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Dive into the world of historians and learn how they study and interpret the events of the past using calendars, sources, timelines, and more. Discover the importance of historical dating systems and how evidence helps measure time accurately. Explore the Western Calendar's significance and how historians organize history into periods and eras. Uncover the role of primary and secondary sources in historical research and how historians piece together information to interpret the past.
A historian is • A person who studies and writes about the people and events of the past.
Historians • find out how people lived, what happened to them, and what happened around them.
Historians rely on • Calendars or dating systems created by the people of the past to measure time. Most of these calendars were created based on important events.
What evidence do historians rely on to help measure time? • rulers • computers • calendars • Water tables
What were most historical calendars based on? • Important events • Birthdates of the pharaohs • Wars • Tree rings
The Western Calendar • gives us the dates used in our class and in our book. The Western Calendar was created around 500 by a Christian monk. • begins on the year in which Jesus was thought to be born.
In the Western Calendar • The years before the birth of Jesus are known as B.C. or “before Christ.” • The years after the birth of Jesus are called A.D. or “Anno Domini.” This phrase comes from the Latin language and means “in the year of our lord.”
To date events • Before the birth of Christ or B.C., historians count backward from the year 1. • After the birth of Christ or A.D., historians count forward starting at the year 1. • THERE IS NO YEAR 0!!!
What important event is the Western calendar based on? • Crop rotation • Lunar cycles • Season changes • Birth of Jesus
What does B.C. mean? • British Columbia • Big Clock • Birth of Christ • Before Church
What does A.D. mean? • After death • Anno Domini • Another day • Always done
Historians organize history • By dividing it into blocks of time known as periods or eras. • Into periods like decades, centuries, or time periods that are given names.
How do historians organize history? • Into days • Into blocks of time like decades • Into files • Into countries
Historians make sense • Of the flow of dates and events by putting these things in chronological order, or the order of dates in which events happened. • By putting these events on a timeline or a diagram that shows the order of events in a time period.
How do historians organize history? • By region • By political times • By chronology • By event importance
What type of diagram do historians use to display history? • Pie chart • Bar graph • Textbook • A timeline
Timelines • Are usually evenly spaced and labeled with events. • Can be single lines or multileveled.
Historians study • A variety of sources to learn about the past including artifacts and documents. • Primary sources or first hand pieces of evidence from the people who saw an event. • Secondary sources which are created after the event by someone not involved.
Historians also look for • Who, what when, where and why a document was created • Whether or not the document is credible or truthful. • Whether or not the document is biased or has an unreasonable point of view.
Historians • Piece all the information together to interpret and explain events in the past.
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