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THE ART WORLD of WILLIAM MARR. 雙語詩 ☆ 朗誦 ☆ 繪畫 ☆ 雕塑 Bilingual poems / Reading Paintings ☆ Sculptures. 非馬 藝術世界. (5). 中秋無月 你怎麼知道 今夜 在層層烏雲之上 月亮仍是傳統的圓 而不是方或扁或三角或多角 或竟是變幻莫測的 不成其形的塊 你甚至無法確定 它只有一個 而不是滿天閃耀 如放大了的星星 當然 它也可能只是 一個人造的衛星 或虛擬世界裡 一個根本不存在的 虛擬的 零 但你知道 千里外的一雙凝眸
THE ART WORLD of WILLIAM MARR 雙語詩 ☆ 朗誦 ☆ 繪畫 ☆ 雕塑 Bilingual poems / Reading Paintings ☆ Sculptures 非馬 藝術世界 (5)
中秋無月 你怎麼知道 今夜 在層層烏雲之上 月亮仍是傳統的圓 而不是方或扁或三角或多角 或竟是變幻莫測的 不成其形的塊 你甚至無法確定 它只有一個 而不是滿天閃耀 如放大了的星星 當然 它也可能只是 一個人造的衛星 或虛擬世界裡 一個根本不存在的 虛擬的 零 但你知道 千里外的一雙凝眸 早把虛擬的零充實 混沌中飛舞的稜稜角角 早已團聚漲滿 還原成一團 你熟悉的 圓 THE MOONLESS MOON FESTIVAL how do I know, tonight above the heavy layers of dark clouds the moon is a round ball, not a flat pancake or a block of square or triangle or some formless mass and how can I be sure that there is only one moon not a cluster of man-made satellites and of course in today’s digital world I can’t rule out the possibility of the old moon being now a virtual image yet I know in my heart that thousands of miles away your gaze, penetrating the thick clouds has filled the virtual image with a pure brilliance guiding my eyes to the true moon
BIRD * BIRDCAGE * SKY open the door of the birdcage let the bird fly freely out and in the cage thus becomes the sky 鳥‧鳥籠‧天空 打開鳥籠的 門 讓鳥自由飛 出 又飛 入 鳥籠 從此成了 天空
時裝 一走出百貨公司的旋門 她便發現 她剛剛買來的時裝 已過了時 從迷你到迷地到美兮到醜兮再 回過頭去 每年她總要忙得團團轉 拉長縮短小腿 有如它們是一副三腳 不,雙腳架 而她怎麼也想不通 為什麼一件好好的時裝 一離開模特兒的身上 便縮小變形 走了模樣 FASHION Whirling through the revolving door she finds the fashion she just bought already out of style From mini to midi to maxi and back again every year she adjusts her legs as if they were a tripod, or should we say bipod And how a dress shrinks and loses its shape once it leaves the model on display
SOMEONE MUST BE CRYING -- for Iris Chang someone must be crying in such an evening wind coming from the west rain coming from the west and she is the one who can't hold her tears after seeing so many piles of white bones in history the injustice and the dead silence of the world and she is the one who once starts crying cannot stop human sins surround her like icebergs choke her with their oppressive shadows someone must be crying in such an evening wind coming from the west rain coming from the west 一定有人哭泣 一定有人哭泣 在這樣的黃昏 風從西邊來 雨從西邊來 而她就是忍不住 頭一個哭泣的那個人 對著一堆堆 歷史的白骨 人間的不義與緘默 而她就是一開了頭 便止不住哭泣的那個人 人類的罪惡 冰峰般矗立在她四周 把她籠罩在重重陰影裡 使她窒息 一定有人哭泣 在這樣的黃昏 風從西邊來 雨從西邊來
SONG OF BIRTH AND DEATH -- for a dying Somali child he wants to blow up with his last breath the collapsing balloons that hang listlessly from his mother's chest and watch them soar high into the sky on this birthday of his on this deathday of his 生與死之歌 ——給瀕死的索馬利亞小孩 在斷氣之前 他只希望 能最後一次 吹脹 垂在他母親胸前 那兩個乾癟的 氣球 讓它們飛上 五彩繽紛的天空 慶祝他的生日 慶祝他的死日
共傘 共用一把傘 才發覺彼此的差距 但這樣我俯身吻妳 因妳努力踮起腳尖 而倍感欣喜 SHARING AN UMBRELLA sharing an umbrella I suddenly realize the difference between us yet bending over to kiss you gives me such joy as you try to meet me halfway on tiptoe
吻 你的唇吻暖我的唇 或我的唇吻暖你的 都無關緊要 重要的是 我們仍有話要說 並試著把它說 好 KISSING it makes no difference -- your lips kissing my lips or my lips kissing yours what's important is that we still have something to say to each other and try to say it well
無性繁殖戀歌 我 愛 你 我我 愛愛 你你你你 我我我 愛愛愛愛 你你你你你你你你。。。 哦親愛的 你別繁殖那麼快好不好 CLONE LOVE SONG I love you I I lo v e you you you I I I I l o v e you you you you you you you you... would you please slow down a bit
山 小時候 爬上又滑下的 父親的背 仍在那裡 仰之彌高 MOUNTAIN it's still there for me to climb looming from my childhood my father's back
COMPOSITION if the sea gulls were not given a resting place the sea would surely be lonely and so the daring boats leave port and sail with their high masts 構成 不給海鷗一個歇腳的地方 海定必寂寞 冒險的船于是離岸出發了 豎著高高的桅
無夢之夜 透過心眼 我自各個角度捕捉 你的一顰一笑 要為黑夜 營造一個璀燦的夢 卻沒料到 底片感光過度 影像重疊 一夜甜黑到天亮 A DREAMLESS NIGHT from every angle I tried to capture your bright smiles for a colorful dream overexposed the images overlapped and I had a sweet dark sleep till dawn
呼氣 這陣溫柔的風 想必來自你 一個甜蜜的嘆息 此刻正誘使花兒 紛紛吐露芳香 並激發陣陣幸福的微顫 在葉子同我身上 沙沙掠過 BREATH a puff of air from your sweet sigh must have caused this breeze that entices the flowers to release their fragrance and sends a shudder passing through the leaves and me
月落 耗盡了愛情 離去時 猶頻頻 回首 而床上的魯男子 正 鼾聲大作 THE SETTING MOON her love spent yet she keeps turning her head as she leaves gazing at the vulgar man sound asleep in bed snoring loudly
秋 為一片落葉 困惑,長髮的少年 悄悄收起 流浪了一整個夏天的 吉他 迷你裙裡的 腿 愛它 否則滾蛋 沒有多少選擇的 餘地 AUTUMN Startled by a falling leaf he quietly put away his guitar and pictures of legs in miniskirts Love it or leave it that’s not much of a choice
夢之圖案 ——黃石公園遊記 太陽一下山 潛伏林中的野獸 便推擠著湧向林邊 把閃閃發光的眼睛 嵌入 枝與葉間的空隙 美麗的 夢之圖案 蠢蠢欲 騰空而去 EVENING AT YELLOWSTONE Right after sundown the animals in hiding all rush to the edge of the woods and set their twinkling eyes in the openings among the leaves and branches A beautiful dream design is waiting waiting for the call of the first star to soar into the evening sky