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WP3 progress report

WP3 progress report. SEE-GRID-2 PSC06 Meeting, 22 November 2007 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Antun Balaz WP3 Leader Institute of Physics, Belgrade antun@phy.bg.ac.yu. Overview. WP3 deliverables and milestones WP3 schedule WP3 activities status WP3 issues WP3 action points.

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WP3 progress report

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  1. WP3 progress report SEE-GRID-2 PSC06 Meeting, 22 November 2007 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Antun Balaz WP3 Leader Institute of Physics, Belgrade antun@phy.bg.ac.yu The SEE-GRID-2 initiative is co-funded by the European Commission under the FP6 Research Infrastructures contract no. 031775

  2. Overview • WP3 deliverables and milestones • WP3 schedule • WP3 activities status • WP3 issues • WP3 action points SEE-GRID-2 PSC06 Meeting - Sarajevo, 22 November 2007 2

  3. WP3 Deliverables & Milestones (1) • D3.1a - Infrastructure Deployment Plan, M04 (CERN) • Describes the envisaged infrastructure deployment execution plan to be followed in the region. • Prepared and submitted on time • D3.2 - CA and RA guidelines for new candidates, M05 (GRNET/AUTH) • This deliverable describes the guidelines and best practices of the per-country CA and RA organization and policies. • Prepared and submitted on time • D3.3 - Portal specifications and functionality, M06 (SZTAKI) • This deliverable provides the characteristics and structure of the multi-grid user-oriented portal. • Prepared and submitted on time SEE-GRID-2 PSC06 Meeting - Sarajevo, 22 November 2007 3

  4. WP3 Deliverables & Milestones (2) • D3.1b - Infrastructure Deployment Plan, M14 (CERN) • Final version of D3.1. • Prepared and submitted on time • We are currently in M19 • Future:D3.4 - Infrastructure overview and assessment, M23 (UOB-IPB) • This deliverable presents an overview and assessment of the progress in the regional infrastructure and operations in the life of the project • TOC will be circulated soon SEE-GRID-2 PSC06 Meeting - Sarajevo, 22 November 2007 4

  5. WP3 Deliverables & Milestones (3) • M3.1 - Infrastructure Deployment Plan Defined • M04, Status: OK • M3.2 - CA and RA guidelines for new candidates defined • M05, Status: OK • M3.3 - Portal operational across the pilot Grid • M12, Status: OK SEE-GRID-2 PSC06 Meeting - Sarajevo, 22 November 2007 5

  6. WP3 schedule • M01 - Start of WP3 • M04 - Infrastructure Deployment Plan (M3.1, D3.1a) • M05 - CA and RA guidelines for new candidates (M3.2, D3.2) • M06-Portal specifications and functionality (D3.3) • M12-Portal operational across the pilot Grid (M3.3) • M14 - Final Infrastructure Deployment Plan (D3.1b) • M19 – We are currently here • M23 - Infrastructure overview and assessment (D3.4) • M24 - End of WP3 (and of the project) SEE-GRID-2 PSC06 Meeting - Sarajevo, 22 November 2007 6

  7. WP3 activities overview • A3.1: Implementation of the advanced SEE-GRID infrastructure (UOB-IPB/IPP) • A3.2: Network Resource Provision and BoD requirements (IPP) • A3.3: Deploy and operate Grid CAs (GRNET) • A3.4: Provide a user portal (SZTAKI) SEE-GRID-2 PSC06 Meeting - Sarajevo, 22 November 2007 7

  8. A3.1: Overview • Infrastructure status • Infrastructure size and gLite deployment status • Operations • SLA conformance monitoring per site • MPI support on SEE-GRID sites • Operational & monitoring tools deployment & integration • Accounting Portal / R-GMA • SEE-GRID Wiki status • WP3 developments • Infrastructure, Site and VO metrics SEE-GRID-2 PSC06 Meeting - Sarajevo, 22 November 2007 8

  9. Infrastructure status (1) SEE-GRID total and free CPUs in the last year SEE-GRID-2 PSC06 Meeting - Sarajevo, 22 November 2007 9

  10. Infrastructure status (2) • SEE-GRID infrastructure contains currently the following resources: • 35 sites in SEE-GRID production • Over 1150 CPUs available • Storage: 42 TB + 27 TB in preparation • All sites on gLite-3, with 12 sites on gLite-3.1 and the rest on gLite-3.0 • glite-WMSLB actively used (its 3.1 version) • Guides provided for deployment of gLite-3.1 WNs on SL4.5, for both 32-bit and 64-bit architectures • Other 64bit guides in preparation (SE_dpm will be first) • Migration to YAIM-4 in progress SEE-GRID-2 PSC06 Meeting - Sarajevo, 22 November 2007 10

  11. Operations • SLA conformance monitored per site; tools used: • HGSM, SAM, GStat, WiatG, Helpdesk • SLA conformance analysis: • SEEGRID2-WP3-RS-023-SLA-Q6-a-2007-11-16.xls • Availabilities have declined compared to Q5! • Red group (availability < 50%) has grown to 7 sites • RO-03-UPB • RO-05-INCAS • RO-06-UNIBUC • RO-09-UTCN • RO-10-TUIASI • AL-02-FIE • AEGIS06-AOB (in maintenance) SEE-GRID-2 PSC06 Meeting - Sarajevo, 22 November 2007 11

  12. Comparison of CE availabilities SEE-GRID-2 PSC06 Meeting - Sarajevo, 22 November 2007 12

  13. MPI support • MPI WG established • It will produce a set documents, recommending • MPI setup of SEE-GRID sites • Tests for MPI setup of SEE-GRID sites • Submission of MPI jobs to SEE-GRID infrastructure • Currently MPI setup is checked once a week by Grid-Operator-on-Duty, and tickets are opened to sites that advertise MPI, but MPI jobs fail SEE-GRID-2 PSC06 Meeting - Sarajevo, 22 November 2007 13

  14. Operational & monitoring tools • Operational & monitoring tools deployment status • Hierarchical Grid Site Management (HGSM) – Turkey • Service Availability Monitoring (SAM) (+ porting to MySQL) – Bosnia and Herzegovina with CERN support • Helpdesk - Romania • BBmSAM - Bosnia and Herzegovina • GridICE – FYR of Macedonia • SEE-GRID GoogleEarth – Turkey + Gidon Moont (ic.ac.uk) • SEE-GRID GoogleMaps - Turkey • Global Grid Information Monitoring System (GStat) – Min-Hong Tsai (ASGC, Taiwan) • Nagios - Bulgaria • Real Time Monitor (RTM) – Gidon Moont (ic.ac.uk) and Turkey (HGSM) • MONitoring Agents using a Large Integrated Services Architecture (MonALISA) – Romania • What is at the Grid (WiatG) – CERN with support from Serbia • Accounting Portal / R-GMA – Bulgaria • Pakiti - Greece SEE-GRID-2 PSC06 Meeting - Sarajevo, 22 November 2007 14

  15. Accounting Portal / R-GMA (1) SEE-GRID-2 PSC06 Meeting - Sarajevo, 22 November 2007 15 • Provides full accounting data • Per site/institution • Per country • Per VO • Provides full statistics for usage • Per institution • Per application (in progress) • Provides job statistics (success rates etc.) • Accounting portal is based on SEE-GRID R-GMA data • Publishing of site accounting data to R-GMA done by the deployed Java publisher, developed by IPP SEE-GRID-2 PSC05 meeting, Thessalonica, Greece - September 11-12, 2007

  16. Accounting Portal / R-GMA (2) Accounting views for SEEGRID-only sites per site accounting: • https://gserv1.ipp.acad.bg:8443/Accounting SEE-GRID-2 PSC06 Meeting - Sarajevo, 22 November 2007 16

  17. Accounting Portal / R-GMA (3) • Accounting views for SEEGRID and EGEE sites that support SEEGRID – per country/institution user accounting https://gserv1.ipp.acad.bg:8443/Accounting-2 SEE-GRID-2 PSC06 Meeting - Sarajevo, 22 November 2007 17

  18. Accounting Portal / R-GMA (4) • Accounting views for Job success rates and other statistics –in progress, currently running on our own data only. https://gserv1.ipp.acad.bg:8443/Jmon SEE-GRID-2 PSC06 Meeting - Sarajevo, 22 November 2007 18

  19. SEE-GRID Wiki • Available at • http://wiki.egee-see.org/index.php/SEE-GRID_Wiki • Many documents still missing • UKIM should be coordinating • Effort needed by all partners SEE-GRID-2 PSC06 Meeting - Sarajevo, 22 November 2007 19

  20. WP3 developments • HGSM • WiatG, WsbatG • Accounting portal • glite-yaim-seegrid customizations and packaging • apt/yum repository of SEE-GRID customized packages • SVN repository development • RB/WMS monitoring tool development, packaging and deployment • GridMap customizations and deployment SEE-GRID-2 PSC06 Meeting - Sarajevo, 22 November 2007 20

  21. Infrastructure, Site and VO metrics • Infrastructure growth over time (sites, CPUs, storage, memory?) • Bandwidth growth? • Site availabilities and downtimes (CE, SE) • Accounting data (per site, per country, per application, per VO, per user community, time distribution); SEEGRID VO + national VOs • Job success rates (per site, per country, per application, per VO, per user community, time distribution); SEEGRID VO + national VOs • VO membership time evolution, distribution per country, per application, per user community; SEEGRID VO + national VOs SEE-GRID-2 PSC06 Meeting - Sarajevo, 22 November 2007 21

  22. A3.2: Status • IPP • Status of the infrastructure and plan for expansion • 5 sites infrastructure – significantly stable with good up-time • All sites upgrading now to SL4 WNs and gLite 3.1.0. • New grid site in progress with 12 WNs in Geophysical Institute. • Core services, monitoring tools: • R-GMA: graphical on-line user interface • Accounting information: https://gserv1.ipp.acad.bg:8443/Welcome • Accounting by SEEGRID-only sites • Application Accounting • Job monitoring Accounting (need to add the data from all RB and WMS) . • FTS: used in production by SALUTE • WMS – run stable using a better hardware. • BDII stability and capability improvements SEE-GRID-2 PSC06 Meeting - Sarajevo, 22 November 2007 22

  23. A3.3: Status • New accredited CAs in the Region • Romanian CA (ROSA CA) • Accreditation request on January 25, 2006 • Under review by GridAUTH team, PK-GRID CA and CESNET CA (on behalf of EUGridPMA) • Accredited on August 1, 2007 • Fully operational • Grid CA candidates • Montenegro CA (MREN CA) • CP/CPS reviewed by GridAUTH (via see-ca-incubation mailing list) on July 10, 2007 • F.Y.R.O.M. CA (MARGI CA) • Accreditation request on May 4, 2007 • First CP/CPS not yet available SEE-GRID-2 PSC06 Meeting - Sarajevo, 22 November 2007 23

  24. A3.4: Status • SZTAKI • SEE-GRID user portal is operational • Maintenance/portal user support • Collaboration with Turkish partner (P-GRADE Portal Developer Alliance) • METU finished the Certificate and File manager portlet • It is merged with P-GRADE 2.5v • Testing is ongoing task • Problems with accounting (Action Point) • P-GRADE Portal received attention on Supercomputing'07 • P-GRADE Portal 2.5 goes open source (announced on EGEE'07) SEE-GRID-2 PSC06 Meeting - Sarajevo, 22 November 2007 24

  25. WP3 issues and action points (1) • Deployment of the Moldova site (MD) • MD-01-TUM certified last weekend • Other sites? • Deployment of all Albanian sites (AL) • Difficult due to organizational changes; status? • SLA conformance needs to be improved (RO – 5 sites) • MPI WG should produce recommendation documents • End of November • Helpdesk improvements needed – statistics extraction needs to be perfected (RO) • End of November • Wiki reorganization and updates ASAP finished (UKIM) • End of November SEE-GRID-2 PSC06 Meeting - Sarajevo, 22 November 2007 25

  26. WP3 issues and action points (2) • Migration to SL4 gLite-3.1 on WNs, since gLite-3.0 will not be supported after December (ALL) • Application SEEGRID VO VOMS groups to be used by WP4 application developers (ALL) • The use is documented on the Wiki • HGSM further developments (TR) • Site application support • Knowledge base of helpdesk tickets relevant for application development • Initial set of tickets selected and put to the knowledge base by WP4 leader • From now on, GOODs should put all tickets that may be relevant for application development to the knowledge base SEE-GRID-2 PSC06 Meeting - Sarajevo, 22 November 2007 26

  27. WP3 issues and action points (3) • SEEGRID VO commitments (RS-IPB) • End of November • Review of critical SAM tests (RS-IPB) • End of November • R-GMA test will become critical • Metrics for final review to be specified • Proposal to be discussed • End of November • Further development of Accounting Portal, so that the metrics and graphs specified can be obtained directly (BG) • Tables and graphs should give data by VOs (all VOs supported by SEE-GRID sites, not only some combinations; set of VOs should be selectable), applications (by name!), institution, country • Mid-December? SEE-GRID-2 PSC06 Meeting - Sarajevo, 22 November 2007 27

  28. WP3 issues and action points (4) • Core services deployment • Status • FYROM (WMS+LB and LFC already deployed for SGDEMO?) • Bosnia and Herzegovina (LFC already deployed; BDII) • Montenegro (WMS+LB) • Mid-December? • Broker stability • Tested at AEGIS01-PHY-SCL (wms.phy.bg.ac.yu) • New 3.1 WMS+LB shows improved stability over the old 3.0 WMS+LB • RB/WMS monitoring tool used for on-line status check and problems detection SEE-GRID-2 PSC06 Meeting - Sarajevo, 22 November 2007 28

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