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Ukrainian NTP “Food for Life”. Prof. Nadiya Boyko, Uzhhorod National University. History of Ukrainian NTP “Food for Life”. 9-10 February, 2006 , Meeting, Kyiv, NIP. Вілем Волтерс, відділ Європи, Університет Вагенінгену, Нідерланди ( Willem Wolters, Netherlands )
Ukrainian NTP “Food for Life” Prof. Nadiya Boyko, Uzhhorod National University
History of Ukrainian NTP“Food for Life” 9-10 February, 2006, Meeting, Kyiv, NIP Вілем Волтерс, відділ Європи, Університет Вагенінгену, Нідерланди (Willem Wolters, Netherlands) д-р Крістіан Патерман,директор Директорату Е-Біотехнологія, сільське господарство та продукти харчування, Генеральний директорат з досліджень, Європейська Комісія (EC, Christian Patermann) “Європейська платформа харчових технологій – продукти харчування для життя” д-р Роджер Фенік,Інститут досліджень продуктів харчування, міжнародний координатор, Велика Британія (Roger Fenwick, UK) “Польська платформа харчових технологій”– проф. Анджей Бабуховскі, координатор FPTP, Університет Вормії та Мазурії, Польща (Andjey Babushovskyy, Poland) “Медична діагностика та нутрігеноміка. Польський внесок (Lipgen and Nugo)”–д-р Івона Вибранська, Медичний коледж Ягеллонського університету, Польща (Iwona Wybrańska, NuGo project) “Роль нових високо-технологічних рішень в сучасних агротехнологіяхобробки грунтів для виробництва високоякісних та безпечних продуктів харчування рослинницького походження” (Проект FP7 “Агроекотехнологія “Агрооптімум”) Проекти“PAGEN and GENBIOTECH projects – наш шлях до наукової досконалості”– проф. Богдан Волко, Інститут генетики рослин, Академія наук Польщі, Польща(Prof. Bohdan Wolko, Poland) Проект“PomoCentre”, проф. Лес Михальчук, Дослідний інститут помології та квітництва в Скірнівіце, Польща (Prof. Les Mykhalchuk, Poland) Контроль і попередження виникнення та розвитку патогенних мікроорганізмів на клітинному та молекульрному рівнях впродовж харчового ланцюга” , проф. Кшиштоф Крайгер, факультет харчових технологій, Варшавський сільськогосподарський університет, Польща (Prof. Kshyshtof Kraiger, Poland) Досвід Варшавського сільськогосподарського університету в проектах ЄС на шляху створення центрів ”– проф. Стефан Ігнар, факультет технічних наук і екології, Варшавський сільськогосподарський університет, Польща (Prof. Stefan Ignar) Ілзе Стокмане, Латвійський інститут сільського господарства, Латвія (Ilze Stokman, Latvia) “topicalities of research in their institutions” – Ірина Кралліш, Інститут мікробіології та біотехнології, Університет Латвії, Латвія (Prof. Irena Kralish, Latvia)
CEI Consultation on the European Technology Platform Food for Life Bratislava, 20-21st September 2006 • Background: European Technology Platforms are industry-led, public/private partnerships which aim to unite stakeholder communities in support of a long-term, programme of research, communication, training and knowledge transfer which will stimulate and underpin European innovation
Bratislava, 20-21st September 2006 • Mr Miroslav Jureňa, Minister of Agriculture of the Slovak Republic • Dr Jürgen Lucas [European Commission] • C/E European [and Newly Independent State] partners were described by Dr Dóra Groó [Hungary] • Dr András Sebők [Hungary], a Board member of the ETP, described the relevance of the platform to industry, researchers, policymakers and consumers across C/E Europe. The ETP must address the aims, aspirations and opportunities of all these stakeholders within countries and across the region. • Professor Peter Raspor [Slovenia], there was consideration of national food platforms that had been established in Austria, Hungary, Italy and Poland as a direct consequence of the ETP. • Professor Roger Fenwick [UK] responded on behalf of the ETP to many of the points made during the meeting. It was true that the ETP was not yet as representative as it should be across Europe; however, it was committed to improving this situation.
There was a discussion on what were the aims of these platforms and it was agreed that these would depend on the particular circumstances of the countries concerned. It was considered that added value would be achieved by networking these platforms so that experience and best practice could be exchanged. • This network would also serve to support other countries [such as Ukraine and Romania] that were planning to establish national platforms, and also to facilitate communication [a] between stakeholders at national level, and [b] between the national platforms and the ETP. • Dr KittiNémethwould be the link between the national platforms and the ETP and would initially chair this network.
Uzhhorod National University, 29-31 October, 2006 The National Information Point for Ukraine-EU S&T Cooperation
The main problem is that up to now in Ukraine we have not yet developed a well-structured network between all Food Research and Education Institutions, Customer Service Agencies, Agricultural Universities, National Universities, Manufacture Plants, Food Additives Registration Institutions, etc. We are now at the very beginning of the process to join the EU in this domain. Nowadays, based on the experiences of other EU countries, Ukraine is developing its own “Ukrainian Technology Platform”… PROJECT Ukrainian Initiative for Development of European Technology Platform Ukrainian Technology Platform “Safe Food and Healthy Life”
(8) Health and well- being of consumers (7) Environment (6) Nutritional value/Digestion / Health impacts Fork to farm - Food, health and well being (5) Organoleptic Impact Safe, High-Quality Foods (4) Bio-Preparation (3) Storage/Transport/Retail (2) Processing (9) Production systems: Agriculture/Animal breading/ Fisheries/Aquaculture (1)
Relevant events: the way you have to go 03 December 2007; Policy makers +Thematic Workshop: Health – Infectious diseases • Debrecen, Hungary, 19th of May, 2008 Second Meeting of National Technology Platforms “Food for Life”, September 14, 2007 Stanhope Hotel, Rue du Commerce 9, 1000 Brussels, Belgium (http://www.stanhope.be) - Daniele Rossi AGENDA for the combined 2nd and 3rd round workshop for NIS participants Date: 10.10.2008 Venue: Warsaw, Poland
PRAXI/HELP-FORWARD Visit Programme • Day 1.Wednesday, 08 April 2009 • (President Hotel - Kyiv, Vul. Hospital’na, 12, room 121) • INTERVIEW (All members of the NCP Ukraine network attending) • Who are the target groups of the Ukrainian NCP/NIPs • Methods used by Ukrainian NCP/NIPs to reach their target groups • The PRAXI/HELP-FORWARD experience (Greece)
Still were in the clouds…. Academy of Science Ministry of Education and Science Government Regional Administration, etc. Government
NETWORK OF NATIONAL PLATFORMS Islanda Finlandia Norvegia Russia Estonia Svezia Lettonia Danimarca Irlanda UK Svizzera Turchia Libano Israele BaSeFood Kick off meeting 1-2-3 June 2009 Istanbul
Main sources of support - history • INTAS (5%) • PILOT - Small Collaborative Projects (15%) • Intergovernmental founds for S&T cooperation – bilateral projects (30%) • INTERREG III A, III C (5%) • Industry – so called “Husbandry Agreements” – Internal and External founds (15%) • Ukrainian budget based proposals (NATIONAL) – usually 3-years duration, with (1) fundamental and (2) practical orientation (30%)
We are here now…. • 23rd of September, 2009 – Meeting in Kiev (Kyiv) • NTP (discussion – what is it? do we need them? • Working groups – FAB, HEALTH, ENVIRONMENT, ENERGY • FP7 – association of Ukraine to Research Area of EU (ERA) • Legislation of Scientific & Technological Park in Ukraine – from 1st of January, 2010
Ukrainian NTP- united clusters 7 - Stakeholders 5 - Industrial bodies associations (more than 40 members) 6 – Policy makers 3 - Ukrainian Farmers Association (24 members) 4 – SMEs (close to 30) 2 – Research Institutes (Academy) 1 – Universities (MESU)
3rd - 4th November, 2009, Uzhhorod, Ukraine • The Agenda includes work sections in the following scientific domains: • Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, MaterialsandNewProductionTechnologies (NMP) • Health • Food, AgricultureandFisheries, andBiotechnology • EnergyandEnvironment National technological Platform launching, by NIP and MESU
N a t i o n al I n f o r m a t i o n C e n t r e on U k r a i n e - E U S&T C o o p e r a t i o n Office 801, 180 Gorkiy Street, Kyiv 03680, Ukraine, tel/fax: +380-44-529-0332, E-mail: post@fp6-nip.kiev.ua, fp@fp6-nip.kiev.ua, http://www.fp6-nip.kiev.ua
Prof. Nadiya Boyko, Uzhhorod National University - Medical Faculty, Department of Microbiology, Immunology, Virology and Etiology of Infectious Diseases 1, Narodna Sq., 88000, Uzhhorod, Ukraine - Director of the Centre for Trans-border Scientific Cooperation 46, Pidgirna St., 88000, Uzhhorod, Ukraine • E-mail: lesik@uzh.ukrtel.net (nadiya.boyko@gmail.com) • Tel: 38 0312664015/+38 03122 33148 • Fax: + 38 03126 64603 • Mobile: +38 0506275445
Strategy of The New Partners from ICPC …
EU countries together … New member…
Finally happy and accepted …..