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Introduction. This training program provides an overview of hazardous waste management at the University of New Hampshire and incorporates university, federal, state and local requirements.The goal is to help you make informed decisions on handling, storage and disposal of hazardous waste at UNH.
1. Hazardous Waste Training: Management, Minimization & DisposalRevised March 2007
2. Introduction This training program provides an overview of hazardous waste management at the University of New Hampshire and incorporates university, federal, state and local requirements.
The goal is to help you make informed decisions on handling, storage and disposal of hazardous waste at UNH. Proper management of hazardous waste is integral to protecting the health and safety of UNH students, faculty and staff, as well as the environment.
This training is required when a student, faculty, or staff member first becomes a generator and must be refreshed every three years.
3. Who Must be Trained? Any person with hazardous waste related duties:
What are “hazardous waste related duties?”
Pouring hazardous waste into a waste container.
Labeling a waste container.
Moving a waste container.
Any person whose actions could affect non-compliance:
Those who are responsible for conducting inspections of hazardous waste storage areas.
Those who generate (create) the hazardous waste.
4. Main Objectives of Training Generator Responsibilities
EHS Responsibilities
5. Main Objectives of Training Day-to-day management of hazardous waste streams:
Determining what wastes are hazardous wastes.
Storing and handling waste.
Labeling waste.
Waste segregation and compatibility.
What to do when you have a full container of waste.
When and how to do a monthly inspection.
6. Main Objectives of Training Emergency response to hazardous waste spills/releases:
Using emergency equipment (spill kits).
Reporting spills.
Using alarm systems.
Response to fires/explosions.
7. Main Objectives of Training Waste minimization:
Buying chemicals.
Problematic chemicals.
8. Waste Generator Responsibilities A waste generator is expected to be knowledgeable of the wastes they generate and should know how to manage those wastes.
It is ILLEGAL to dispose of hazardous chemical waste via the sink, evaporation or dumpster!
9. Waste Generator Responsibilities A generator is responsible for identifying waste that they generate:
We do not expect you to determine if the waste is a hazardous waste. Hazardous waste determination is the responsibility of EHS.
Assume your waste is a hazardous waste (and label, store and manage it as if it is) until EHS can do a hazardous waste determination.
10. Waste Generator Responsibilities Chemical hygiene/lab safety:
When working with any hazardous chemicals (waste or reagent), wear personal protective equipment (eye/face protection, appropriate gloves and lab coat) and appropriate attire.
Shorts, sandals and other garments that leave skin unprotected are not appropriate attire!
Always wash your hands after removing gloves and before leaving the laboratory.
11. Waste Generator Responsibilities Chemical hygiene/lab safety:
Use and manage your chemical fume hood wisely.
Too many chemical containers or equipment can block airflow and compromise your safety!
12. EHS Responsibilities EHS will determine if you have a hazardous waste.
EHS will pick up waste from waste accumulation areas. We make every effort to pick up waste in a timely manner. If you need immediate assistance, please call and let us know.
EHS will provide information on hazardous waste management.
We will provide help with selecting waste containers, labeling containers, storing waste, etc.
13. EHS Responsibilities EHS will provide training for waste generators/handlers:
We use Blackboard to provide the Initial and Refresher training:
This training applies to all waste generators, so is very general. If you want more specific training for the waste generated in your lab, please let us know.
14. EHS Responsibilities We are here to keep the university in compliance with hazardous waste regulations and help you manage your waste in the best way possible.
Do not hesitate to call or email about any health or safety concerns or questions.
If we don’t know the answer, we will direct you to someone who does.
15. What is a Hazardous Waste? Any non-radioactive waste chemical or chemical contaminated debris regulated by the USEPA or State of NH.
Hazardous wastes can be solids, liquids, compressed gases, or contaminated debris.
Most chemical wastes are potentially hazardous and require disposal through EHS.
16. What is a Hazardous Waste? Hazardous waste can be divided into four general categories:
Some chemicals fall into more than one of these categories.
17. What is a Hazardous Waste? A chemical can be a hazardous chemical or waste if it has any of the following warning statements:
Flammable, ignitable, or combustible
Toxic or poison
18. What is a Hazardous Waste?
19. Waste Storage Use chemically compatible non-leaking containers with tight fitting closures. Be sure to remove or deface old labels if reusing containers for waste collection.
Use the smallest container that meets the need.
Container exterior must be uncontaminated.
Containers must be sealed and labeled at all times.
Store liquids in secondary containment trays to prevent release to the environment (floor drains, cup sinks).
20. Waste Storage When available, there are free waste bottles (4 liter or less) available in the Chemistry Stockroom of Parsons Hall. Otherwise, generators are responsible for buying waste bottles.
You may also reuse your empty reagent bottles for accumulating waste.
If you do so, remove or deface the inventory tag from the bottle and make sure the chemical inventory tag number has been removed from UNHCEMS™.
EHS only provides 20 or 60 liter waste containers.
21. Waste Storage Keep all waste containers off floors, carts and electrical equipment.
Pay close attention to floor drains, sinks and other environmental receptors.
If there is an environmental receptor near by, liquid waste must be in secondary containment.
22. Waste Storage Glass breaks!
Buy chemicals in plastic containers or shatter resistant plastic coated glass bottles.
23. Waste Storage Read labels and Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS).
Manufacturers supply much of what you need to know about the safe use and storage of a chemical.
24. Waste Storage Cabinets with doors are safer locations than open shelves for hazardous chemicals/waste.
Store corrosive, flammable and reactive chemicals/waste below eye level.
This simple task greatly reduces the likelihood of something falling from above and breaking.
25. Waste Storage Avoid placing any waste container in direct sunlight, underneath a sink or near a heat source.
Never place volatile, toxic or flammable wastes in unapproved refrigerators!
26. Waste Labeling All waste containers must have a properly completed EHS Waste Tag or Label attached to the container.
Properly completed means that ALL of the requested information on the tag has been listed.
27. Waste Labeling What information do I need on the label?
The names of all chemical constituents in the container.
No abbreviations or chemical formulas.
It is okay to estimate percentages of chemical mixtures but make sure you list everything that has been added to the container.
If you have reacted chemicals list the likely end-products and include starting materials if still present.
28. Waste Segregation & Incompatibility Chemically incompatible wastes must be segregated by physical barriers, separate cabinets or separate secondary containment trays.
Physically segregate your chemicals into their respective hazard categories (corrosive, flammable, reactive and toxic).
29. Waste Segregation & Incompatibility Generally, you should keep separate:
Flammables from oxidizers;
Acids from bases;
Acids from cyanide or sulfide bearing waste; and
Water reactive chemicals from water based waste.
Examples of incompatibles:
30. Removing Waste How do I have waste removed from my area?
As soon as the waste container is full or no longer needed request a pick-up by EHS.
To request a waste pick up
Send an email to the Hazardous Waste Coordinator.
Call the Hazardous Waste Coordinator.
Submit a pick-up request via your UNHCEMS™ homepage.
Submit a request via the Waste Management section of the EHS website.
31. Removing Waste Include the following information.
Responsible person (PI or area supervisor).
Location of waste (building/room).
Inventory of waste for disposal. Use chemical names and include the number of containers (and size). For example:
1X4 liter - Acetone, Methanol, Dichloromethane
2X100 ml - 35% Nitric Acid and Water
32. Monthly Inspections Satellite accumulation areas that have accumulated greater than 10 gallons of hazardous waste must complete a monthly inspection checklist.
The purpose of this checklist is to ensure that proper waste collection is being done and that wastes are being disposed of through EHS on a routine schedule.
33. Monthly Inspections Inspections are submitted online via the UNHCEMS™ website:
If you are a person designated by your PI to perform the monthly inspections, the link to the form will appear on your UNHCEMS™ homepage in the Compliance section.
34. Monthly Inspections The inspection form asks you to confirm that…..
All containers are clean, properly and completely labeled?
All liquid wastes near environmental receptors are being stored in secondary containment to prevent spills to the environment and to contain leaks?
Incompatible wastes are segregated from one another?
All containers securely closed?
CEMS keeps a record of your inspection – you do not have to store a hard or electronic copy.
35. Emergency Response A laboratory or work area using hazardous materials or generating hazardous waste is expected to have a spill cleanup kit.
Contact the Hazardous Waste Coordinator for spill cleanup kit selection.
Small spills involving familiar chemicals can be safely handled within the laboratory or work area using the kit.
The chemical sorbent material in the kit uses capillary action to draw in and trap the liquids.
Use the kit materials to absorb most solvents, oils, acids or bases.
36. Emergency Response Place the used sorbent and any other contaminated material in the plastic bag provided, close and label the bag.
Contact Environmental Health and Safety for disposal.
37. Emergency Response Reporting a chemical spill:
If the spill represents an increased risk of exposure to you or others-get help.
Leave the area, close all doors and call for assistance if any of the following occur:
A fire or potential for a fire dial 911/pull fire alarm.
Serious injury or a hazardous chemical exposure dial 911.
Beyond your ability to control call EHS (2-4041).
The spill has left the immediate area or threatens other areas call EHS (2-4041).
Unknown materials are involved call EHS (2-4041)
38. Emergency Response Reporting a chemical spill:
Notify everyone in the area that a spill has occurred.
If needed, provide immediate first aid.
Eliminate potential sources of ignition, such as lights, motors, Bunsen burners, etc.
Leave the room (or area) immediately and close the door behind you.
Secure the area, prevent others from entering.
If a fire, potential fire or medical emergency is not involved, call UNH EHS (2-4041) to report the spill.
If the spill occurs after hours call 911.
39. Emergency Response When reporting a spill:
State your NAME
Give your EXACT LOCATION (building and room number)
Explain the CHEMICAL SPILLED (type, concentration and quantity)
Describe any SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES that may be involved.
Leave a PHONE NUMBER if you are remaining in the area.
40. Emergency Response Do not re-enter the area until the appropriate authorities determine that the area is safe!
41. Emergency Response First-aid for chemical emergencies:
Go to the nearest eyewash station or safety shower.
Flush the contaminated area with large volumes of water (for 10-15 minutes if possible).
While flushing, remove any clothing that may have been contaminated.
Call out for help and instruct them to dial 911.
Continue flushing until emergency response personnel arrives.
42. Waste Minimization What you can do…….
Only purchase what you can reasonably expect to use during the next 6 months.
Purchase containers in the smallest practical size. Whereas the per amount cost may be greater, significant savings are realized in reduced disposal cost and safer storage.
When possible, buy what you specifically need. It is often possible to buy pre-made products or reagents.
Check out the chemicals available for adoption on the UNHCEMS™ site.
You may be able to save some money and prevent future disposal cost.
43. Waste Minimization What you can do…….
Label all containers (including any stock or working solutions) with the following information:
Name of chemical or stock solution.
Date made (mm/dd/yyyy).
Your initials and department.
Hazard warning if applicable.
44. Waste Minimization What you can do…….
Unknown materials are waste and must be assumed to be hazardous.
Characterization and disposal of “unknowns” are VERY EXPENSIVE!
The hazardous characteristics of an unknown must be determined on site by a private contractor.
45. Waste Minimization Do NOT allow “Unknowns.”
All containers must be labeled!
46. Waste Minimization What you can do…….
Avoid buying problematic chemicals! These include:
Compressed gas cylinders containing toxic or reactive chemicals.
Mercury (in any form).
Ethyl ether, dioxane, and other peroxide formers.
Uranyl acetate and uranyl nitrate.
Seek alternatives. Contact EHS for assistance.
47. Additional Information EHS pays for the cost of hazardous waste disposal.
Ensure that all departing faculty, staff, postdocs and students dispose of chemicals wastes before they leave campus.
Contact EHS at least two weeks prior to leaving campus to arrange for pickup.
Wash/rinse water generated from washing empty glassware and apparatus may be sink disposed.
48. Additional Information Photographic fixer and developer may not be disposed of in sink drains.
EHS provides dark-rooms with collection containers for photo- graphic chemical recycling.
49. Additional Information There are other types of waste that are considered hazardous and are regulated by the EPA, State of New Hampshire, or other regulatory agency.
50. Additional Information Pharmaceutical drugs and controlled drugs regulated by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) have special licensing, receipt, inventory and disposal procedures.
Contact EHS for more information.
Paints, solvents, thinners, and other “maintenance” products (drain cleaner, lube oil, etc) are potentially hazardous and may require special handling.
Contact EHS for more information.
51. Additional Information Universal wastes are hazardous wastes that are less stringently regulated than chemical hazardous waste:
Batteries (lead acid, nickel cadmium, lithium);
Fluorescent lamps;
Cathode Ray Tubes (monitors);
Automotive antifreeze;
Certain pesticides.
Contact EHS to dispose of Universal Waste.
52. Additional Information UNHCEMS™ is a valuable tool for managing your chemical inventory.
With UNHCEMS™ you can…..
View and update your chemical inventory.
View free chemicals up for adoption.
View your waste generation.
View and edit your emergency signage.
53. Summary Anyone who generates or works with hazardous waste must be trained (initially, and every three years after).
All hazardous wastes must be properly collected, labeled, stored and given to EHS for disposal.
Hazardous waste generators should be prepared for spills and respond appropriately to releases of hazardous waste.
54. Summary Waste minimization includes buying only the chemicals you need, preventing unknowns and avoiding “problem” chemicals.
For additional information on safe work practices dealing with hazardous waste contact the Hazardous Waste Coordinator (862-3526).
55. Quiz In order to receive credit for taking this presentation, you must complete the quiz.
If you require assistance with the training or the quiz, please contact the Hazardous Waste Coordinator at 862-3526.