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Other command forms

Other command forms. Avancemos 3 – Unidad 2 Lección 1. Command forms:. In English, commands almost always stay the same. Stop! is Stop! regardless of who you are speaking to.

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Other command forms

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  1. Other command forms Avancemos 3 – Unidad 2 Lección 1

  2. Command forms: • In English, commands almost always stay the same. Stop! is Stop! regardless of who you are speaking to. • In English when you include yourself in a group (we), you simply add “let’s” in front of the verb to form the command: • In Spanish, there are more variations of the command form. In this PowerPoint, we will look at the usted/ustedes/nosotros command forms: • Example: Stop! (command in English) = in Spanish ¡Para! (tú command) ¡Pare! (usted command) ¡Paren! (ustedes command) BUT ¡Paremos! = Let’s stop! (nosotros command)

  3. Otrosmandatos: • So far we have learned how to construct affirmative and negative commands with “tú” • We also need to know the command forms used with “usted”/ “ustedes” and “nosotros”. • The good news is – once you know how to conjugate a negative tú command, usted, ustedes, and nosotros commands are easy!! • You follow the same 3 step process as for negative tú commands but use a different opposite ending 

  4. Usted and ustedes commands: The 3 step process: • 1. Go to the YO form • 2. Drop the “o” • 3. Add the opposite ending (For AR verbs either e (usted) or en (ustedes) (For ER/IR verbs either a (usted) or an (ustedes) Example 1: Tirar Yotiro ¡(No) tire! ¡(No) tiren! Example 2: Comer Yocomo ¡(No) coma! ¡(No) coman!

  5. Nosotros commands The 3 step process: • 1. Go to the YO form • 2. Drop the “o” • 3. Add the opposite ending (For AR verbs use emos) (For ER/IR verbs use amos) Example 1: Tirar Yotiro ¡(No) tiremos! Example 2: Comer Yocomo ¡(No) comamos! The nosotros command translates as “Let’s…..” In English To make any of these commands (usted, ustedes, nosotros) negative, you simply add a NO in front of the command. YOU DON’T HAVE TO CHANGE ANYTHING ELSE.

  6. SIDES – Irregular Tú commands • As with tú commands, the same irregulars apply here. If there is an irregular “yo” form, the usted/ustedes/nosotros commands will also be irregular: We also see the same irregular SIDES verbs: • S – ser – sea/sean/seamos • I – ir – vaya/vayan/** (no)vayamos • D – dar – dé/dén/demos • E – estar - esté/estén/estemos • S – sepa/sepan/sepamos ** exception – To say “Let’s go”, use “¡Vamos!” BUT To say “Let’s not go”, use “vayamos”

  7. CAR/GAR/ZAR verbs • As with the negative tú commands, verbs that end in CAR/GAR/ZAR will require a spelling change in the usted/ustedes/nosotros commands (c-qu, g-gu, z-c): Buscar: Yobusco - ¡busque!/¡busquen!/¡busquemos! Organizar: Yoorganizo - ¡organice!/¡organicen!/¡organicemos! Jugar: Yojuego - ¡juegue!/¡jueguen!/¡juguemos!

  8. Unapráctica • Don’t delegate (Uds.) • Give (Ud.) • Be nice (Uds.) • Let’s go • Don’t play (Uds.) • Start (Ud.) • Take out (Uds.) • Let’s not change • ¡No deleguen¡ • ¡Dé! • ¡Sean amables! • ¡Vamos! • ¡No jueguen! • ¡Empiece! • ¡Saquen! • ¡No cambiemos!

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