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This overview focuses on community-centered transportation planning, identifying challenges and strategies for engaging with various populations. Topics include community engagement strategies, handling unexpected events, engaging hard-to-reach groups, and identifying important community needs. The report also discusses transportation planning in rural towns, suburban areas, regional activity centers, and future transportation corridors.
TransPlex/Focus on CommunityOverview and Team Challenges Rusty Ennemoser, PhDFlorida Department of Transportation, Office of Policy Planning
TransPlex Themes • Plan • Understanding and Addressing the Needs of Our Customers and Communities • Identifying and Applying Critical Decision Making and Planning Techniques • Connect • Identifying Ways to Coordinate Transportation, Land Use, and Economic Development Planning • Collaborating Across Sectors, Jurisdictions, Modes, and Disciplines • Innovate • Safety • Incorporating Emerging Trends in Transportation Planning
Focus on Community Themes • What’s your community engagement strategy? • Black Swans: Handling the Unexpected • Engaging Hard to Reach Groups • Identifying and engaging people in a community • Who’s at the Table and Who’s Not? • Desktop Tools for Identify Populations • Understanding what’s important to a community • Generational Preferences in Transportation • Walk This Way: Tools for Identifying Barriers and Other Challenges to Walking
Team Challenges • Rural TownPut yourself in the shoes of the planner of a small rural town that has a SIS facility running through it. You are tasked with determining how to accommodate interregional travel, improve safety, and capitalize on the economic benefits of the corridor, all while still preserving the community’s “small town” identity. • Suburban TransitionAs a planner for a suburban area in a growing metropolitan region, you are excited to hear that a developer has just announced plans to begin construction on a large Brownfield/Greyfield development that was formerly a large shopping plaza/mall. The development will include both commercial and residential land uses and is denser than historically built. How will you handle the challenge of accommodating increased growth and addressing mobility and accessibility needs within the surrounding development pattern?
Team Challenges • Regional Activity CenterYou are a planner in one of Florida’s dense regional activity centers and are receiving seemingly contradictory demands from the public and local businesses. You need to identify strategies that can effectively support both parties. How do you balance the mobility needs of pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit users with the mobility needs of freight movement that supports economic activities? What strategies and technologies can you implement to create an environment where all types of users can safety and comfortably use the transportation system? • Future Transportation CorridorThe regional transportation planning agency you work for has decided it is time to start looking for solutions that support the future of a congested transportation corridor that connects two of Florida’s economic regions. In the briefing, the project manager notes that the natural environment constrains the existing facility so it cannot be widened. What solutions can you suggest that will improve the efficiency and mobility on the existing corridor while protecting the surrounding natural environment for years to come?
Team Challenge Instructions • Divide into groups – choose Facilitator and Scribe/Reporter • Each group has one of four challenges – Rural, Suburban, Regional Activity Center, Future Transportation Corridor • Review Challenge Booklet: challenge objective, map, assumptions, key questions • Review Sociocultural Data Report and Problem Statement • Brainstorm solutions to address solutions • Report back to larger group
Thank you!Rusty Ennemoser, PhDrusty.ennemoser@dot.state.fl.usFDOT Office of Policy Planninghttp://www.fdot.gov/planning/policy/