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Bird Eyes - Size

Bird Eyes - Size. Visual Acuity. 2. 3. Eyelids. 6. Tear Glands. 4. Outer Eye: Ossicles. 8. Great Horned Owl. Outer Eye: Sclera and Choroid. Fig. 4-38 in Podulka et al. 2004. Inner Eye: Vitrous Chamber. Fig. 7-1 in Gill 2007. Pecten. Inner Eye: Pecten. ESTABLISHED .. Vascularized.

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Bird Eyes - Size

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Bird Eyes - Size

  2. Visual Acuity 2 3

  3. Eyelids 6

  4. Tear Glands 4

  5. Outer Eye: Ossicles 8 Great Horned Owl

  6. Outer Eye: Sclera and Choroid Fig. 4-38 in Podulka et al. 2004

  7. Inner Eye: Vitrous Chamber Fig. 7-1 in Gill 2007

  8. Pecten

  9. Inner Eye: Pecten • ESTABLISHED .. • Vascularized • HYPOTHESIZED .. • Eye Temperature Regulation • Glare Reduction • Sextent • Nutrition • Oxygen • Dark Mirror for Viewing Sun Fig. 7-3 in Gill 2007

  10. Lens Fig. 4-38 in Podulka et al. 2004 10 10

  11. Anterior and Posterior Chambers 9

  12. Retina Fig. 4-38 in Podulka et al. 2004

  13. Rods and Cones Fig. 4-38 in Podulka et al. 2004

  14. Color Perception Color Vision (Mammals) Color Vision + Near UV (Birds)

  15. Importance of Near UV Radiation Perception 23 24 22 21

  16. Synapses of Rods, Cones with Sensory Neuron Axons (Blind Spots)

  17. Fovea Figs. 4-38, 4-44 in Podulka et al. 2004

  18. Tapetum Lucidum 18 17 19 Poor Will

  19. Accomodation: Lens Fig. 4-40 in Podulka et al. 2004

  20. Accomodation: Cornea (Crampton’s Muscle) Fig. 7-1 in Gill 2007

  21. Rapid Accomodation 20

  22. Myopia 13

  23. Monocular Vision American Woodcock 15

  24. Binocular Vision 16

  25. Monocular versus Binocular Vision Fig. 4-41 in Podulka et al. 2004

  26. Frequent Head Turners and Head Bobbers

  27. Enhanced Binocular Vision 25 Great Gray Owl

  28. Immobile Eyes, Flexible Necks

  29. Avian Vision Nictitating Membrane Lacrimal Gland Gland of the Nictitating Membrane Sclera Cornea Choroid Iris Pupil Vitreous Chamber Vitreous Fluid Pecten Lens Collagen Ciliary Body Anterior Chamber Posterior Chamber Aqueous Fluid Retina Blind Spot Optic Nerve Central Fovea Temporal Fovea Rods Cones Tapetum Lucidum Accomodation Crampton’s Muscle Myopia Monocular Vision Binocular Vision

  30. Fig. 4-38 in Podulka et al. 2004

  31. 1 http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/60/Ostrich_head. jpg/800px-Ostrich_head.jpg 2 http://pinker.wjh.harvard.edu/photos/santa_barbara_california/images/ red-tailed%20hawk%20hovering.jpg 3 http://www.allpropestmanagement.com/house_mouse_uc.jpg 4 http://www.hiltonpond.org/images/VireoWhiteEyedEye02.jpg 5 http://www.fws.gov/Athens/images/Common_Loon/Common%20Loon.jpg 6 http://www.schmoker.org/BirdPics/Photos/Wrens/AMDI7.jpg 7 http://www.lsi.usp.br/~bioinfo/eye/mamaleye.jpg 8 http://www.boneclones.com/images/bc-072_web-lg.jpg 9 http://www.nature.com/eye/journal/v21/n1/images/6702163f4.jpg 10 http://openlearn.open.ac.uk/file.php/1605/SK183_1_005i.jpg 11 http://www.cargilltexturizing.com/products/hydrocolloids/xanthan/ cts_prod_hydro_xan_mol-1.gif

  32. 12 http://www.ukbirdphotos.wanadoo.co.uk/Raptors/images/Peregrine%20Falcon %20flight%208922.jpg 13 http://www.sciencelearn.org.nz/var/sciencelearn/storage/ images/contexts/icy_ecosystems/sci_media/penguin_behaviour/ 5555-4-eng-NZ/penguin_behaviour_full_size_landscape.jpg 14 http://www.ducks.org/media/_global/_images/waterfowlGallery/Hooded %20Merganser.jpg 15 http://www.gatorfarm.com/bMaleBufflehead.jpg 16 http://www.maxwaugh.com/images/zoo05/owl.jpg 17 http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/96/Calf-Eye- Posterior-With-Retina-Detached-2005-Oct-13.jpg/200px-Calf-Eye-Posterior- With-Retina-Detached-2005-Oct-13.jpg 18 http://www.dpiw.tas.gov.au/inter.nsf/Images/LBUN-5K493M/$File/ fox_eyeshine.jpg 19 http://library.thinkquest.org/TQ0312800/images/poorwill.jpg

  33. 20 http://z.about.com/d/birding/1/0/f/p/1/davekull-hungrystarlings.jpg 21 http://www.naturephoto-cz.com/photos/birds/red-wing-2016.jpg 22 http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/21/Viburnum_ Berries.jpg/800px-Viburnum_Berries.jpg 23 http://sunkisland.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/female-kestrel.jpg 24 http://cache.eb.com/eb/image?id=96694&rendTypeId=4 25 http://www.themodernapprentice.com/barred_owl.jpg 26 http://www.fws.gov/canaanvalley/CVNWR%20hunting_files/woodcock.jpg

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