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10 tips for a healthy diet. Eat variedly. There‘s no healthy , unhealthy or forbidden food . It‘s all just about the amount and c ombination . C ereal products.
Eatvariedly There‘s no healthy, unhealthyorforbiddenfood. It‘s all just abouttheamountandcombination.
Cerealproducts It‘sreallyhealthy to eatcerealproductsseveraltimes a day. Theydon‘tcontainmuchfat, but vitamins, minerals, traceelements, and dietaryfiber.
About milk products, fish and meat Everyday, youshouldconsume milk products, once a weekfish, and sausageproducts, meat and eggs in moderation.
Drinkingisimportant Water is essential, so everyoneshoulddrinkabout 1,5 litres a day. Alcoholicdrinksshouldbeconsumed just sometimes.
Low fat and high-fatfoods Toomuchfatmakesyouthick and increasestherisk of cardiovasculardisease and cancer. Youshouldeatabout 70 - 90 g fat a day.
Gentlycooking Cook foodshort at lowtemperatureswithlittlewater and fat - thispreservesthenutrients.
Seasonings Be creativeanduse different spices and lesssalt and useiodisedsalt.
Eatslowly Consciouseatinghelps to eat right, and takingyour time wheneatingspeeds up thesatietyfeeling.
Fruits and vegetables Fruit and vegetables – takethemfivetimes a day, as fresh as possibleor just cookedshort. So you‘llbe well providedwithvitamines and minerals.
… and just stay fit Withthe right weightyoualwaysfeel good.