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Feng Shui Research Center Presents 納音五行畫集

Feng Shui Research Center Presents 納音五行畫集.

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Feng Shui Research Center Presents 納音五行畫集

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  1. Feng Shui Research Center Presents 納音五行畫集 I am honored to have the celebrated artist Kuk Shuk Lan曲淑蘭to kindly provide me with numerous beautiful paintings as illustrations in my book <Melodic Elements>. This book is about Na Yin Wu Xing納音五行. My purpose is to introduce the valuable Chinese culture to the West. The upcoming slideshow presents these artistic paintings along with a coherent traditional Chinese melody to give a preview of <Melodic Elements>. Joseph Yu

  2. 甲子乙丑海中金

  3. 丙寅丁卯爐中火

  4. 戊辰己巳大林木

  5. 庚午辛未路旁土

  6. 壬申癸酉劍鋒金

  7. 甲戌乙亥山頭火

  8. 丙子丁丑澗下水

  9. 戊寅己卯城頭土

  10. 庚辰辛巳白蠟金

  11. 壬午癸未楊柳木

  12. 甲申乙酉泉中水

  13. 丙戌丁亥屋上土

  14. 戊子己丑霹靂火

  15. 庚寅辛卯松柏木

  16. 壬辰癸巳長流水

  17. 甲午乙未沙中金

  18. 丙申丁酉山下火

  19. 戊戌己亥平地木

  20. 庚子辛丑壁上土

  21. 壬寅癸卯金箔金

  22. 甲辰乙巳覆燈火

  23. 丙午丁未天河水

  24. 戊申己酉大驛土

  25. 庚戌辛亥釵釧金

  26. 壬子癸丑桑柘木

  27. 甲寅乙卯大溪水

  28. 丙辰丁巳沙中土

  29. 戊午己未天上火

  30. 庚申辛酉石榴木

  31. 壬戌癸亥大海水

  32. The Artist Kuk Shuk Lan曲淑蘭

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