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Breaking the silence:

Breaking the silence:. The cost of gender based violence. The effects of violence. Immediate Injuries Death Poor social functioning skills Lost workdays Expenditures on medical , protection and social services.

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Breaking the silence:

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  1. Breaking the silence: The cost of genderbased violence

  2. The effects of violence Immediate Injuries Death Poor social functioningskills Lostworkdays Expenditureson medical, protection and social services In India, a womanloses an average of at least 5 paidworkingdays for each incident of intimatepartner violence…

  3. The effects of violence Inter-generational Increasedanxiety Depression Low self-esteem Poor schoolperformance Riskof becomingabusers or victimslater in life In Costa Rica, CzechRepublic, Phillipines, Poland and Switzerland, boys whowitnessedtheirfathersusing violence againsttheirmotherwere 3 times more likely to use violence againsttheirpartnerslater in life.

  4. The effects of violence Individual Injuries Mental Illnesses Death Substance Abuse Sexualand Reproductive HealthProblems Lostworkdays, lowerproductivity and lowerincome Overallreducedor losteducational, employment social or political participation opportunities In the United States, 11.8 percent of new HIV infections amongwomen over 20 wereattributed to intimatepartner violence…

  5. The cost of violence to the world…. What violence costs in billions of USD to countries…. What violence costs to the growth of countries….

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