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How Does Homework Assist Learning English in Grade 10 ?!!

How Does Homework Assist Learning English in Grade 10 ?!!. Done by:Zainab Aidroos EDU590. The outline. - Introduction - Background: * my motive * the purpose of the research - Literature Review - Methods : 1- research questions

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How Does Homework Assist Learning English in Grade 10 ?!!

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  1. How Does Homework Assist Learning English in Grade 10 ?!! Done by:Zainab Aidroos EDU590

  2. The outline • - Introduction • - Background: * my motive • * the purpose of the research • - Literature Review • - Methods: 1- research questions 2- participnts - Strategies • - Data Collection 1- online books • 2- websites • 3- Questionnaires • 4- interview • - Data Analysis • - Findings and discussion • - Limitations • - Conclusion • - References

  3. What is homework ? • “an extension of the classroom which allows students to internalize information that has been presented in class.” • - a link between home and school in which parents will be able to monitor their siblings. • H.W nurtures students.

  4. The benefits of H.W • 1- check students’ understanding. • 2- continue the purpose of learning • 3- develop accountability. • 4-help students to manage their time.

  5. Some reasons for not doing H.W • 1- absence • 2- not understanding the content of H.W • 3-time pressure • 4-H.W is pointless • 5-H.W is boring & repetitive

  6. The parties that are responsible of H.W • Students • Parents • Teachers

  7. Results from students

  8. The results • Most students agree (positive feeling) • -H.W stores info in their memory 59% • -like to have different types of QS 85% • -discussion leads to better answers 91% • -their teachers reward/punish them for • doing/not doing H.W 71% • -like to share homework with their classmates.88% • Some of them disagree(negative feeling) • to have a daily homework. 71% • ask for help. 50% • their teachers give challenging QS. 44% • Neutral (mixed feeling) • H.W lead to comprehension.53% • Increase motivation. 44%

  9. Results from parents

  10. The results: • Agree: • Teachers give daily H.W. 59% • Their siblings complain about H.W 74% • Enforce studying.91% • Make them responsible & accountable 85% • Disagree: • Help siblings 33% • Check correctness 33% • A waste of time. 68% • Neutral: • Teachers give different types of QS 50% • Give thinking QS 59% • Relate H.W to real life.62%

  11. Results from teachers

  12. Results from teachers • Agree: • Give students daily H.W 50% • Give different types of QS 79% • Students depend on different sources in answering QS 79% • Discussing QS leads to better answers 79% • Increases achievements 71% • Reward /punish students for doing/not doing H.W 71% • Give challenging QS 79% • Diagree: • All the students answer H.W 71% • H.W is a waste of time.79% • Neutral: • Students themselves answer H.W 50%

  13. Results of the interview -sets the H.W as a kind of revision & improve thiking skills. -Not daily because students don’t have enough time because of exams. -she prefers to ask students why and how they reach such results. -she prefers to give her sudents reading tasks as H.W because this will improve the other 3 skills.She refers to reading as “a pearl”

  14. Conclusions • At school: • Teachers: • -explinations of how to complete H.W • -provide feedback and comments *summative • *formative • -reward &punish • -encourage students to discover their weaknesses • -motivate them by giving them activities they like • -recommend a suitable amount of H.W

  15. At home: • Parents: • 1-environment:ask them/lightening is enough/ the size of the desk and chair is appropraite. • 2- supplies:calender • 3-routines:specific time/no distractions • Reminders of doing and completing H.W

  16. H.W will improve academic acheievments under certain circumstances • 1- collect & return them in a timely manner • 2-have feedback and comments • 3-have purpose in which they see the value of doing it. • 4-moderate amount of H.W • 5-not used as a punishment • 6-not something you didn’t mention in class. • 7-Generally, make it a kind of revision

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