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A few ideas to get out of this crisis

A few ideas to get out of this crisis. Constituante. 30 years of societal evolution. 1986. 2013. The return of the pendulum. After the Conseil National de la Résistance …. … here comes the time of Thatcher and Reagan. An eroding democracy.

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A few ideas to get out of this crisis

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  1. A few ideas to get out of thiscrisis Constituante

  2. 30 years of societalevolution 1986 2013

  3. The return of the pendulum After the Conseil National de la Résistance … … herecomes the time of Thatcher and Reagan

  4. An erodingdemocracy BelgiumisrankedafterJamaica, Costa Rica and Namibia. France, the country of the « libres penseurs » ranks 37th Politics and Europe are dismissed

  5. A muchtoofinancial world Growingfinancialassets Share of the financialcompanies in the total corporate profit

  6. An asocial Europe Unemployementat 10% does not bother the European Commission People are to beblamed for the public debt

  7. A financialsector out of control A surge of the assetslocated in the taxheaven over the last 10 years Loansgiven by banks to themselves and the privatesector have increased by more than 100% from 1997 till 2010. In the meantime, the GDP growed by lessthan 20%

  8. Biasedeconomicdogmas Debt has not a negativeeffect on economicgrowthunlikesomeeconomists have argued US public spending are higherthanBelgiumregarding social transfers

  9. Degressive taxation in place of progressive one for individuals and corporates

  10. A society prone to inequalities Coefficient de GINI sur base des déclarations fiscales – Belgique – 1990/2007 Source : INS. The richest 1 % of the population owes more than 20% of the national wealth Source: Piketty

  11. A few solutions • 1) Increase the purchasing power through a wageincrease • 2) Get out of the NATO (C. de Gaulle, R. Debray) • 3) If the ESM is not a badidea, it must not beconditioned to an involvement of the IMF neither to structural adjustmentmechanisms • 4) No taxation on householdswith an income< 25.000€/year • 5) Taxation of 10% on householdswith an income of 25.000-50.000€/ year • 6) Upper marginal tax rate of at least 35% • 7) FobiddenfinancialflowsbetweenEuropeanbanks and non Europeantaxheavens. (proposition de loi Assemblée Nationale Française) • 8) Minimum corporatetax rate of 20% (P.Maystadt) • 9) Tax the corporate in the countries werethey are makingthere real business not wherethey book thereaccounting profits, suppression of the transferprice (P.Maystadt) • 10) Forbidden the CDS (adopted) • 11) Split the depositbankactivityfrom the investmentbankactivity (P. Krugman) (P. Volker) (Sir John Vickers) (P.Maystadt) • 12) Launch pan Europeaninvestmentprojectsselected by independent experts and financed by EIB project bonds (Initiative de la Commission Européenne) • 13) Replace atmaturity state loans by euro bonds. That will put an end to discussions regardingwhich country to help and what conditions wouldberequiredbeforegivingany help (proposition think tank Bruegel) • 14) Accept the ideathat GDP growthis not the onlymeasure of economichealth (S. Latouche) • 15) Requirethat all country taking part to the WTO adopt a floatingcurrency.

  12. A few solutions (to becontinued) • 16) Launch a people loan (K. Geens, ministre des Finances) • 17) Modify the ECB status in order to makeherresponsible not only of low inflation but alsoaf a minimum purchasing power level • 18) Settle a minimum Europeanwage (P. Magnette & B.Tobback) • 19) Settlerules in order to establish a « fair » trade (P. Magnette & B. Tobback), Europe must at least have some minimal customs barriers (E. Todd, J. Sapir, Commission K. De Gucht,D. Cohn Bendit) • 20) Ability of the ECB to buy state loans. • 21) New banking supervision architecture (J. de Larosière) • 22) Help cooperativebanks to belaunched • 23) Reallow a Europeanindustrialpolicy (P. Magnette) • 24) Taxation of financial transactions, Tobin tax. (adopted by 11 european countries) • 26) Meditate the following sentences: « L’économique étend sa domination préoccupante et devient le nom même du rapport entre l’homme et le monde » Pascal Blanqué and « L’économie a pris la place du sacré en ce qu’elle est sommée de « contenir », dans les deux sens du terme, la violence humaine » Jean-Pierre Dupuy • 27) Put in place a carbontax on all industrialgoodsimported by Europe.

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