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Explore the classification and data on slums in India according to Census 2011. Get insights into the identification, types, and characteristics of slums, along with statistics on housing stock, amenities, and assets. Discover the distribution of slum households by type, structure, utilities, and more. Gain an understanding of life in Indian slums and the challenges faced by residents in these areas.

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  2. A Slum in Delhi

  3. Definition of a Slum A Slum, for the purpose of Census, has been defined as residential areas where dwellings are unfit for human habitation by reasons of dilapidation, overcrowding, faulty arrangements and design of such buildings, narrowness or faulty arrangement of street, lack of ventilation, light, or sanitation facilities or any combination of these factors which are detrimental to the safety and health.

  4. Identification of Slums in Census • For the purpose of Census, slums have been categorized and defined as of the following three types: • Notified Slums • Recognized Slums • Identified Slums

  5. All notifiedareas in a town or city notified as ‘Slum’ by State, UT Administration or Local Government under any Act including a ‘Slum Act’ Identification of Slums • Notified Slums • Recognized Slums • Identified Slums

  6. All areas recognisedas ‘Slum’ by State, UT Administration or Local Government, Housing and Slum Boards, which may have not been formally notified as slum under any act Identification of Slums • Notified Slums • Recognized Slums • Identified Slums

  7. A compact area of at least 300 population or about 60-70 households of poorly built congested tenements, in unhygienic environment usually with inadequate infrastructure and lacking in proper sanitary and drinking water facilities (Identified). Identification of Slums • Notified Slums • Recognized Slums • Identified Slums

  8. Data on Slum from Census • It is for the first time in Census that datasets on Housing stock, Amenities and Assets based on the Houselisting and Housing Census are being released • In Census 2001, information on Slums were released only on demographic characteristics based on the Population Enumeration. For this purpose, Slum Blocks were identified in Statutory Towns having a population of 20,000 by the local authorities at the time of Population Enumeration phase • In Census 2011, Slum Blocks have been delineated in all statutory towns irrespective of population size.

  9. Census 2011 Results

  10. Towns Reporting SlumsIndia : Census 2011 • Out of 4,041 Statutory Towns in Census 2011 Slums reported from 2,543 Towns (63%) • Total Slum Enumeration Blocks (SEBs) in Census 2011 is about 1.08 lakh in the country • Largest number of Slum EBs reported from Maharashtra (21,359)

  11. Number of Slum Blocks by Type of Slums – India : Census 2011 • Notified Slums 37,072 • Recognised Slums 30,846 • Identified Slums 40,309 • Total: 1,08,227 Blocks

  12. Households by Type of Slums – India : Census 2011 • Notified Slums 49.65 lakh HHs • Recognised Slums 37.96 lakh HHs • Identified Slums 49.88 lakh HHs • Total: 137.49 lakh HHs

  13. Slum & Non-Slum Households – India 2011

  14. Number of Slum Households in Million Plus Cities 38 % of the slum households are in 46 Million Plus Cities

  15. Top/Bottom 5 States Reporting Slum Households Top 5 States Bottom 5 States

  16. Percentage of Slum HHs to Total Urban HHs

  17. Proportion of Slum Households in Metros - 2011

  18. Million Plus Cities with High Proportion of Slum HHs (Top 10 only) - 2011

  19. Use of Occupied Census HousesIndia : 2011

  20. Use of Occupied Census HousesIndia : 2011

  21. A Lane in a Slum

  22. Households by Type of Census Houses – India HHs (in %)

  23. Slum Households by Structure of Census Houses (Permanent)

  24. View of a Slum in Delhi

  25. Households by Number of Room – India HHs (in %)

  26. Households by Household Size– India HHs (in %)

  27. Households by Number of Married Couples – India HHs (in %)

  28. Households by Ownership Status – India HHs (in %)

  29. Source of Drinking Water – India HHs (in %)

  30. Waiting for Water Supply

  31. Location of Drinking Water Source– India HHs (in %)

  32. Slum HHs by Location Drinking Water Source (Within premises)

  33. Source of Lighting– India HHs (in %)

  34. Slum HHs by Fuel Used for Cooking (LPG/PNG)

  35. Availability of Bathing Facility within Premises - India HHs (in %)

  36. Drainage Connectivity for Waste Water Outlet– India HHs (in %)

  37. Type of Latrine Facility– India HHs (in %)

  38. Availability of Kitchen– India HHs (in %)

  39. Fuel used for Cooking– India HHs (in %)

  40. Households Availing Banking Services– India HHs (in %)

  41. Household Possessing Various Assets – India HHs (in %)

  42. Household Possessing Various Assets– India HHs (in %)

  43. 63.5% HHs in Slums in India has Mobile

  44. Slum HHs Having None of the Specified Assets

  45. Life in a Slum

  46. Life in a Slum

  47. For more details visit: censusindia.gov.in THANK YOU

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