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UPGRADE BS-SCENE Up-Grade Black Sea scientific network (INFRA) ENVIROGRIDS Building Capacity for a Black Sea Catchment Observation and Assessment (Environment ) SUAFRI-EPC Supporting the Uptake of Agri -Food Research Results into Innovation with EPC countries. TNU SUCCESS STORIES.
UPGRADE BS-SCENE Up-Grade Black Sea scientific network(INFRA)ENVIROGRIDSBuilding Capacity for a Black Sea Catchment Observation and Assessment (Environment)SUAFRI-EPC Supporting the Uptake of Agri-Food Research Results into Innovation with EPC countries TNU SUCCESS STORIES FP7 NCP Environment, NCP EEN-Ukraine,Head of International Relations Department, Taurida National V.I. Vernadsky University aurika.muravasereda@gmail.com
STRATEGICAL TNU TARGETS • To integrate within the European Research Area • To integrate within the European Education Area • To develop international research and academical projects within European programs
FP7 PROJECT- ENVIROGRIDS COOPERATION - ENVIRONMENT(SICA) BUILDING CAPACITY FOR A BLACK SEA CATCHMENT OBSERVATION AND ASSESSMENT SYSTEM SUPPORTING SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 27 partners www.enviroGRIDS.crimea.edu • Begindate: : 2009-04-01 • End date: 2013-03-31 General project objective: to assemble an observation system of the Black Sea catchment that will address several GEO Societal Benefit Areas within a changing climate framework. The EnviroGRIDs projecct research tasks: • run a gap analysis of existing regional observation systems to prepare recommendations for improvement of networks of data acquisition in each region/country • build capacity on observation systems in the Black Sea Region • create spatially explicit scenarios of key changes in land cover, climate and demography • distribute large calculations and datasets on large computer clusters • streamline the production of indicators on sustainability and vulnerability of societal benefits • provide a standard for integrating data, models and information and communication tools • provide policy-makers and citizens with early warning and decision support tools at regional, national and local levels • produce innovative tools t o visualize and interpret data and results of integrated models • alert citizens concerning exposure to environmental risks
FP7 PROJECT - UPGRADE BS-SCENE FP7, RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE (SICA) UPGRADE BLACK SEA SCIENTIFIC NETWORK 51 partners, including 43 partners from Black Sea Region http://www.blackseascene.net • Begindate: 2009-01-01 • Enddate: 2012-01-01 General project objective: to support integrated provision of infrastructure services for the Black Sea region research community The UP-GRADE BS-SCENE project tasks: To extend the existing research infrastructure with an additional 19 marine environmental institutes/organizations from the 6 Black Sea countries To implement the results of the Joint Research Activities of the FP6 RI SeaDataNet project (common communication standards and adapted technologies to ensure the datacenters interoperability) To network the existing and new Black Sea datacenters, active in data collection, and provide integrated databases of standardized quality on-line To realize and improve on-line access to in-situ and remote sensing data, meta-data and products To adopt standardized methodologies for data quality checking to ensure the quality, compatibility and coherence of the data issuing from so many sources
FP7 PROJECT - SUAFRI-EPC NEW!!! FP7, RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE (INCO) • Begindate: 2014-01-03 • Enddate: 2017-01-03 General project objective: to bridge the gap between Agri-Food research and innovation in Eastern Partnering Countries (EPC), by bringing together all actors of the knowledge value chain and raising their awareness on how to uptake research results into innovation SUPPORTING THE UPTAKE OF AGRI-FOOD RESEARCH RESULTS INTO INNOVATION WITH EPC COUNTRIES 12 partners The SUAFRI-EPC project tasks: Networking between Agri-Food actors: Mapping EPC Agri-Food actors at different level of the knowledge value chain and organise brokerage events Analyse the potential for cooperation and knowledge transfer in the field Exchange best practices in knowledge/technology transfer via a range of specific training courses Implement one R2I pilot project in each targeted EPC countries with a European partner: Armenia, Georgia, Belarus, Ukraine Innovation support services to EPC (and European) Agri-Food organisations willing to receive hands-on support for their RDI activities.
FP7 PROJECTS To attend efficient virtual and life trainings on ecological main topics Creating and integrating TNU Data-Center into international research infrastructure Access into large international ecological Data Base Access into analytical system for regional scenarios of development in function of expected climate, land cover and demographic changes Ability to use grid enabled computer technology to store and analyze environment data The huge number of the new EU and EaP research partners Project`s results and impact
FP7 PROJECTS Challenges for Ukrainian universities and institutions
THANK YOU FOR ATTENTION! • FP7 NCP Environment, • NCP EEN-Ukraine,Head of International Relations Department, • Taurida National V.I. Vernadsky University aurika.muravasereda@gmail.com