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Europeana : The EU’s Digital Library . What is Europeana ?. Europeana is a gateway to the digital resources of Europe’s museums, libraries, archives and audio-visual collections .
What is Europeana? • Europeana is a gateway to the digital resources of Europe’s museums, libraries, archives and audio-visual collections. • It is a multilingual space where users come to engage, share in and be inspired by the rich diversity of Europe’s cultural and scientific heritage. • Europeana is a trusted source connecting users directly to authentic and curated material.
Purpose and Legal Status • to provide access to Europe's cultural and scientific heritage by way of a cross-domain portal • to facilitate formal agreement across museums, archives, audiovisual archives and libraries on how to co-operate in the delivery and sustainability of a joint portal • to stimulate and facilitate initiatives to bring together existing digital content • to support and facilitate digitization of Europe's cultural and scientific heritage • LEGAL STATUS: The Foundation is incorporated under Dutch law as StichtingEuropeana and is housed within the KoninklijkeBibliotheek, the national library of the Netherlands. It provides a legal framework for the governance of Europeana, employing the staff, bidding for funding and enabling the sustainability of the service.
What is Europeana: 4 perspectives • For users:Europeana is a single access point to millions of books, paintings, films, museum objects and archival records that have been digitized throughout Europe. It is an authoritative source of information coming from European cultural and scientific institutions. • For heritage institutions:Europeana is an opportunity to reach out to more users, increase their web traffic, enhance their users' experience and build new partnerships. • For professionals in the heritage sector:Europeana is a platform for knowledge exchange between librarians, curators, archivists and the creative industries. • For policy-makers and funders:Europeana is a prestigious initiative endorsed by the European Commission, and is a means to stimulate creative economy and promote cultural tourism.
Content • Images - paintings, drawings, maps, photos and pictures of museum objects • Texts - books, newspapers, letters, diaries and archival papers • Sounds - music and spoken word from cylinders, tapes, discs and radio broadcasts • Videos - films, newsreels and TV broadcasts • No direct downloads
Facts and Figures over 20 million objects from more than 1500 institutions from 32 countries.
The Europeana Model • Centralized funding and coordination • Content aggregation model • Content recruitment through Council of Content Providers and Aggregators • Ingest and improve metadata • Portal and APIs • Virtual exhibits
Metadata • Works with a mixed metadata model as each provider uses metadata that is appropriate to the project and/or sector (library, museum, archive) • Uses the European Data Model • EDM is designed as a framework for collecting, connecting and enriching the descriptions provided by Europeana data providers • Uses well-known standards such as the Resource Description Framework (RDF), the OAI Object Reuse and Exchange (ORE), and Dublin Core namespaces
Searching Europeana • Uses a Semantic search engine • Based on who, what, when, where • Who: Names of actors, authors, architects, artists, choreographers, composers, conductors, dancers, film directors, musicians or photographers. • What: Words from titles of books, poems, newspapers, paintings, photographs, films or television programmes. • Where: Names of towns, cities or countries within Europe or around the world. • When: Dates (e.g. 1945) such as the year you were born in or a famous date in history or a period (e.g. Roman or Medieval). • Supports Boolean logic • You can also filter your search results • By media type - will display only objects of a selected media type (images, text, video or sound) • By language - will display only objects with descriptions in selected languages • By date - will display only objects with selected dates • By country - will display only objects from selected countries • By provider - will display only objects from selected institutions • By rights - will display only objects with selected rights of use
Exploring Europeana • With curatorial expertise: Our virtual exhibitions help you discover and learn more about specific themes,. • Yiddish Theatre in London • World War One in pictures, letters and memories • By Newest content: See the latest contributions from our partner museums, libraries, archives and audio-visual archives • By provider: Browse through the collections from a specific institution and open doors to any museum, library, archive and audio-visual archive that provides content to Europeana • Through time: The interactive Timeline lets you see items categorised by date • World War • On a map: The Map view shows as purple circles with the size of the circle indicating the amount of objects on Europeana for the given search in a specific location. • Isaac Newton