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proelium , -ii. battle (cp. bellum = war). dux, ducis. leader, general. casus, -us. misfortune. pauci , - ae , -a. few. maneo , manēre , mansi. to remain, stay (cp. moneo , monēre to warn). gero , gerere , gessi , gestus. to bear, carry, wear; to wage (bellum).
proelium, -ii battle (cp. bellum = war)
dux, ducis leader, general
casus, -us misfortune
pauci, -ae, -a few
maneo, manēre, mansi to remain, stay (cp. moneo, monēre to warn)
gero, gerere, gessi, gestus to bear, carry, wear; to wage (bellum)
potestas, -tatis power
nego, -are, -avi, -atus to deny, to say (that something did) not (happen)
supplicium, supplicii punishment, execution
frango, -ere, fregi, fractus to break
scio, scire, scivi, scitum to know
proximus, a, um nearest, next
pereo, -ire, -ii to perish (to go away thoroughly)
constituo, -ere, constitui, constitutum to set up, establish; to decide
ob on account of (+acc)
decet, decere, decuit it is fitting (impersonal)
potius rather
suadeo, -ēre, suasi to persuade
neve OR neu or not, and not
violo, -are to do violence to, to harm; to break
rursus back, again (similar to iterum)
crudelis, -is, -e cruel