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Report by: Maddy and Miranda

Report by: Maddy and Miranda. Characters. Themes. #1 Friendship requires trust #2 Being fearless is the key to life. First event.

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Report by: Maddy and Miranda

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Report by: Maddy and Miranda

  2. Characters

  3. Themes • #1Friendship requires trust • #2Being fearless is the key to life

  4. First event • A girl named Winnie Foster wanted to explore outside her house, but her parents kept her in the house. One day she ran away to explore the out grounds. On her journey she met a boy named Jesse, and she fell in love with him. She asked him how old he was he said 104 then she said really he answered alright lets go with 17. Just as Jesse was going to take her home, she tried to get some of his water, but he prevented her to. He introduced Winnie to his family, but she knew something wasn’t going to be as she planned.

  5. The disappointment The Tuck family told her their secret, the story was very interesting. The Tuck family were on a walk and were dehydrated, on their walk they found a fountain so they drank some they gave it to their horse but not their cat. One day, two men mistaken their horse for a deer so they shot it, but it came right through the horse. Then Pa got a snake bit, Jesse fell out of a tree, then ate poison toadstools, and Mae cut herself and all survived except the cat, he didn’t drink the water and died of old age.

  6. That night…….. • After they had dinner, they all went to bed, and Winnie slept on the couch. She wasn’t very pleased with that she slept on the couch full of old dusty newspapers. Winnie could not sleep at all. Later that night Jesse came down and said,” Winnie when you get older like seventeen drink the water and marry me, and we can have kids we can explore more and and and and uh…… well what ya say? “ “ Um , I am not sure.” While she said that she thought about even more. She stayed up all night thinking were they kidnapping or staying the night at a old friends house?

  7. The morning • Pa took Winnie on a canoe ride. He told her all about the life wild plants and animals and that his family didn’t really have a life. She was shy outside and sad inside and after that ride, they went back in the Tuck’s house because someone stole the horse. Then someone knocked on the door, it was the man on the yellow suite and his lawyer they were trying to get Winnie and take her home.

  8. The Gunshot!! Right when he took Winnie’s hand, Ma shot the man and killed him. She was arrested after the man in the yellow suite’s lawyer called the cops and she was found guilty. Winnie was took home by her parents. She wanted to get out of her house so she escaped AGAIN!!!! Jesse came and told her they were getting his mom out of jail, but they needed her help. And they got her out.

  9. The Jail Cell • When they got Mae out, Winnie went in there and acted like Mae, while she was doing that they escaped. Then they all became friends and they all lived happily ever after.

  10. Comments • Maddy ‘s thoughts are……. • It is amazing and I wish I was Winnie! • Miranda ‘ s thoughts are……. • I loved the book! • Also I wish I was given detail of Winnie

  11. Credits • Pictures by Google • Thank you to Mr.Kimbell for the help and idea for the power point! • Typer: Maddy • Backgrounds and pictures chosen by: Miranda • Partners : Miranda ,Maddy

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