or raditation emission • FCC (Federal Communications Commission) • Places Limits on Radio emission waves from all mobile phones
What can we make out of all of it? • Cell Phone: Relatively New Technology • Lack of Ionizing Radiation and Low Energy Level Emitted: Unlikely that this device causes cancer • Several well-designed and studies found no link between cancer and cell phone • Some recent studies found a POSSIBLE link to acoustic neuroma, a rare tumor that develops behind the ears not a valid claim! • FDA says: “highly impossible”
Summary • John E. Moulder, Ph.D., a cancer researcher and professor of radiation oncology at the Medical College of Wisconsin says: • “From the physics standpoint [only 6/10 of a watt emitted even if cell phone is right against the skull], biological effects from mobile phones are ‘somewhere between impossible and implausible.’” • "Some people think the power emitted by the phones is so low, it's a silly thing to research. But I think it remains a legitimate area of study."
Remedy? • BioPro Technology EMF protection- for all household products • Harmonizes frequencies and makes it less dangerous
Video- Dangers of EMF • Dangers of EMF and Cell Phones: • www.emf-health.com
Reference • History of Cell Phones: http://www.eden.rutgers.edu/~cang/history/public.html • Dr. Moulder’s Research: Consumers' Research Magazine • Business Week • RCR Wireless News • Radiation Research • Pharmaceutical Representative • New Hampshire Business Review • Total Health • Science • FDA Consumer • New York Times