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Information Access Category IV Equipment Acquisition. Equipment Acquisition.
Equipment Acquisition To improve access to electronic AIDS and other health-related information resources which may require the purchase of hardware (computer equipment), software, or contractual relationships necessary to obtain a connection to the Internet for the purpose of accessing AIDS-related information or sharing AIDS-related information.
Project Examples Purchase equipment to establish computer labs at strategic locations within Latino community to enable access to needed information. Purchase software to develop mobile version of agency’s websites and HIV/AIDS comprehensive resource guide Hire consultants to to produce and syndicate culturally and linguistically appropriate messages to increase awareness and access to NLMs HIV/AIDS information resources.
Measures Access Purchases of hardware/software to access and share information Utilization of consultants/contractual relationships to access and share information
Evaluation Questions Access Was hardware/soft purchased to help agencies provide access/share materials? If so, what kind and how was it used? Were consultants/contractual relationships used to help agencies provide access/share materials? If so, who and what work did they complete?
Sample Evaluation Tools Access Equipment/software inventory Utilization log Consultant/contractual reports
Resources Harvard Family Research Project Evaluation Exchange, Understanding Cost-Benefit and Cost-Effectiveness Evaluation http://www.hfrp.org/evaluation/the-evaluation-exchange/issue-archive/methodology-15/at-what-price-benefit-cost-analysis-and-cost-effectiveness-analysis-in-program-evaluation TechSoup.org Website for Non-Profits and technology. Planning and how to articles http://www.techsoup.org/support/articles-and-how-tos/articles-by-subject?subjectid=14