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Tools for finding Research Funding Opportunities

Explore essential tools like Research Professional and CORDIS for discovering funding opportunities, news articles, and job listings in the academic research community. Join the CREDO workshop on May 31, 2011, led by Professor John Marshall, the Director of Academic Research Development, to make the most of these resources. Learn how to set up email alerts, access online tutorials, and utilize RSS feeds to stay updated on research funding. Don't miss out on Research Fortnight and the benefits of a Research Professional subscription!

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Tools for finding Research Funding Opportunities

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  1. Tools for finding Research Funding Opportunities Professor John Marshall Director Academic Research Development CREDO workshop: 31st May 2011

  2. Opportunity: A favourable occasion for grasping a disappointment Ambrose Bierce Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently. Henry Ford

  3. Tools for finding research funding: • Research Professional • Research Funding body e-alerts, RSS feeds and iGoogle • CORDIS – EU research funding tool • Discover – news articles

  4. RESEARCH FORTNIGHT Research Fortnight is the UK’s leading independent source of news, analysis, funding opportunities and jobs for the academic research community. Available fortnightly in print and daily online, Research Fortnight has been published continuously since 1994. GCU has an online subscription – find out more at: http://www.researchprofessional.com/#main$.Data.1059977$preview$1059781$aspect$Article$

  5. RESEARCH PROFESSIONAL What does the GCU subsctiption give us? Research News searching capability Research Funding searching capability Research Fortnight articles Research Europe news Subscriber email alerts On-line tutorials and videos on how to use the tool

  6. RESEARCH PROFESSIONAL WEBSITE DEMO At: http://www.researchprofessional.com/login.html Off campus open access mode – no log in required User personal account for saving searches and other items Register for email alerts for your own area of interest

  7. Research Professional system tutorials – available on line – an example: How do I... Set up an email alert? Set up an email alert based on an institutional search? Subscribe to a magazine? Edit my user profile?

  8. What is an RSS feed? (Really Simple Syndication) News feeds help: no need to spend time checking websites for updates - have the updates come to you ! RSS feeds provide frequently updated content published by a website. They are commonly used for news and blog websites, but are also used for distributing other types of digital content, including pictures, audio, or video. A feed can have the same content as a webpage, but it's often formatted differently. When you subscribe, Internet Explorer automatically checks the website and downloads new content so you can see what is new since you last visited the feed.

  9. How can I view my subscribed RSS feeds? You view feeds on the Feeds tab in the Favorites Center. To view your feeds, click the Favorites button, and then click Feeds. Can other programs display my subscribed RSS feeds? Yes, Internet Explorer provides the Common Feed List to other programs. This allows you to subscribe to feeds with Internet Explorer and read them in other programs, such as an email program or a web based newsreader such as iGoogle. You may also access them via e.g. Facebook, Twitter, or Youtube if supported by the funder.

  10. i- GOOGLE WEB NEWS READER/RSS feeds Customise your homepage with funding alert information updated automatically by major research funders such as BBSRC, AHRC, ESRC, EPSRC, MRC, NERC, Wellcome Trust, NIHR, and TSB Find out more at: http://www.google.com/help/ig/hp/ http://www.google.com/support/feedburner/bin/ Follow RCUK RSS feeds on twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/research_uk

  11. EU FUNDING : CORDIS SEARCH (1) CORDIS WireThis service gives you access to information sent to us by European innovation and research stakeholders. CORDIS ExpressReceive by email a weekly briefing on European Research and innovation. RESEARCH.EU Locate EU research publications See: http://cordis.europa.eu/fetch?CALLER=EN_NEWS&ACTION=D&RCN=32898

  12. EU FUNDING : CORDIS (2) Partners ServiceEnter your company profile into the CORDIS Partners database for potential collaboration in EU programmes and beyond. You "own" your record(s) and you can update them whenever needed. Results ServiceThe Results Service publishes information about exploitable results of research and development in a wide range of fields. DOCMAILNo need to download large documents from the CORDIS Document Library. Have them sent to you by e-mail! Register for CORDIS at: https://cordis.europa.eu/sur/index.cfm?fuseaction= Reg.UserRegistration&langID=en_GB

  13. GCU library search tool at: http://www.gcu.ac.uk/library/index.html Find articles and news stories related to research funding With Summon, a "unified discovery service," Serials Solutions has set its sights on the holy grail of library resource interfaces: a true one-box search, collecting article-level results from electronic resources with local catalog holdings into a single integrated results list.

  14. Any questions ? • Workshop session: • Split into 2 groups to look at : • Research professional • RSS feeds • 20 minutes on each system • and then swap over

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