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Modern Warfare: The Creation vs. Evolution Conflict. A call to defend the foundation of our faith. Vision. Vision (looking ahead) Bring glory to God through the study of the creation-evolution debate. Encourage our church to see the value in diligent study of truth.
Modern Warfare: The Creation vs. Evolution Conflict A call to defend the foundation of our faith
Vision • Vision (looking ahead) • Bring glory to God through the study of the creation-evolution debate. • Encourage our church to see the value in diligent study of truth. • To remain confident, certain, and communicate our belief effectively. • 1 Timothy 4:7-14 • Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives’ tales; rather, train yourself to be godly. 8 For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. 9 This is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance. 10 That is why we labor and strive, because we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all people, and especially of those who believe. (NIV) • 2 Timothy 1:7 • For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline. (NIV)
Mission • Mission (acting on the vision) • To be better prepared to defend and proclaim the relevance of God’s word to a lost world, and to do this with love, patience and respect. • 1 Peter 3:15 • But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect. (NIV)
What do we want to accomplish? • Objectives (goals) • Teach from a Biblical perspective • Understand how science points to the Bible • Investigate evolutionary and creation theories • Challenge our church to defend its faith with love and respect • Encourage our church to engage in creation / evolution dialogue
Class Format • Ground Rules • Open discussion is encouraged but we ask you stay on topic. • We don’t mind disagreement on views but ask that you will not argue. • Weekly Quizzes • Every week we will hand out a quiz to get you thinking about the topics we will be covering. • Do you have to be super-de-duper smart or hold a degree to participate and understand this class? • Absolutely not, but we do ask that you do spend time studying the topics and putting effort into the class for the benefit of us all. (iron sharpens iron) • Length of Class • 55 minute classes • 3 lessons • Introduction / Science • Evolution • Creation
Opening Discussion Is the Creation-Evolution debate important? Why? Is the debate still relevant today? What are some popular views today regarding Creation? Evolution? Does science disprove the Bible? What is science?
Science Defined • Science • Derived from a Latin verb meaning ‘to know’1 • Way of knowing1 • Knowledge based on observed facts and tested truths arranged in an orderly system2 • The search for truth2 • Science- The investigation of natural phenomena through observation, theoretical explanation, and experimentation, or the knowledge produced by such investigation. (The American Heritage Science Dictionary. 2002)
Types of Science • Discovery, Inquiry, or Descriptive Science¹ • Describes natural structures and processes as accurately as possible. • Based on Inductive Reasoning • Derive generalizations based on a large number of specific observations
Types of Science • Hypothesis-Based Science (Scientific Method) ¹ • An educated postulate (guess) based on past experience and the available data of discovery science • Predictions that can be tested by recording additional observations or by designing experiments • Deductive Reasoning • Starting with a generalization and trying to prove the specific • “If…then” Logic
Types of Science • Hypothesis Continued¹ • Must be testable • Must be falsifiable • **No amount of experimental testing can prove a hypothesis beyond a shadow of a doubt because it is impossible to exhaust the testing of all alternative hypotheses. • Gains credibility by surviving various attempts to falsify it while testing eliminates (falsifies) alternative hypotheses. • The Myths of the Scientific Method¹ • Very few experiments follow this method exactly • Proven research takes many years of experimentation • Does not apply for all scientific inquiries
Laundry Detergent Experiment • Ask a question (curiosity) ¹ • What makes some laundry detergents better than others? • This is an example of a controlled experiment using deductive reasoning (“If…Then” logic) • Do Background Research • What are the best laundry detergents available and which is the most effective? • Is there a need for further study in this area? • Is Tide better than Downy, Arm & Hammer, and Era? • For example, according to current research there is no specific conclusion comparing laundry detergents’ effectiveness.
Laundry Detergent Experiment • Construct a Hypothesis • This is an educated guess of the outcome of the experiment • Hypothesis: • Tide is more effective at removing stains in white t-shirts than Downy, A&H, and Era.
Laundry Detergent Experiment • Methods and Procedures • This provides all the necessary supplies and steps that must be taken to make the experiment repeatable. • 1 Hanes 100% white cotton t-shirt cut into four 3”x3” squares • 3 oz. of Welch’s all natural grape juice • 2 oz. of liquid detergent from each brand is used as stain remover • 1 Whirlpool washing machine
Laundry Detergent Experiment • Tested with an Experiment • Grape juice is applied to t-shirt in a controlled area • Juice is allowed time to dry into white shirt (4 hours) • Liquid detergent is applied and scrubbed in with a toothbrush • Each shirt with separate detergents is washed in washing machine for 15 minute cycle • Shirt is then air dried on a clothes line and the stain is analyzed based on the following: • Color, darkness/lightness of the color, size of the stain • Results • Show exactly what we found, nothing more, nothing less • Could include measurements of each stain, color analyses pictures, before and after pictures, etc.
Laundry Detergent Experiment • Discussion • Variables effecting results • Errors in any process of the experiment • Any unusual or unexpected results or findings • Limitations and the need for further studies • Conclusion • The primary conclusion is whether the hypothesis was falsified or supported by the experiment • Tide is more effective at removing stains in white t-shirts than Downy, A&H, and Era • Did our results support or deny this statement?
Types of Science • Case Study¹ • A single case studied as an isolated event • Generally a story of a specific observation • Controlled Experiment¹ • Designed to test the effect of one variable by canceling out the effects of any unwanted variables • **A common misconception is that scientists control the experimental environment and keep everything constant except the one variable being tested. • This is impossible and not realistic, even in highly regulated lab environments
Theoretically Speaking……. • Theory¹ • proposed explanation whose status is still conjectural, in contrast to well-established propositions that are regarded as reporting matters of actual fact • Theories in Science¹ • Similar to a hypothesis but much broader • General enough to spin off many hypotheses • Generally supported by a much more massive body of evidence • Theory of Natural Selection • Theories Constantly Fluctuate! ¹ • Scrutiny of general theories continues through testing of the specific, falsifiable hypotheses they spawn • Scientist must sometimes modify or reject theories when new research produces results that don’t fit • **If there is “truth” in science, it is conditional, based on the preponderance of available evidence
Discussion Questions What is the nature of Scientific Evidence? How is it interpreted?
What exactly is Creation? • Creation Defined: • The act of making a thing which has not been made before2 • A being created2 • A thing produced by intelligence or skill2 • Out of nothing • Creation Theory
Biblical Creation:A threefold approach3 • 1.) Perfect Creation • In six days God created the heavens, the earth, and all that is in them from nothing. • 2.) Corrupted by Sin • God destroyed the world with a world-wide flood and gave it a fresh start with Noah, his family, and the animals from the ark. • 3.) Restored by Jesus • After the flood the earth is filled once again with death and destruction because of human sin. Christ came to heal and restore by his death and resurrection. (no more death)
What exactly is evolution? • Evolution: • All the changes that have transformed life on Earth from its earliest beginnings to the diversity that characterizes it today1 • Any process of formation or growth2 • The theory that all living things developed from a few simple forms of life through a series of physical changes2 • Evolutionary Theory:
A Quick Thought • Do you consider creation-science a religion? Why? • Do you consider evolutionary theory a religion? Why? • What is religion? • Belief in God or gods2 • Worship of God or gods2 • Anything done or followed with reverence or devotion2 • Cause principle or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith3
So you don’t care, and you have no opinion? • Opinion • a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty2 • Skeptics • doubt or unbelief with regard to a religion, esp. Christianity3 • Discussion Question: • What is a worldview?
I’m Absolutely Sure You Can’t Know For Sure! • Agnostics • a person who holds that the existence of the ultimate cause, as god, and the essential nature of things are unknown and unknowable, or that human knowledge is limited to experience2 • a person who denies or doubts the possibility of ultimate knowledge in some area of study2 • Absolutes • Adjective: (describe) • viewed independently; not comparative or relative; ultimate; intrinsic: absolute knowledge2 • Noun: (person, place, thing, idea) • something that is not dependent upon external conditions for existence or for its specific nature, size, etc. ( opposed to relative).2
So you tolerate every view? Really? • What is tolerance? • Definition • a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward those whose opinions, practices, race, religion, nationality, etc., differ from one's own; freedom from bigotry2 • diversity, equal opportunity and respect for differences • What are you really saying if you say you tolerate every view? • Is it possible to be 100% tolerant of everything and everybody?
Your biased! But so are you! • Discussion Question: • Is it possible to be tolerant and unbiased? • What is a Bias: • an opinion before there is reason for it
“Which Bias is the Best Bias with which to be Biased?” • What are some of your biases? -i.e. Foreign vs. Domestic cars, Religion, Politics, and so on….. • White Coat Syndrome: commonly believed facts about the scientist3 • He or She is unbiased • He or She is objective • He or She is infallible • He or She wears a white coat • The truth regarding scientists3 • Biased, not objective, human, and seldom wears a white coat.
Honest Science • It takes time to find evidence • The evidence supports a hypothesis, nothing more, nothing less. • Science has limitations • Cannot measure, quantify, or qualify everything • Science cannot provide life’s answers • Testing the natural will never disprove or prove the supernatural • Supernatural is outside the realm of science • Science is based on and was founded on Naturalism1
The Truth About Science • Limitations of Science (p.24)1 • Science requires that a hypothesis be testable and falsifiable and that observations and experimental results be repeatable. • Testable • Can it be tested? • Falsifiable • Observations that can’t be verified may be interesting or entertaining, but they cannot count as evidence in scientific inquiry. • The unconfirmed eyewitness accounts and computer-rigged photos are amusing but unconvincing. • Repeatable • In science, evidence from observations and experiments is only convincing if it stands the criterion of repeatability.
Naturalism • Naturalsim • a. the view of the world that takes account only of natural elements and forces, excluding the supernatural or spiritual.2 • b. the belief that all phenomena are covered by laws of science and that all teleological explanations are therefore without value.2
Naturalism • Ultimately, the limitations of science are imposed by its naturalism—its seeking of natural causes for natural phenomena.1 • Science can neither support nor falsify hypotheses that angles, ghosts, or spirits, both benevolent and evil, cause storms, rainbows, illnesses, and cures. Such supernatural explanations are simply outside the bounds of science.1
What about Reason and Logic? • Reason • a statement presented in justification or explanation of a belief or action. • the faculty or power of acquiring intellectual knowledge, either by direct understanding of first principles or by argument2 • Logic • the science that investigates the principles governing correct or reliable inference • a particular method of reasoning or argumentation2 • the system or principles of reasoning applicable to any branch of knowledge or study2 • Dogma • a settled or established opinion, belief, or principle2 • Theory • proposed explanation whose status is still conjectural, in contrast to well-established propositions that are regarded as reporting matters of actual fact2
The Human Factor • Humanism • (philosophy) a variety of ethical theory and practice that emphasizes reason, scientific inquiry, and human fulfillment in the natural world and often rejects the importance of belief in god2 • Relativism • any theory holding that criteria of judgment are relative, varying with individuals and their environments2 • Atheism • The doctrine or belief that there is no God2
God as a Factor • Theism • the belief in one god as the creator and ruler of the universe, without rejection of revelation2 • note: this definition includes all other religions that also believe in one god and revelation through that god
A Foundation built on Sand or Stone? Why is a Solid Foundation so Imporant? The Sears Tower • 1,454 ft. tall (110 stories) • Foundation: • “foundation begins about 30m below grade with a concrete mat foundation that is, in turn, supported by 200 rock caissons bored to reach the bedrock another 30m below.” www.allaboutskyscrapers.com/sears_tower.htm • The wise man builds his house upon the Rock. • Mathew 7:24-27 • Luke 6:46-49
Domino Effect The ‘Domino Effect’ of your foundation3 • Origins • The foundation, if inconsistent with the Bible leaves us on unstable ground. • Science • If science disproves God’s Word, it becomes the authority in our lives and weakens the structure of our trust in God. • Religion • If your beliefs don’t lineup, you are inconsistent and uncertain. • Doubt erodes your faith. The Bible becomes secondary.
Culture War What is the foundation issue that fuels our culture war? Why?
Discussion Question What is the relationship between a person’s worldview and evidence?
Discussion Questions What are the logical outcomes (or consequences) of the whole concept of Evolution? The rejection of the Biblical account of creation?
References for Lesson One • 1Campbell and Reece. Biology. 7thedition. 2007. Pearson Education, Inc. San Francisco, CA. • 2 Thorndike and Barnhart. The World Book Dictionary. 1993. World Book Inc. Chicago, IL. • 3 Ham, K. The Lie: Evolution. 1987. Master Books Inc. Green Forrest, AR. • 4 http://www.sciencebuddies.org/science-fair-projects/project_scientific_method.shtml