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School Voluntary Club „ Rainbow ”. Zespół Szkół im. gen. S. Kaliskiego w Górze. What is a volunteering ?.
SchoolVoluntaryClub„Rainbow” Zespół Szkół im. gen. S. Kaliskiego w Górze
Whatis a volunteering? • Volunteering - it's an important part of a community,a vital element of social partnership and also a kind of an activitywhichinvolvessolvingthesocial and environmental problems. In ourschool we regardvoluntarywork as a form of education and training. • Volunteering gives you the feeling of beingneeded. Being a volunteer is usuallyassociated with personalpleasure and satisfaction. Italsogivesfeeling of sharingcommitment and responsibility. We considerit as an opportunity to learn many useful skills, responsibility and patience.
VOLUNTEER ACTIVITY AREAS Øsocialcare, Ø public health, Øeducation, Øculture, Ødisabledpeople, Øecology, Ølocalcommunities development, Ødemocracy
MANAGEMENT • Joanna Proszko • Anna Wiejak • Agnieszka Nawrocka • Dariusz Lisiecki
ChristmasFoodCollection - PSS ,,SPOŁEM’’, ,,BIEDRONKA’’ Markets
Summary 2011/2012 In total: Cash - 389,78 zł Coins 13407SZT.
Volunteersfrom ZS in Góra Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity
OurA-levelstudentscollectedthemoney, painting thechildrens’ faces. Thekidsweredelightedhavingthepossibility to changeintotigers, cats and so on.
Having an olderbrotherorsister This program is based on the selfless work with children who face difficulties in school, with peers, at home, the left alone with their problems.
Meeting during Christmast Supper ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING
Ourotheractions - Cooperation with the Red Cross branch in Góra - Raising money for thefamilies of our studentswhoareinneed - Preparing Christmas gifts for children in hospital frompediatric wardand for thepatientsfrompalliative wards - Material assistance to the Foster Family Home
- Participationinthecharity action "Złotówka for Santa Claus„ run by the Archdiocese of Wroclaw - Participationinthecharity action „Save the grave of your great-grandfather from oblivion" - Raising money to help Polish schools in Lithuania fromBroczańskidistrict - Assistance in organizing feast prepared by the Association of Municipal Reymontowski School • Fund raisingduringthe Nationwide Running for Independence for sick Łukasz
- Fund raisingto help Paul and Sandra - Goodscollection and St. Nicholas and Christmas gifts for the most needy students in our school • Offering care and assistance for patients from palliative care ward and childrens’ hospital in Góra