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10 Top Tips for Getting the Most out of HINARI. User Name/Password. Share the institutional User Name/Password with researchers, professors and students within your institution Do not put the password on the Internet (violation of HINARI license agreement)
User Name/Password • Share the institutional User Name/Password with researchers, professors and students within your institution • Do not put the password on the Internet (violation of HINARI license agreement) • Do share the password with all legitimate members of your registered institution (see HINARI DOs and DONTs) • Share the password during training workshops and 1:1 training sessions
HINARI Link • Put a link to HINARI on your institution’s or library’s website • Use either the ‘about HINARI’ url http://www.who.int/hinari or • Directly link to the journals and databases http://extranet.who.int/hinari/en/journals.php • Remember, do not put the user name and password on the website
Promote HINARI • Be proactive about passing on information about HINARI (see the ‘Training Users on HINARI’ module) • Arrange training/orientation sessions with the researchers, professors and students in your institution (see the ‘HINARI Short Course’ module) • Incorporate HINARI training into course curriculums • Promote HINARI informally; visit offices and attend meetings • Develop a local listserv; websites are constantly changing; keep staff and users up-to-date • No time is too short to teach someone something new about HINARI!Seize the ‘teachable moment.’ http://www.who.int/hinari/training
Training Resources • Use available training resources • To download the up-to date- training materials, see: http://www.who.int/hinari/training • For a copy of the training CD, contact HINARI (hinari@who.int) • In Africa, contact ITOCA (itoca@itoca.org) for a copy of the CD
HINARI Posters and Leaflets • Order HINARI posters and leaflets and display these in your library or medical department. • Material is available in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic and Russian • Print copies from http://www.who.int/hinari/training
Adobe Acrobat Reader • To read the full-text journal articles, download Adobe Acrobat Reader version 7 (or the latest) for free from: htttp://www.downloadsglobe.com/acrobat/ • To configure Adobe Acrobat Reader: 1) From the menu bar, select.... Edit -> Preferences 2) Select the 'Internet' category 3) Ensure all the 'Web Browser Options' are checked: o Display PDF in Browser o Allow fast web view o Allow speculative downloading in the background
Trouble Shooting • If you have problems accessing HINARI, refresh your screen by clicking on the ‘Refresh’ button. You may be working from a cache of the website that is on your computer or local network. • If your Internet access/bandwidth is slow, close other Internet pages so that only HINARI is open. This may speed up access and downloading.
Email Alerts • Sign up for free ‘email alerts’ for key journals • Also called ‘email table of contents’ alerts • Via email, you receive table of contents lists for each new issue • Register via the publishers’ websites • Distribute these ‘alerts’ to interested users
List of Available Journal Titles • Print out the complete list of titles for ‘offline’ consultations • As of May 2007, list is 41 A4 pages long! • List is very useful for ‘Band 2’ countries since, for institutions in this category, it verifies access to journals
Number 10 • Add your own ‘Top 10 Tips’ • Think of other ideas that would be useful in your institutional setting • For further useful information, go to ’Frequently Asked Questions’ or ‘HINARI DOs and DON’Ts’ on the training page: http://www.who.int/hinari/training/ ‘Top 10 Tips’Source: HINARI E-newsletter, Issue 2, May 2007 Updated 05 2007