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#1 A Virgin Conceived & Gave Birth. Jesus had no human father and therefore had no sin nature. (2 Cor 5:21) Joseph couldn’t have been the father ( Jer 22:29-30 & Mat 1:12) If Mary was lying, then there was nothing remarkable about Jesus’ birth , life or death.
#1 A Virgin Conceived & Gave Birth Jesus had no human father and therefore had no sin nature. (2 Cor 5:21) Joseph couldn’t have been the father (Jer 22:29-30 & Mat 1:12) If Mary was lying, then there was nothing remarkable about Jesus’ birth, life or death.
#2 Old Testament Prophecies God said it would happen (Gen 3:14) David was assured of his kingdom forever (2 Sam 7:12-17) Isaiah predicted a virgin birth and aneverlasting King and suffering servant(Isa 9:6-7, 53)
#3 Angels Announced the Birth Mary was told by Gabriel about the birth (Luke 1:26) Joseph was told of the birth(Matthew 2:19-25) The shepherds in the fields were told(Luke 2:8-20)
#4 A Sign Appeared in the Sky The star is predicted by Balaam(Num 24:17) The Magi followed a star to the Christ Child (Mat 2:2) Micah predicted the ruler comingfrom Bethlehem (Micah 5:2)
#5 The Time was Right Joseph had to go to Bethlehemfor a Roman census Simeon was promised to see the Redeemer before he died (Luke 3:25) Jesus had to be born during the Roman Empire, they invented crucifixion, His death that was predicted centuries earlier before anyone ever heard of crucifixion (Psalm 22)
#6 Jesus Claimed to Be Equal with God Jesus said He came before Moses(John 8:58) Jesus rejected being crowned a king, but allowed His disciples to worship Him Claimed to be “One with God”(John 10:30, 14:7)
#7 His Friends Worshipped Him Peter confessed Jesus deity and wroteabout it (2 Peter 1:1) Thomas worshiped Jesus after His resurrection (John 20:28) Family members worshiped HimJohn the Baptist & James
#8 Jesus Enemies AccusedHim of Blasphemy They tried to stone Jesus not because of the good works that He did, but because He claimed to be God(John 10:33) At Jesus trial the High Priest rent his garment (Mat 26:63-65)
#9 Jesus Miracles Supported His Claims Healed a paralyzed man and forgave him of his sins (Mark 2:1-12) Fed thousands of people, proving He was/is the Bread of Life Died on a Roman cross and raised Himself from the dead!! ( a feat to be unequalled in human history!)
#10 His Departure wasGreater than His Arrival He appeared to as many as 500 people after His resurrection Promised that His disciples would remember everything and gave instructions on how mankind could be saved Bodily (physically) rose into the air and disappeared into the clouds!
#11 He’s Coming back… Read your Bible to find out the sequel to this amazing story of the One born in a manger, Healer, Commander of Nature, Comforter of Children, Forgiver of Sins, Lamb of God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, Son of Man, Messiah, Teacher and King!!