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Fast-Ignition Heavy Ion Fusion Power Plant Design Concept

Research coordination meeting on elements of power plant design for inertial fusion energy, focusing on the fast-ignition heavy ion fusion power plant design concept presented by Medin S.A. and team from Moscow, Russia. The concept includes a high-power heavy ion driver, cylindrical target, reactor chamber, blanket structure, and energy deposition. Challenges in driver train length, target positioning, reactor chamber design, coolant management, and energy conversion system optimization are discussed for plant efficiency.

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Fast-Ignition Heavy Ion Fusion Power Plant Design Concept

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Research Co-ordination Meeting onElements of Power Plant Design for Inertial Fusion Energy4-7 November 2003DESIGN CONCEPT OF FAST-IGNITION HEAVY ION FUSION POWER PLANT Medin S.A. medin@ihed.ras.ru Institute for High Energy Densities, Moscow, Russia Basko M.M. basko@vitep1.itep.ru Churasov M.D. churazov@vitep5.itep.ru Koshkarev D.G. koshkarev@vitep5.itep.ru Sharkov B.Yu. Boris.Sharkov@itep.ru Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow, Russia Orlov Yu.N. orlmath@keldysh.ru Suslin V.M. suslinvm@keldysh.ru Keldych Institute for Applied Mathematics, Moscow, Russia Slide № 1Medin S.A. et al

  2. FIHIF Driver Scheme Slide № 2 Medin S.A. et al

  3. Slide № 3 Medin S.A. et al

  4. Slide № 4Medin S.A. et al

  5. Cylindrical FIHIF Target Slide № 5Medin S.A. et al

  6. Cylindrical FIHIF Target Slide № 6Medin S.A. et al

  7. Slide № 7Medin S.A. et al

  8. Density distribution in compressed cylindrical target for FIHIF (t=30ns) Slide № 8Medin S.A. et al


  10. Slide № 10Medin S.A. et al

  11. S.J. Zinkle11th APEX MeetingArgonne National Laboratory, May 10-12, 2000

  12. S.J. Zinkle11th APEX MeetingArgonne National Laboratory, May 10-12, 2000

  13. S.J. Zinkle11th APEX MeetingArgonne National Laboratory, May 10-12, 2000

  14. Slide № 14Medin S.A. et al

  15. Evaporation-condensation dynamics Slide № 15Medin S.A. et al

  16. Slide № 16Medin S.A. et al

  17. FIHIF Blanket Structure and Neutron Energy Deposition Slide № 17Medin S.A. et al


  19. Slide № 19Medin S.A. et al

  20. Slide № 20Medin S.A. et al

  21. CONCLUSIONS The concept of power plant for fast ignition HIF involves a number of new components and devices. High power heavy ion driver and cylindrical target look to have clear basic design. The massive target causes some redistribution of energy fluxes resulting from microexplosion. Altogether the long driver train and target positioning in flight are problems of concern. The reactor chamber with wetted first wall has a minimum number of ports for beam injection. The composition of the reactor chamber of two sections makes easier the condensation problem and partly lessens pressure loading. The problems of coolant droplets and thermal stresses in blanket materials are of major concern in the reactor chamber. The energy conversion system consisting of three loops is a convenient object for the plant efficiency optimization and thermal equipment development. Slide № 21Medin S.A. et al

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