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Additional Components to be Addressed to Satisfy Federal Requirements. Part V. Describe teacher mentoring activities. For example, are new or inexperienced teachers given support from an assigned master teacher and what does that support look like? (Section 1116)
Additional Components to be Addressed to Satisfy Federal Requirements Part V
Describe teacher mentoring activities. For example, are new or inexperienced teachers given support from an assigned master teacher and what does that support look like? (Section 1116) • Master Teacher Support (Provide Professional Advice/Plan) • Observe (Master/Experienced Teachers) Teacher Mentoring
Describe the coordination of all federal, state, and local programs, including career and technical education. (Note: NCLB Section 1116 requires that each year Title I schools identified for improvement must reserve the quantity of 10% of the school-level allocation made available to the school under Section 1113 specifically for professional development opportunities for teachers. Expenditures must be aligned to the Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA). Budgets should reflect this set-aside.) See sample budget on a later page. Budget
FY 2012 Budget Summary Allocation Request (MCPSS Budget Form) Base Allocation: $301,701 Parenting Allocation: $4,966 Total: $ 306,667 Budgeted Expenses: Total Salaries/Fringes (Staffing Form B) $176,419.57 • List positions and FTEs: • Reading Teacher/Facilitator/1 FTE, $72,471.88; Parent Manager/ 1 FTE, $40,559.66; Retract Paraprofessional/1FTE, $32,537.39; Instructional Paraprofessional/1FTE, $30,850.65 Total Part-Time Salaries/Fringes (PART-TIME-Form B2) $0 • List positions and FTEs Total Salaries/Fringes (stipends& Substitutes-Forms C&C1) $ 29,666 • List type of compensation: • Staff Development Technology Stipends- $19,833 • Extended Day stipends $10,000 • Staff Development subs (PST/Technology)
Total Materials and Supplies (Form D) $58,581.43 • List materials and supplies by function (instructional, professional development, etc. • Parenting materials and supplies • Teacher instructional materials and supplies • Instructional technology • Assignment organizers/planners • Total Contracts (Form F) $31,000 • List vendors: • Xerox Copy Machine $30,000 • Brain Pop software maintenance $1,000 • Total Equipment (Form G) $0 • Total Travel (Form H) $11,000 • List proposed travel expenditures and whether or not it is suggested, functional or mandatory travel • Suggested SREB/MMGW travel for meals, mileage and lodging for 8 people • Suggested SREB/MMGW registration fees • Grand Total Expenses: $306,667 • Parenting Minimum 1% (Program code 5101) $4,966 parenting supplies • Professional Development: 10% of Budget (Function 2215): $30,666 • $11,000 travel; $9,833 substitutes; $9,833 stipends
Describe strategies to assist students in transitioning from previous school to the current school and/or from the current school to the next school, including, for example, how preschool children might be prepared for entry into kindergarten or how eighth grade students are prepared for high school. • Students and parents become familiar with the teachers, campus, classroom, counselors, courses and school procedures. Transition
Describe the qualifications of teachers in the school with regard to their being highly qualified and what strategies the school, with the support of the LEA, uses to attract and retain highly qualified teachers. • Secure Annual HQ Status from HR • Ensure that teachers are assigned by HQ status • Communicate district initiatives for becoming HQ • Schools with Non-HQ teachers MUST develop a plan for becoming HQ Highly Qualified Teachers
Describe how teachers in the school meet to collaborate regarding the use of academic assessments to provide information on and improve the achievement of individual students and the overall instructional program. • CIP Committee Mtg. • PST Mtg. • DATA Mtg. • Grade Level Mtg. • Department Mtg. Assessments and Teacher Involvement
Describe programs used for each group of migrant students, English language learners, and homeless students. • ALL migrant, ELL and homeless students participate in local and state assessments and are entitled to the same resources as the other students. Special Populations
Describe procedures used for each group of individuals with the disabilities; individuals from economically disadvantaged families, including foster children; individuals preparing for non-traditional fields; single parents, including single pregnant women; displaced homemakers; and individuals with limited English proficiency. • i.e. Accommodations for people with disabilities, information on careers, services, etc. Special Populations (as listed in the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act 2006, Section 3)
Describe how the school provides opportunities for the most academically needy students to receive support and reinforcement of academic skills beyond the regular school day. • Before School Tutoring • Extended Day Tutoring • Saturday School • Fifth Block • Intervention Time Extended Learning Opportunities