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Evolution Vs. Creation

Evolution Vs. Creation. Macroevolution. Has never been proven. Based off of theories from Charles Darwin and Charles Lylle Taught by Hitler. “Survival of the fittest” Geological Time column. Grandpa?. Microevolution. Is testable and provable Is biblical:

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Evolution Vs. Creation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Evolution Vs. Creation

  2. Macroevolution • Has never been proven. • Based off of theories from • Charles Darwin and Charles Lylle • Taught by Hitler. • “Survival of the fittest” • Geological Time column. Grandpa?

  3. Microevolution • Is testable and provable • Is biblical: • “And God said, Let the earth bring forth living creatures after their kinds, cattle, and creeping things, and beasts of the earth after their kinds: and it was so” –Gen 1:24

  4. Celocant Thought to be extinct about 420 million years ago! All dates for fish based off of fossil records using the geolocial time column.

  5. How could fossils be on Mt. Everet, And how can species like the celocant Still be in existence?

  6. Maybe the world is not as Old as we thought????

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