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NYS Conference of Environmental Health Directors 2012 - Annual Fall Meeting

NYS Conference of Environmental Health Directors 2012 - Annual Fall Meeting. Bureau of Water Supply Protection Bureau and Regulatory Updates December 18, 2012. Roger C. Sokol, Ph.D. Director. BWSP Update Topics. BWSP Relocation & Staffing updates DWSRF Update Program Initiatives

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NYS Conference of Environmental Health Directors 2012 - Annual Fall Meeting

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  1. NYS Conference of Environmental Health Directors 2012 - Annual Fall Meeting Bureau of Water Supply Protection Bureau and Regulatory Updates December 18, 2012 Roger C. Sokol, Ph.D. Director

  2. BWSP Update Topics • BWSP Relocation & Staffing updates • DWSRF Update • Program Initiatives • Program Reminder • Regulatory Update • Operator Training

  3. WE MOVED!!!! Bureau of Water Supply Protection NYS Department of Health Empire State Plaza Corning Tower, Rm 1110 Albany, NY 12237 All e-mail and phone numbers remain the same !

  4. Staff Assignment Changes • Operations Section • William Gilday, P.E. Section Chief • Design Section • Brock Rogers, P.E. Southern Area Team Leader

  5. DWSRF Updates • Final 2013 Intended Use Plan (IUP) • Covering October 1, 2012 to September 30, 2013 • Issued October 1 , 2012 • After leveraging, estimated funding capacity of ~ 337 million • Funding line in the Final IUP at 145 points • Note: all based on estimated national DWSRF allocation

  6. DWSRF Updates Program Changes for FFY 2013 IUP: Readiness List name changed to Annual List Hardship program will begin using 2010 Census Data Drinking Water Needs Survey EPA is currently preparing the draft 2011 Drinking Water Needs Survey Report to Congress The report is due to Congress February 13, 2013 Will determine NY states future allocation of funds http://www.health.ny.gov/environmental/water/drinking/water.htm

  7. DWSRF Updates Since Program Inception: Executed over $3.68 Billion in financings (grants and loans) Provided over $292 million in grants to hardship communities Approx. 30% of our capitalization grant over life of program For FFY 2012: Executed over $320 million in financings (grants and loans) Executed over $16 million in grants to hardship communities Committed 25% of the FFY 2012 Federal Grant ($16 million) for new hardship projects 93 projects above the funding line / 88 of which has < 10,000 pop.

  8. Program InitiativeEmergency Equipment Stockpile Upgrades NYS DOH Received two DHSES Grants for Upgrading Water System Equipment at Stockpiles Retrofitting two DE units onto Trailers Plan to expand Type, Numbers, and Portability of Treatment Units/Appurtenances “Plug and Play” Concept Greater variety of PWS size and Source Quality

  9. Before (i.e., Current Stockpile Equipment)

  10. After (Ongoing Upgrades)

  11. Even Includes Generator!

  12. Program InitiativeEnvironmental Health Manual Items • SPH Student Internship – Spring 2013 • Objectives • Initiate Revisions to Existing Water Supply EHM Items: • Utilize Existing Compilations of Needed Revisions • Utilize Existing Compilations of Program Priorities for Revisions • Reorganize Existing Water Supply EHM Items on HCS: • Incorporate Document Properties & Keywords for Search Functions • Repost Under EHM Water Supply Folder Documents>LHD>Environmental Health>Reference Materials> Environmental Health Manual>Water Supply Protection • Initiate Revisions to Priority EHM Items for EHS-Net Grant: • PWS 111: Water Supply Complaint Investigation • PWS 156: Report of Waterborne Disease Outbreak

  13. Program ReminderVA/ERP Updates – January 2013 Five-year updates to VA/ERPs required by PHL 1125 All CWS serving 3,300 must submit VA/ERP for review/approval – on or around January 1,2013 Reminder letters sent to CWS’s this summer Guidance to LHD’s & DO’s for review process coming out shortly LHDs to review and endorse, as before BWSP must retain final approval and document storage roles 60-day extension available to CWS in 13 county federal disaster area Need to notify LHD ERPs proved helpful in recent hurricane events

  14. Residential OWTS “Design Handbook” • Distributed via BML on July 27, 2012 • Also on the Health Commerce System (HCS): • Environmental Health/Reference Materials/Regulations/Water Supply • Now available from the Department website: www.health.ny.gov/environmental/water/drinking/ • The 2012 Residential Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems Design Handbook (PDF, 9MB, 278pg) is now available for download. • Paper copies still at printer • 1 complimentary copy to be provided to each LHD/DO • Should be available soon for purchase from Health Education Services: www.healthresearch.org/store • THANKS to CEHD members who sent in review comments

  15. Realty Subdivisions • On 11/28/12 DEC noticed proposed rulemaking for Part 617 SEQR in the Environmental Notice bulletin • Local planning agencies sometimes fail to conduct coordinated review for SEQR for realty subdivisions – how big a problem is this for LHDs to deal with? • The Bureau to survey LHDs this week via Survey Monkey to: • Gather state-wide data of number of realty subdivisions approved annually (annual average over the past several years) • Ask LHDs to estimate the extent of problem of lack of coordinated reviews by their local planning agencies • The Bureau may follow-up with DEC as needed based on survey results to request amendment to Part 617 • We will share survey results with the CEHD • Thanks ahead of time for participating in survey

  16. Regulations What is coming down the road?

  17. Coming Real SoonRevised Total Coliform Rule • Revised TCR cleared OMB review • Last major hurdle before promulgation • Expect federal register notice early 2013 • Reminder these revisions will: • Take a more proactive approach to public health protection • Eliminates monthly TC MCL replaced with TC Treatment Technique • Shift to a “find-and-fix” regulatory framework • Includes Level 1 & Level 2 assessments • http://water.epa.gov/lawsregs/rulesregs/sdwa/tcr/index.cfm

  18. And by February 2013Perchlorate • Perchlorate • EPA sought input from SAB on approaches for deriving MCLG • Draft report produced • Recommending address sensitive life stages through pharmacokinetic modeling approach • Departure from usual method for deriving MCLG • Complete draft report available at SAB website • “Life Stage Considerations and Interpretation of Recent Epidemiological Evidence to Develop a Maximum Contaminant Level Goal for Perchlorate.”

  19. Coming Up NextLead & Copper Rule: Long Term Revision Rule • LCR long term revisions is considering issues such as: • Sample site collection criteria & sampling procedures for tap monitoring • Corrosion control treatment & water quality parameter monitoring requirements • Lead service line replacement requirements • Anticipate proposal early 2013

  20. Reduction of Lead in Drinking Water Act of 2011 • Amendment to SDWA Section 1417 • Takes affect January 4, 2014 • Changes the definition of “lead-free” by reducing lead content from 8% to a weighted average of not more than 0.25% • Exemptions: • used exclusively for non-potable services or not anticipated to be used for human consumption • EPA stakeholder meeting in August to gather “issues” on how the manufacture & sale of “lead-free” products might be implemented. • EPA will develop information to assist states, manufacturers, water systems, plumbers and homeowners understand the new requirements for lead free plumbing materials. • Information will be available in 2013.

  21. Operator Certification Expense Reimbursement Grant (OCERG) • End of an era- grant expires December 31, 2012 • Accomplishments: • Provided “free” training to small water system operators: • Renewal - 5,272 (2004-2012) • Initial – 184 (2012 Only) • Trained state and local health department staff. • Processed Certifications. • ELEVATED THE PROFESSION OF A SMALL WATER SYSTEM OPERATOR!!!!

  22. Where to Find Certification Information: • DOH Operator Certification Website: • http://www.health.state.ny.us/environmental/water/drinking/operate/operate.htm • Look for Memo on Training After the Grant • Links to Training Courses (classroom or online) • Call State Health Department Bureau of Water Supply Protection: (518) 402-7650


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