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Earliest Sports

Earliest Sports. By:Kingsley Ebirim Mike Trojan Will Harvel Mike Reichek Mike Hallstrom. Cock Fighting. Can be traced back to 6000 years ago in Persia Used gamecocks to fight each other These gamecocks are specially bred for stamina and strength

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Earliest Sports

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  1. Earliest Sports By:Kingsley Ebirim Mike Trojan Will Harvel Mike Reichek Mike Hallstrom

  2. Cock Fighting • Can be traced back to 6000 years ago in Persia • Used gamecocks to fight each other • These gamecocks are specially bred for stamina and strength • The roosters had special blades attached to their claws for extra harm to the other

  3. Ancient Egyptians 3000 BC

  4. Fishermen's Joust • fisherman took their boats into the Nile River and attempt to knock each other off of boat • Many fishers were unable to swim so they would drown • Boatmen would brutally attack each other

  5. Mayan Sports 2000 BC • The Mayans had a game pre the Egyptians which looked like soccer but you were put to death if you lost. • The Mayan form of soccer is the only form of sports that were recorded pre Greece . • The Greeks were the first to fully record games, however they were all male sports.

  6. Ulama • 3500 years old • rubber balls have been found that date back to 1600 B.C. • object is to keep the ball in play • how to score, if other team: • hits ball out of turn or miss ball • knocks the ball out of bounds • touches the ball with other body part • touches a team-mate • lets ball stop moving • fails to announce score after they score

  7. Ancient Greek Sports 1100 BC

  8. Boxing • Boxers fought without rounds until one man was knocked out, or admitted he had been beaten • no rule against hitting an opponent when he was down • No weight classes • No gloves, just leather wrapping around hands

  9. Chariot Racing • 2-horse or 4-horse chariot races • Course was 12 laps, 9 miles

  10. Riding • Course was 6 laps, 4.5 miles separate races for full-grown horses and foals • Jockeys rode without stirrups • Only wealthy people could afford sport because they had to pay for training and food

  11. Pankration • combination of boxing and wrestling • Punches were allowed but the fighters did not wrap their hands • Rules outlawed only biting and gouging an opponent's eyes, nose, or mouth with fingernails

  12. Pentathalon • 5-event combination of discus, javelin, jumping, running and wrestling • Discus was made of stone, iron, bronze, or lead, and was shaped like a flying saucer • Javelin was a man-high length of wood, with either a sharpened end or an attached metal point • Jump-Athletes used lead or stone jump weights

  13. Running • 4 types of races at Olympia • stadion was the oldest event of the Games where runners sprinted the length of the stadium (stade, 192m) • 2-stade race • long-distance run which ranged from 7 to 24 stades • also a 2 to 4-stade race by athletes in armor(50-60 lbs)

  14. Wrestling • an athlete needed to throw his opponent on the ground, landing on a hip, shoulder, or back for a fair fall • 3 throws were necessary to win a match • Biting and genital holds were not allowed • breaking your opponent's fingers were permitted

  15. Spartan Games Sparta was a city-state in Greece Emerged around 1000 B.C. Known for their military power Most Spartans were not allowed to participate in the ancient Olympic Games Warriors considered too powerful

  16. Ancient Rome Sports 750 BC

  17. Gladiators • professional fighters in ancient Rome who fought against each other, wild animals, and slaves, sometimes to the death • first recorded gladiatorial combats took place in Rome in 264 BC • Gladiators usually fought in pairs, that is, one gladiator against another • audience could request other combinations like several gladiators fighting together

  18. Bullfighting • Bullfighting is often linked to Rome where many human-versus-animal events were held • the bulls weigh no less than 1,000 lbs • each fight consisted of three matadores and two bulls per matador • each matador had six assistance for help

  19. Campus • Roman Games (Field & Track) where played at the Campus • famous people such as Caesar and Augustus exercised on the Campus • men participated in foot racing, jumping, archery, wrestling and boxing • Women were not allowed to join in these games

  20. Ball Games • Variety of ball games, including Handball (Expulsim Ludere), Trigon, Soccer, Field Hockey, Harpasta, Phaininda, Episkyros, Dodge Ball and Catch • A form of soccer was also played, however it does not look like they played team soccer

  21. Newer Sports After 0

  22. Dog Fighting • A newer type of animal fighting • Can be dated back to 240 A.D. • Dogs are made to fight sometimes to the death

  23. Papa Holua • Means sliding to the pit • Originated in hawaii • People would surfs down mountains & Volcanoes • Reach up to 50 mph down hill • Became too dangerous so people stop

  24. What are some of the common characteristics of your selected topic during the time period of early man? Were they different across cultures? • All the cultures had track and field, like running and jumping. also boxing and wrestling were common. • What are some examples that reflect those characteristics? • What does this topic say about the human experience during the time of early man? • During early man violence was huge in rome.Greece was more about owning the best athletes. • How does this topic during the time period of early man compare to our own? • Today we still have track and field, boxing and wrestling, but new rules and regulations have been added. Also there are many more sports in the modern Olympics than there were in ancient times.

  25. Quiz

  26. The Persians used gamecocks in there Cock fights? T/F

  27. True

  28. Fishermans Joust took place in the Amazon River? T/F

  29. False Nile River

  30. Which sport would only rich people be able to participate in?

  31. Riding Cost alot of money for training and animals food

  32. Gladiators where professional fighters in Ancient Rome? T/F

  33. True

  34. Name 3 games that used balls?

  35. Field Hockey • Dodge Ball • Soccer

  36. In dog fighting the animals fought to the death? T/F

  37. True

  38. Works Cited Crystalinks. N/A, n.d. Web. 12 Sept. 2012. <http://www.crystalinks.com/romerecreation.html>. Persues. N/A, n.d. Web. 12 Sept. 2012. <http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/Olympics?site.html>. Youtube. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Sept. 2012. <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eEgLPiGElY0>. Wikipedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Sept. 2012. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_Olympic_Games>

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