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Division of a Process into Pages & Segments: Advantages, Disadvantage, and Implementation

Learn about the advantages of dividing processes into pages and segments, including easy division and simple page handling. Explore how segmentation offers logical structure alignment but lacks process relationship engineering. Study a coded example and understand address mapping in a paged-segmented system.

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Division of a Process into Pages & Segments: Advantages, Disadvantage, and Implementation

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  1. Division of a process into Pages • Advantages: • Division is easy • Page handling is simple public class Misc { public static int add(int a, int b) {return a+b; } public static int fact(int x) {int f= 1; if (x == 0) f = 1; else f = x* fact(x-1); return f; } public static double smaller(double d1, double d2, double d3, double d4) { double sm = d1; if(d2 < sm) sm = d2; if(d3 < sm) sm = d3; if(d4 < sm) sm = d4; return sm; } public static char smallest(char c1, char c2, char c3) {char s =c1; if (c2 < s) s = c2; if (c3 < s) s = c3; return s; } } Disadvantage: The division of the process is not according to the logical structure of the process

  2. Segmentation • In paging, the division of a process is not according to the logical structure of the process. If a process is divided according to its logical structure then the blocks of the process are of different sizes called segments and the corresponding mm scheme is called segmentation. • A segment can be of any length determined by the OS. • The logical address a in segmentation, like paging,is also two dimensional: a = ( s, d) where s is segment numberand d is displacement within the segment and is also called offset. • A segment table is maintained for each process; this contains information about where a segment has been loaded in the main memory. • Each entry into the segment table has two components: limit and base; the base is the starting address of the segment in the RAM and limit is the length of the segment.

  3. Division of a Process into Segments public class Misc { public static int add(int a, int b) {return a+b; } public static int fact(int x) {int f= 1; if (x == 0) f = 1; else f = x* fact(x-1); return f; } public static double smaller(double d1, double d2, double d3, double d4) { double sm = d1; if(d2 < sm) sm = d2; if(d3 < sm) sm = d3; if(d4 < sm) sm = d4; return sm; } public static char smallest (char c1, char c2) {char s =c1; if (c2 < s) s = c2; return s; } } Advantage: The division of the process is according to the logical structure of the process

  4. Process P Seg.# Logical address 0 a=(1, 786) 1 786 Segment Number s 2 3 Segment Number & Offset / Displacement Displacement d

  5. RAM 0 OS 2048 A0 ProcessA 2648 s B0 3048 Limit Base 0 A0 A1 1 A1 0 600 2048 4048 1 1000 3048 B1 2 A2 6048 2 3022 6048 A2 Seg. Table for Process A 9070 Process B 0 B0 Limit Base 1 B1 400 2648 2000 4048 Seg. Table for Process B Loading Segments into the RAM

  6. Limit Base 1000 1400 400 6300 400 4300 1100 3200 1000 4700 Relocation / Address Mapping Converting the logical address into the real address in the RAM is called Relocation / Address translation / Address Mapping and is done is done as follows: • Segment number is used to index the segment table; look into slot no. s of the segment table for the given process. This gives limit and base. • The displacement d is then compared with the limit. • If d > limit then this is addressing error; trap it. • If d < limit then real address: r = Base +d EX. Using the given segment table convert the logical address (3 , 657) into real address.

  7. S d CPU RAM . . S . . Limit Base . . . . r r < yes + Base + d No Trap; addressing error Relocation / Address Mapping Address Translation in Segmentation

  8. The respective advantages of paging and segmentation are combined into a paged segmented system. In this system: Main memory is divided into blocks of equal sizes called page frames. The process is divided into segments. The segments are divided into pages. A logical address a is now three dimensional: a = ( s, p, d), where: s is segment number p is page number within segment s d is offset within page p p s 0 0 1 0 1 s p 1 2 (1,2,345) 345 3 d 0 2 1 2 Combined Paging & Segmentation

  9. Assignment 3 Marks = 3, Last Date for submission:15-01-2010 Q. Demonstrate page loading and address mapping in a paged segmented system.

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