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Prevention and Responses to HIV and AIDS InWEnt activities. Highlights of InWEnt Projects (Examples). AIDS Workplace Programmes in Southern Africa (AWISA). Objective: To manage HIV/AIDS risks in SME enterprises (in cooperation with DED)
Prevention and Responses to HIV and AIDS InWEnt activities
AIDS Workplace Programmes in Southern Africa (AWISA) • Objective: To manage HIV/AIDS risks in SME enterprises (in cooperation with DED) • Geographical scope: SADC region: South Africa, Mozambique, Malawi, Zambia, Namibia • Approach: Focal point-based - workplace policy, awareness creation meetings, performances, condom vending machines... Contact: inge.meier-ewert@inwent.org
Teaching and the AIDS Pandemic • Objective: To enhance effectiveness of HIV/AIDS teaching in the education sector • Geographical scope: Malawi, Namibia, Sambia, Tansania, South Africa • Approach: Blended learning course for teacher educators in HIV and AIDS in cooperation with the University of Western Cape, South Africa Contact: ulrike.wiegelmann@inwent.org
Reporting on HIV and AIDS (InWEnt - International Institute for Journalism, Berlin) • Objective: To facilitate informative, sensitive and non-stigmatising reporting on HIV/AIDS • Geographical scope: Southern & West Africa (Sambia, Tansania, Uganda, Simbabwe, Namibia, Malawi, Kenya, South Africa) • Approach: Seminar (2 weeks) Contact: hans-juergen.boesel@inwent.org
On Measuring HIV/AIDS and its Socio-Economic Impacts • Objective: To improve knowledge on generation & use of HIV/AIDS statistical information • Geographical scope: Sub-Sahara Africa: Malawi, Sambia, South Africa, Mosambique, Tansania, Namibia • Approach: Blended learning course for statisticians, researchers, planners, sociologists Contact: markus.wauschkuhn@inwent.org
HIV/AIDS Prevention for non-medical professionals • Objective: To enhance awareness and multisectoral response on HIV/AIDS • Geographical scope: Sub-Saharan Africa:Cameroon; Kenya; Lesotho; Malawi; Mosambique; Namibia; Rwanda; Sambia; South Africa; Tansania, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan • Approach: Blended learning course for non-medical professionals Contact: nikola.hueging@inwent.org
HIV/AIDS Prevention, Diagnosis & Treatment (medical specialists) • Objective: To gain comprehensive knowledge on HIV/AIDS • Geographical scope: Sub-Saharan Africa: Cameroon, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Tansania, Namibia, South Africa, Kyrgyzstan, China, Vietnam • Approach: Blended learning course for medical doctors and experienced health professionals Contact: nikola.hueging@inwent.org
HIV/AIDS Mainstreaming for Development Experts • Objective: To understand the concept of HIV/AIDS mainstreaming • Geographical scope: Germany • Approach: Seminar (2 days) for outgoing development experts
HIV/AIDS Mainstreaming in International Leadership Training (ILT) • Objective: To raise awareness on HIV/AIDS mainstreaming • Geographical scope: Germany • Approach: Seminar (1 day) for ILT scholarship holders Contact: ute.schwartz@inwent.org
InWEnt Materials & Training of HIV Trainers • HIV Mainstreaming Toolkit, www.inwent.org/hivaids • Training of HIV trainers on the use of the tool is recommended • Brochures & posters Contact: ute.schwartz@inwent.org
More information: nikola.hueging@inwent.org + 49 228 4460 1817 www.inwent.org