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Draft HCP Review Primer

Draft HCP Review Primer. DNR Aquatic Resources Division. Manages 2.6 million acres of aquatic lands for the benefit of all citizens of the state - a unique, distinct role among governments. What is a HCP?. Negotiated agreement with USFWS and NMFS (Federal Services)

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Draft HCP Review Primer

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  1. Draft HCP Review Primer

  2. DNR Aquatic Resources Division • Manages 2.6 million acres of aquatic lands for the benefit of all citizens of the state - a unique, distinct role among governments

  3. What is a HCP? • Negotiated agreement with USFWS and NMFS (Federal Services) • Addresses harm to listed and sensitive species • Describes DNR’s commitment to avoid, minimize and compensate for harm to species • Basis for an Incidental Take Permit from the Federal Services

  4. The HCP is consistent with DNR’s Management Guidelines Identified in RCW 79.105.030 • Foster water-dependent uses • Ensure environmental protection • Encourage direct public use and access • Utilize renewable resources • And where consistent with the above, generate revenue

  5. Habitat Conservation Plan • Meets DNR’s management goals and 2010-2014 strategic plan for stronger emphasis on stewardship

  6. 25% Nearshore Rivers 4% Lakes 15% 56% Offshore Washington State Department of Natural Resources  2.6 Million Acres HCP Planning Area

  7. DNR Aquatic HCP Focus • Avoid and minimize impacts from • Shade • Contamination • Drift cell disruption • Noise • Compaction of sediments Conoco Pier Cherry Point

  8. Aquatic lands HCP Overview The draft HCP represents 6 years of research, outreach and application that establishes a programmatic approach to DNR’s stewardship of the state’s aquatic lands. In developing the draft HCP DNR evaluated impacts to aquatic habitat and species from the activities that we authorize to develop a comprehensive approach to avoid and reduce these impacts. In addition, we were careful to ensure that the practices we are adopted are also practical to implement. The HCP includes 8 chapters which are outlined in the following slides.

  9. HCP Chapter 1 Graphic: L. Prado Graphic: L. Prado • a. Describes the purposes of the plan and DNR’s intent for developing the HCP; • b. Provides a description of: • The relationship between the ESA and the benefits provided under Section 10(a)(1)(B) of the Act; • The area of State-managed aquatic land; • The process used for selecting the activities proposed for coverage under the HCP; and • The process for selecting the species proposes for coverage under the HCP

  10. HCP Chapter 2 Chapter 2 discusses the history of aquatic land management in Washington State; the relationship of the Aquatic Lands HCP to DNR’s 3 other HCPs; and the regulatory environment affecting this HCP EPA Region 10 (Pacific Northwest)

  11. Photo: DNR staff HCP Chapter 3 Chapter 3 provides a description of covered activities, their effects and the extent to where they occurs of state-managed aquatic lands

  12. HCP Chapter 4 • Chapter 4 describes the aquatic species proposed for coverage in the HCP and the potential effects of the covered activities described in HCP Chapter 3 on these species Herptofauna (5) - Columbia spotted frog, Northern leopard frog, Oregon spotted frog , Western toad, Pacific pond turtle Fish (18) - Bull trout, Chinook, Chum, Coastal cutthroat trout, Coho, Pink, Sockeye/Kokanee, Steelhead, Green & White sturgeon, Bocaccio, Canary & Yelloweye rockfish, Eulachon, Pacific herring, Pacific sand land, Surf smelt, Pacific lamprey Birds(5) - Black tern, Common loon, Harlequin duck, Marbled murrelet, Western snowy plover Marine Mammal – Southern resident orca

  13. HCP Chapter 5 Chapter 5 includes the HCP goals and objectives, conservation measures for covered activities, Programmatic Strategies, and Standards that will be adopted to avoid and minimize the impacts to species described in HCP Chapter 4. Chapter 5 also describes the implementation process and funding, compliance monitoring and the HCP’s adaptive management program Covered Activities Log booming and storage Overwater structures - Docks & wharves, Boat ramps/launches, Rafts, Mooring buoys, Nearshore buildings, Floating homes, Marinas, Shipyards & terminals Shellfish Aquaculture

  14. HCP Chapters 6 - 8 • Chapter 6: A description of the alternatives to this HCP that were considered and the reasons for their rejection • Chapter 7: HCP Glossary • Chapter 8: References

  15. Additional Information on the HCP can be found at: www.dnr.wa.gov/aquatichcp Photo by David Roberts

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