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install.packages(“pedigreemm”) library(pedigreemm)

Pedigree-induced correlation pedigreemm http://r-forge.r-project.org/projects/pedigreemm/ www.r-project.org Ana Ines Vazquez University of Wisconsin. install.packages(“pedigreemm”) library(pedigreemm). pedigreemm : Pedigree-based mixed-effects models. Uses:

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install.packages(“pedigreemm”) library(pedigreemm)

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  1. Pedigree-induced correlationpedigreemmhttp://r-forge.r-project.org/projects/pedigreemm/www.r-project.org Ana Ines VazquezUniversity of Wisconsin

  2. install.packages(“pedigreemm”) library(pedigreemm)

  3. pedigreemm:Pedigree-based mixed-effects models Uses: • Sire, Animal model with repeated measures. • Multiple random (nested or cross classified) or fixed effects. • Random regression. • Generalized linear models (Poisson, binomial, etc).

  4. Genetic model Phenotype, Genetic effects, Model residual

  5. Mixed Model Henderson, 1963

  6. Example: Sire linear model

  7. Example: Phenotypic measures: Fixed effect (gender and herds): Sire effects:

  8. Data

  9. Sire Gender, herd X= , Z=

  10. The random effects (sires) are not independent between them. • They are related, then covariance between two of them is not cero. • The covariance = the relationship between animals times which can be measured.

  11. Sire-pedigree

  12. A: Relationships between sires

  13. Example… u estimates

  14. L: u*=L-1u then u_est = Lu*

  15. Non-linear model(Logistic regression)

  16. To sum up… • Sire, Animal model with repeated measures • Multiple random or fixed effects. • Random regression. • Generalized linear models (Poisson, binomial, etc).

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