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Welcome to your customizable sales collateral deck! Use this to pitch effective campaigns and drop leave-behinds for your visits to advertisers. If you have any questions about this collateral, contact Chris Bohn at cbohn@tritondigital.com How to change out logos in the sales deck:
Welcome to your customizable sales collateral deck! Use this to pitch effective campaigns and drop leave-behinds for your visits to advertisers. If you have any questions about this collateral, contact Chris Bohn at cbohn@tritondigital.com • How to change out logos in the sales deck: • For main page • On the first page, right click on the “insert logo here” image and click Change Picture. • Choose your logo and open to insert. • For all other pages • click the “View” tab , then Slide Master. • You will see a Master Layout with two Sub Layout Styles. Choose the first Sub Layout. • Right click on the logo in the upper right hand corner and choose Change Picture. • Choose your logo and open to insert. • Don’t forget to delete this page when finished (or don’t print it!)
Drive Traffic to Your Website with our Featured Links How does it work? We present a point earning link to your website to our consumers Consumers click through and earn their points You receive a weekly results report Benefits Quickly increase traffic to your website or web-based promotion Increase brand exposure Much higher response rate compared to traditional banners Insert Price Here
Use our Audience as a Research Panel with Surveys How does it work? Consumers earn points to take a custom survey designed to help you understand their buying brand preferences, attitudes about you and your competitors, and more A detailed report showing results is provided at the end of the campaign Benefits Fast, affordable consumer research designed to help you better understand your target customer Enables the creation of more targeted marketing messages Increase brand exposure and build goodwill with consumers Insert Price Here
Drive Sales with Special Offers How does it work? A point earning opportunity is presented to our consumers to print your coupons Consumers print the coupon and are awarded their points You receive a results report when the campaign closes Benefits Cost effective method to get your offer in the hands of potential customers Increase brand exposure
Drive Traffic to Your Website with Trivia How does it work? Consumers are presented with a weekly trivia question about information present on your website They visit your site to find the answer and earn their points Benefits Quickly drive deep interaction and traffic to your website Much higher response rates than traditional banner advertising Increase brand exposure
Build Warm Lead Lists with Surveys How does it work? Consumers earn points to take a custom survey that identifies their need for your product or service A list of consumers who are qualified and opt-in are delivered to you each week Benefits Quickly identify specific consumers who want more information about your business Enables you to shorten the sales cycle by finding consumers who are ready to buy in the near future Increase brand exposure
Drive Traffic to Your Store/Event with our Code Promotions How does it work? Consumers come to your store or event and pick up a code card containingan alpha numeric sequence Consumers input this sequence on-line to earn points Benefits Increase traffic to your store or event Increase brand exposure
Get More Info – Build Your Email Database How does it work? Benefits Members choose the Get More Information feature and agree to have their email address shared with your business. The member will receive points for opting-in. A working list of members interested in your products, services, or even special offers is built A list of members who opt-in are delivered to you each week. Quickly identify specific members who want more information about your business Grow your email database and increase brand exposure
Slot Machine Sponsorship Benefits How does it work? Our average slots player plays for 10 minutes per visit, which provides extensive exposure to your brandingand advertising messages We customize our Slots Machine with your branding and advertising, providing an immersive brand experience for slots players Each time they play, our audience is engaged again and again with your branding and advertising messages The Slot Machine background graphic and your banner advertisement will feature links to drive our slotsplayers to your website. Your banner advertisement can be rotated throughout your sponsorshipto keep your call-to-action fresh Our audience visits your website to play Slots and earn reward points, which can be redeemed for opportunities to win tens of thousands of dollars in cash and prizes
Blackjack Game Sponsorship Benefits How does it work? Our average Blackjack player plays for 10 minutes per visit, which provides extensive exposure to your branding and advertising messages We customize our Blackjack with your branding and advertising, providing an immersive brand experience for our players Each time they play, our audience is engaged again and again with your branding and advertising messages The Blackjack background graphic and your banner advertisement will feature links to drive ourplayers to your website. Your banner advertisement can be rotated throughout your sponsorshipto keep your call-to-action fresh Our audience visits your website to play Blackjack and earn reward points, which can be redeemed for opportunities to win tens of thousands of dollars in cash and prizes
Scratch & Win Sponsorship Benefits How does it work? Our average scratch and win player plays for 10 minutes per visit, which provides extensive exposure to your branding and advertising messages. We customize our Scratch and Win with your branding and advertising, providing an immersive brand experience for players Each time they play, our audience is engaged again and again with your branding and advertising messages The Scratch and Win background graphic and your banner advertisement will feature links to drive our players to your website. Your banner advertisement can be rotated throughout your sponsorship to keep your call-to-action fresh. Our audience visits your website to play Scratch and Win and earn reward points, which can be redeemed for opportunities to win tens of thousands of dollars in cash and prizes
Facebook Likes – Build Your Brand Benefits How does it work? CAMPAIGN DETAILS CAMPAIGN DETAILS Increase the number of people who “like” your Facebook page Increase your site traffic Increase member participation and interaction with your Facebook page Enables members to earn rewards points when they “like” any page you designate on Facebook
Digital Ivy – User Generated Contests Benefits How does it work? CAMPAIGN DETAILS CAMPAIGN DETAILS CAMPAIGN DETAILS Attract new users and grow your database Increase brand exposure through social sharing, viral marketing and access to new channels like Facebook and Mobile Leverage the size of your collective audience across assets and channels to attract more sponsors and revenue A custom photo/video/audio/text submission contest is created that can be accessed and entered in through a standalone site, loyalty club, Facebook or mobile Ignite participation by awarding existing members points to play the contest or by giving away prizes, as well as incentivizing sharing virally to their social network Syndicate contests to multiple sites, Facebook pages, and/or loyalty clubs to increase your reach
Immediate Insights – Enhanced Research Platform Benefits How does it work? CAMPAIGN DETAILS CAMPAIGN DETAILS CAMPAIGN DETAILS Get Real-Time results from your audience about any subject Gather data from your loyalty program or from a link you post to Facebook or Twitter Advance reporting filters and charts to help you analyze data You create questions that you would like to ask your audience You choose where and when your users will take the survey We provide you with powerful reporting data from the survey
Reporting – Measurable Results Benefits Every campaign includes a detailed report that quantifies the consumer response generated. Depending on your campaign, report details include high level demographic information on respondents through contact lists of those consumers that want more information High levels of accountability make your investment easy to justify Summarizes actionable information to help you make better marketing decision
On-Line Exposure with Presenting Sponsorship Our rewards program is destined to become one of the most heavily trafficked areas of our website…and our sponsor will be prominently integrated into every page! CAMPAIGN DETAILS Just like Coke with American Idol, you will become an endemic, integrated sponsor into one of the most important programming features and marketing initiatives ever launched by our station. Build tremendous good will with our audience as you are credited with the perks and prizes we give away through ourincentive programs Beyond extensive on-line and on-air branding, we will also provide direct incentives to motivate measurable engagement with your business!
Sponsorship Investment Need to put some text here. Need to put some text here. Need to put some text here. Need to put some text here. Need to put some text here. Need to put some text here. Need to put some text here. Need to put some text here. Need to put some text here. Need to put some text here. Need to put some text here. Need to put some text here. Need to put some text here. Need to put some text here. CAMPAIGN DETAILS • Insert what you get here • Insert what you get here • Insert what you get here Insert value here • Insert what you get here • Insert what you get here • Insert what you get here • Insert what you get here • Insert what you get here Insert value here Insert value here Insert total investment here Insert minimum commitment here
Banner AD space size options • Standard IAB ad sizes available: • 300x250 • 728x90 • 160x600 • 120x600