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Prevention and Responses to HIV and AIDS InWEnt activities

Prevention and Responses to HIV and AIDS InWEnt activities. Highlights of InWEnt Projects (Examples). AIDS Workplace Programmes in Southern Africa (AWISA). Objective: To manage HIV/AIDS risks in SME enterprises (in cooperation with DED)

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Prevention and Responses to HIV and AIDS InWEnt activities

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  1. Prevention and Responses to HIV and AIDS InWEnt activities

  2. Highlights of InWEnt Projects (Examples)

  3. AIDS Workplace Programmes in Southern Africa (AWISA) • Objective: To manage HIV/AIDS risks in SME enterprises (in cooperation with DED) • Geographical scope: SADC region: South Africa, Mozambique, Malawi, Zambia, Namibia • Approach: Focal point-based - workplace policy, awareness creation meetings, performances, condom vending machines... Contact: inge.meier-ewert@inwent.org

  4. Teaching and the AIDS Pandemic • Objective: To enhance effectiveness of HIV/AIDS teaching in the education sector • Geographical scope: Malawi, Namibia, Sambia, Tansania, South Africa • Approach: Blended learning course for teacher educators in HIV and AIDS in cooperation with the University of Western Cape, South Africa Contact: ulrike.wiegelmann@inwent.org

  5. Reporting on HIV and AIDS (InWEnt - International Institute for Journalism, Berlin) • Objective: To facilitate informative, sensitive and non-stigmatising reporting on HIV/AIDS • Geographical scope: Southern & West Africa (Sambia, Tansania, Uganda, Simbabwe, Namibia, Malawi, Kenya, South Africa) • Approach: Seminar (2 weeks) Contact: hans-juergen.boesel@inwent.org

  6. On Measuring HIV/AIDS and its Socio-Economic Impacts • Objective: To improve knowledge on generation & use of HIV/AIDS statistical information • Geographical scope: Sub-Sahara Africa: Malawi, Sambia, South Africa, Mosambique, Tansania, Namibia • Approach: Blended learning course for statisticians, researchers, planners, sociologists Contact: markus.wauschkuhn@inwent.org

  7. HIV/AIDS Prevention for non-medical professionals • Objective: To enhance awareness and multisectoral response on HIV/AIDS • Geographical scope: Sub-Saharan Africa:Cameroon; Kenya; Lesotho; Malawi; Mosambique; Namibia; Rwanda; Sambia; South Africa; Tansania, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan • Approach: Blended learning course for non-medical professionals Contact: nikola.hueging@inwent.org

  8. HIV/AIDS Prevention, Diagnosis & Treatment (medical specialists) • Objective: To gain comprehensive knowledge on HIV/AIDS • Geographical scope: Sub-Saharan Africa: Cameroon, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Tansania, Namibia, South Africa, Kyrgyzstan, China, Vietnam • Approach: Blended learning course for medical doctors and experienced health professionals Contact: nikola.hueging@inwent.org

  9. HIV/AIDS Mainstreaming for Development Experts • Objective: To understand the concept of HIV/AIDS mainstreaming • Geographical scope: Germany • Approach: Seminar (2 days) for outgoing development experts

  10. HIV/AIDS Mainstreaming in International Leadership Training (ILT) • Objective: To raise awareness on HIV/AIDS mainstreaming • Geographical scope: Germany • Approach: Seminar (1 day) for ILT scholarship holders Contact: ute.schwartz@inwent.org

  11. InWEnt Materials & Training of HIV Trainers • HIV Mainstreaming Toolkit, www.inwent.org/hivaids • Training of HIV trainers on the use of the tool is recommended • Brochures & posters Contact: ute.schwartz@inwent.org

  12. More information: nikola.hueging@inwent.org + 49 228 4460 1817 www.inwent.org

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