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mebe. org. www.mebe.org. Multiple incidents’ EM Dispatch: the Gestión Integral de Recursos en Catástrofes (GIRECA) software. Alfredo Serrano Moraza, M.D. María Jesús Briñas Freire, E.M.D. Andrés Pacheco Rodríguez, M.D. Alejandro Pérez Belleboni, M.D. Highly inadequate
mebe org www.mebe.org Multiple incidents’ EM Dispatch:the Gestión Integral de Recursos en Catástrofes (GIRECA) software Alfredo Serrano Moraza, M.D. María Jesús Briñas Freire, E.M.D. Andrés Pacheco Rodríguez, M.D. Alejandro Pérez Belleboni, M.D.
Highly inadequate • Informatic chaos • Inefficiency • Paper work “Atapuerca-like”
Immediate Disaster Planactivation protocol • GIRECA application start-out • GIRECA mode Conversion post (aprox. 80-90 % available terminals) • Real-time Disaster Dispatch • Medical In-chief gets free from Medical Regulation • Emergency Channel Dispatchers’ reinforcement • Call-takers reinforcement • Real-time Critical-bed Coordination Unit • [...] • Global disaster planning activation • General Manager, Medical Director, etc. real time information • Level Plan declaration • Support and logistic units activation • Mass media communication strategies • Some other activities
We showan only MCI Dispatch for simplification This is the preliminary delivered draft to the Informatic Unit for modification and development
Platercam Level Special plans INCIDENT/S and triage data RESOURCES CRITICAL BEDS COORD. UNIT DIGITAL MAPS 2. You may locate and zoom-in/out damaged area/s and accesses 1. Here you may deploy incidents’ available information 3. Real EMS graphical Dispatch application 4. You may use real-time available critical beds information for target evacuation and interhospital management More than five emergency phone calls seem to indicate Some explosions in Atocha !!!!!
Madrid RESOURCES Somosierra CRITICAL BEDS COORD. UNIT Robregordo Horca La juelo Acebeda Horcajo de la de la Montejo Sierra La de la Sierra Hiruela Sierra Braojos Villa- Prádena Madarcos vieja del Rincón Serna Gascones Piñuécar Nava- Puebla de Puentes rredonda la Sierra Viejas Buitrago Lugar Victims number Gargantilla Berzosa Pinilla Lozoya del Robledillo El Atazar Valle Garganta Cervera Ala- de los Atocha de Lozoyuela Montes Buitrago me- Estimated Real 50 da del Canencia Valle El Berrueco +1 +1 +1 +1 Patones Rascafría S Valde- La Cabrera manco Torrelaguna Bustarviejo Torre- -1 -1 -1 -1 mocha Caba- Tipo de incidente Navala- nillas Redueña fuente Venturada Miraflores Protection level TS TS TS TS de la Sierra ! Valdepié- Guadalix El Vellón lagos Cercedilla de la Some explosions Sierra Nava- External support Manzanares cerrada Talamanca de el Real Soto del Real Pedrezuela Los Jarama El Boalo Molinos Becerril Collado El Molar Mediano A V N R San Valdetorres Guadarrama Agustín del Jarama Moralzarzal Colmenar Viejo de Alpedrete Ribatejada Guadalix San Lorenzo Fuentelsaz Collado de El Escorial del Jarama Villalba Valdeolmos Valdeavero Alapardo Fresno de Hoyo de Tres Torote Manzanares Cantos Algete El Escorial Santa María Galapagar Torrelodones de la Alameda San Sebastián Cobeña Colme- de los Reyes Daganzo Meco Camarma narejo Zarzalejo de Esteruelas Las Rozas Alcobendas Ajalvir Valdemaqueda Los Santos de de Madrid la Humosa Paracuellos Villanueva Valdemorillo de Alcalá de del Pardillo Jarama Fresne- Henares Robledo de dillas Anchuelo Santorcaz Torrejón de Chavela MADRID Majadahonda Ardoz Villanueva de Unknown la Cañada Navalagamella Pozuelo de Villalbilla Comments Colmenar San Fernando Boadilla del Coslada Alarcón de Arroyo Quijorna Monte Torres de la Corpa Pezuela Mejorada Valverde Alameda del de las Torres San Martín de Brunete Campo Navas del Valdeiglesias Villanueva Rey Chapi- de Olmeda Nuevo Loeches Pelayos de nería Perales Velilla Baztán de las la Presa Pozuelo Villaviciosa Fuentes Alcorcón Sevilla la del Rey de Odón Nueva Villamantilla Ambite Rivas- Villar del Leganés Vaciamadrid Olmo Campo Real Rozas de Móstoles Puerto Aldea del Fresno Cadalso de Real los Vidrios Getafe Villamanta Valdilecha Navalcarnero Fuenlabrada Orusco Arganda del Rey Arroyo- Villa del Prado molinos Moraleja Cenicientos de Enmedio Carabaña Humanes El Álamo Brea de Pinto Morata de San Martín de la Vega Tajo Tielmes Parla Tajuña Perales de Batres Griñón Tajuña Cubas de Valdaracete la Sagra Valdemoro Torrejón de Valdelaguna Serranillos Velasco Estremera Chinchón del Valle Titulcia Casarrubuelos Villarejo de Torrejón de Ciempozuelos Belmonte Salvanés la Calzada de Tajo Fuentidueña Villaconejos de Tajo Colmenar de Oreja Villamanrique Aranjuez UVI Teléf. base Op. Teléf. móvil Op. PMR Trunking En base Atocha 2 ok Ö Platercam Level Special plans INCIDENT/S and triage data DIGITAL MAPS mICUs Begin to dispatch a Fast Cars Locate the incident
RESOURCES CRITICAL BEDS COORD. UNIT Lugar Victims number Atocha Estimated Real 50 +1 +1 +1 +1 S -1 -1 -1 -1 Tipo de incidente Protection level TS TS TS TS ! Some explosions External support A V N R Unknown Comments Platercam Level Special plans INCIDENT/S and triage data DIGITAL MAPS mICUs Fast Cars
RESOURCES CRITICAL BEDS COORD. UNIT Lugar Victims number Atocha Estimated Real 50 +1 +1 +1 +1 S -1 -1 -1 -1 Tipo de incidente Protection level TS TS TS TS ! Some explosions External support A V N R Unknown Comments Platercam Level Special plans INCIDENT/S and triage data DIGITAL MAPS
RESOURCES CRITICAL BEDS COORD. UNIT +1 +1 -1 -1 TS TS ! Platercam Level Special plans INCIDENT/S and triage data DIGITAL MAPS Lugar Victims number Atocha Estimated Real 50 71 S Tipo de incidente Protection level Some explosions External support A V N R +1 +1 5 12 35 9 -1 -1 TS TS 10 Unknown Comments EMS begin to show some triage data And begin to ask for critical bed
RESOURCES CRITICAL BEDS COORD. UNIT CRITICAL BEDS COORD. UNIT +1 +1 -1 -1 TS TS ! Niños Coron. UCI Quemados 0 2 0 Clínico 3 5 0 0 0 FJD 1 2 0 2 HRYC 4 4 2 2 4 7 Gregorio UVI Priority Intub. Lessions Comments 3 Ö - - Major burns - - Doce Quemados 0 0 2 3 5 5 Getafe Niños Quemados 0 0 2 0 3 3 3 5 La Paz 0 2 ok 3 5 S. Ochoa 0 5 Niño Jesús Platercam Level Special plans INCIDENT/S and triage data DIGITAL MAPS Lugar Victims number Atocha Estimated Real 50 71 S Tipo de incidente Protection level Some explosions External support A V N R +1 +1 5 12 35 9 -1 -1 TS TS 10 Unknown Comments For example When you accept patient, it wll be deployed the Critical beds Unit informationand suggest the most adequate bed
mebe org www.mebe.org Thank you