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Understanding the Lymphatic System Functions and Disorders

Learn about the key functions of the lymphatic system, lymphoid cells, tissues, and common disorders like lymphedema, lymphadenitis, and lymphangitis. Discover treatments and important medical terminology.

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Understanding the Lymphatic System Functions and Disorders

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  1. Lymphatic System

  2. Functions • They return excess tissue fluids to the bloodstreams. • They also return leaked proteins to the blood. • And they absorb fat from the intestine to the blood. • Is basically considered the 2nd circulatory system. • Contain white blood cells to defend against germs and infections.

  3. Lymphoid cells • Lymphocytes- are the main warriors of the immune system and they arise in the red bone marrow. • T cells and B cells protect against antigen. • Activated T cells manage immune response & some attack & and destroy infected cells. • B cells- protect the body by producing plasma cells which are daughter cells that secrete antibodies into the blood. • Lymphoid macrophages also play a huge role in protection by phagocytizing foreign substance & help activate T-cells.

  4. Lymphoid Tissues • This is the most important component of the immune system 1) because it houses & provides a proliferation site for lymphocytes and 2) furnishes an ideal surveillance vantage point for lymphocytes and macrophages. • Lymphoid tissues re composed of loose connection tissue called reticular connective tissue called reticular connective tissue, which dominates all the lymphoid organs except thymus.

  5. Disorders • Lymphedema • Lymphadenitis • Lymphangitis

  6. Lymphedema • Most common lymphatic disorder is lymphedema which happen because of an accumulation of lymphatic fluids in the interstitional. • This results in swelling in the arms, legs and other body parts. • It’s a very painful infection deep in the skin. If its not treated then it becomes fibrotic with loss of normal structure, function and motion. • Treatments: Range of motion excerise, Manual Lymph Drainage(MLD).

  7. Lymphadenitis • Infection of the lymph node. Common complication of the bacterial infections. • Causes: occurs when glands become enlarged by inflammation , usually in response to bacteria, viruses, etc. • Symptoms: swollen, hard or tender lymph node. Red tender skin under Lymph node. • Treatments: antibiotics, pain killers to control pain, and surgery may be needed.

  8. Lymphangitis • Is and infection of the lymph vessel. • Symptoms: red streaks from infected area to the armpit or groin, chills, head aches, muscle aches, loss of appetite, etc. • Causes: results from an acute streptococcal infection in the skin. • Treatments: antibiotics to treat any underlying infections, anti-inflammatory medications to reduce inflammation and swelling.

  9. Terminology • Lymphadenopathy: • Lymph(o): lymph aden(o): gland pathy: disorder. • Lymphangitis: • Lymph(o): Lymph angi(o): Blood vessel itis: inflammation • Lymphoma • Lymph(o): lymph oma: tumor • Lymphangiogram • Lymph(o): Lymph angi(o): blood vessel gram: record or picture

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