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Electroplating and Metalfinishing Systems

NGUYEN KIM THANH PHONG COMPANY LIMITED specializes in electroplating process to ensure high-quality corrosion resistance. We have a professional team to provide ED painting process, brass plating, E-coating, and various services. We adhere to the highest standards of coating and production. Feel free to connect with us at 0908 343 657.

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Electroplating and Metalfinishing Systems

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  1. Electroplating and Metalfinishing Systems

  2. Waste water treatment system Waste water in the plating industry is separated into separate effluent streams for treatment according to the nature of the source. Chlorine-containing wastewater is passed through the trash can to remove the impurities present in the wastewater and then passes through the silt tank to deposit sand particles, which are larger than 2 mm in size, before being returned to the system. handling. After that, chromium plating wastewater is fed to the regulating tank to stabilize the flow and concentration of wastewater in the wastewater before it is brought back to the oxidation tank - reducing to reducing Cr6 + metal to Cr3 + It is more harmful than before being brought back to the glacial tank to create a precipitate of chromium. The wastewater containing nickel metal is passed through the trash can to remove the impurities present in wastewater and then passes through the sand sedimentation tank to deposit the soil particles and sand in the wastewater. Nickel-metal plating wastewater is then brought back to the air conditioning tank to stabilize the concentration and flow of wastewater. After that, the wastewater is brought back to the cotton coagulating tank to create the precipitate of nickel.

  3. Cyanide-containing wastewater is passed through a trash can to remove large scale impurities in the wastewater and then passes through the sedimentation tank to deposit the sandy soil particles in the wastewater. After that, cyanide plating wastewater is fed to the regulating tank to stabilize the flow and concentration of wastes and lead to the oxidation tank - reducing cyanide oxidation in waste water. Commonly used oxidants such as chlorine, NaOCl, CaOCl2, potassium permanganate KmnO4. H2O2 or FeSO4. 7H2O to turn CN- into a non-soluble, non-toxic berlin or prussian green compound. Zinc-containing waste streams are passed through the trash can to remove large-scale waste in the wastewater and then to the sedimentation tank to deposit sand grains larger than 2 mm in size. Zinc plating wastewater is then brought back to an air conditioning tank to stabilize the concentration and flow of wastewater and return to the coagulating tank to generate zinc precipitation. The plating water after exiting the flotation tank leads to the sedimentation tank for deposition of precipitate that has formed under the effect of gravity. The sediment is deposited into the sludge tank to be treated. The water in the stream after settling in the trough to flow to the neutral tank to adjust the pH of the wastewater before discharging out of the receiving source. The waste water discharged after treatment meets the emission standard permitted by QCVN 40: 2011 / BTNMT.

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