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American Literature. Period 1 Thursday, 8 September 2011 Daily Journal Pop Quiz Literature Books. Unit Objectives Focus for Today. Understand the historical and cultural context of early American writing. Take notes by charting main ideas and details.
American Literature Period 1 Thursday, 8 September 2011 Daily Journal Pop Quiz Literature Books
Unit Objectives Focus for Today • Understand the historical and cultural context of early American writing. • Take notes by charting main ideas and details. • Build vocabulary and spelling skills
Daily Journal #3 Start new DJ set on a new page! Make sure you have DJ #, Date, Prompt, and Response. • Fill in the blank with the appropriate vocabulary word: • _________ and defeated, Napoleon was exiled to the Island of Elba. • Two years ____ before they were to meet again. • Jane told her friends it was her _______ to die young and beautiful. • A nickname like “Speedy” is a _____ when directed towards someone that is slow. • The judge gave a ______ sentence: sixty days in jail for littering and a $1,000 fine.
Vocabulary List 5 • Check your definitions.
Defame (di FAYME) To Libel or slander; take a good name away • Curvilinear (kurv ah LIN eeur) Formed, Bound or characterized by curved lines • Elapse (ee LAPS) To pass or go by • Veer (veur) Change in direction • Karma (KAHR mu) Fate, Destiny; to detect good or bad vibrations from something or someone
Astute (uh STOOT) Quick in discernment; shrewd; clever • Misnomer (miss NO mur) Inappropriate or incorrect name • Resurgent (re surjent) A rise after defeat • Artisan (AHRT uh sun) Worker skilled in a craft • Draconian (dray KOH nee un) Hard, Severe, Cruel
Amenable (ah MEE nuhbul) Agreeable, responsible to authority • Precarious (pruh KA REE us) Unsafe, Unsteady • Criterion (kry TEER ee un) Standard or rule by which something can be judged • Guise (gyze) Appearance • Lesion (LEE zhun) Wound, Injury
Gird (gyrd) Encircle as with a belt • Fetish (FET ish) Object of unreasonable obsessive reverence • Disperse (dis PURS) To scatter in various directions • Dissolution (dis uh LOO shun) Breaking up into parts, termination • Forage (FOR uj) To search or hunt for food
Review Outline (cont) Exploration and the Early Settlers • Much of pre-colonial america info comes from 1st person accounts from early explorers, settlers, colonists • Explorers: • Columbus- journals and letters of 4 voyages to americas starting 1492 • Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca- 1of4 survivors of 600 man 8yr expedition through Florida, Texas, Mexico chronicled in La Relacion the landscape, ppl, new animals, and being washed up and taken prisoner • Samuel de Chaplain- “father of new france” wrote of New England and Iroquois in 1600s
New Settlers: • Thomas Harriet- captured areas natural resources, ways of Nat. Americans, potential for building colonies in “brief & true report of new found land of virginia”. Published in 1588, illustrations helped paint 1stpic of North America • Colonists: • John Smith- record of life in early colonies of Virginia and New England. Attracted ppl to move • William Bradford (gov Plymouth) & John Winthrop (gov Mass.)- wrote of role in God’s plan for better society. • OlaudaEquiano- described capture from African home, brutal un-christian treatment as slave in W. Indies.
Puritan Tradition • Writing shld be useful, tool to help readers understand bible and guide daily lives. • Cotton Mather & Johnathan Edwards-histories of colonies, sermons of sinful ways • Mathers- Salem Witch Trials, Scientific matters including smallpox • Edwards- flying spiders, “Sinners in hands of angry God” sermon comparing ppl to spiders. • Poetry also common- 1640, 1stbk issued in North American colonies “Bay Psalm Book” rewrite of Psalms from bible to match hymn rhythm. • Anne Bradstreet& Edward Talyor- poetry primarily as way explore relationship w/ human and God
Writers of Revolution • Focused on government instead of religion • Pamphlet most common way to spread political writing- 1763 to 83 over 2,000 pamphlets published • Thomas Paine- “Common Sense” helped propel colonists to revolution • Thomas Jefferson- wrote Dec of Indep. Which told of “natural Law” which wld govern Amerca • Natural Law- idea ppl born w/ rights & freedoms and gov needs to protect them
Writers of Revolution (cont) • Ben Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, G. Washington- helped w/ Constitution of US of A, 11yrs after Rev. War ended • Philis Wheatley- former slave wrote of “natural rights of African Amer. In letters and poems • Abigail Adams- call fro rights of women in nation’s founding document in her letters to husband John Adams (2nd US president)
Quiz on An Emerging Nation Outline • Clear your desks. • Take out a pen/cil. • Remain quiet until all tests are completed and collected. • TURN YOUR PAPER OVER WHEN FINISHED! • You will receive a zero if you are caught cheating and be written up.