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The Five Year 10 Pillar Education Programme P resentation for the MEC’s Consultative Meetings. 4 th Sept 2014. The Consultation Cycle. Gauteng Executive Committee (Cabinet) The Ruling Party Gauteng Caucus Legislature Teacher Unions Learner Formations
The Five Year 10 Pillar Education ProgrammePresentation for the MEC’s Consultative Meetings 4th Sept 2014
The Consultation Cycle Gauteng Executive Committee (Cabinet) The Ruling Party Gauteng Caucus Legislature Teacher Unions Learner Formations Non Governmental Organizations and Faith Based Org. Opposition Parties National Minister National Minister and MEC’s GDE Management and Staff School Principals School Governing Bodies School Governing Body Associations Society
Our Vision Ensuring every learner does well at school and leaves our institutions with the knowledge, skills and qualifications that will give them the best chance of success in adult life. Our Mission To ensure quality learning and teaching take place in the classroom every day 3
Overall Grade 12 Pass rate: 2003 - 2013 Provincial and National Grade 12 pass rates
Performance by Quality of Pass - Bachelors • 5 655 learners passing with Bachelors than in 2012 • 3 294 learners passing with Diplomas than in 2012
Learner Performance - Grade 3 • Grade 3 learners achieved a pass percentage of 55% in literacy, exceeding the annual target of 46% and 59% in mathematics exceeding the annual target of 57%. • There was an increase in literacy from 2011 to 2012 but a slight decrease was noted in 2013. However, in numeracy a constant increase was observed.
Learner Performance - Grade 6 • Grade 6, learners achieved a pass percentage of 61% for Home Language and 52% for First Additional Language this exceeds the annual target of 51% • 45% for Mathematics which exceeds the national average of 40%. • In 2013, an increase is clearly evident in Eng FAL, Home Lang as well as in Mathematics when compared to 2011.
Learner Performance - Grade 9 • Grade 9 learners achieved a pass percentage of 44% for Home Language and 40% for First Additional Language. • Mathematics is a focal point for the coming academic year as learners achieved a pass percentage of 15%. • A decrease in language is evident and an increase in Mathematics although the score for maths is extremely low. However, the Gauteng Average is higher than National Average.
School Support • No-fee Schools • The Department successfully increased the number of no-fee schools to 1310 schools, supporting 1 112 605 learners. • NSNP • The Department successfully extended the NSNP to all no-fee schools in the province. • The Department provided nutrition to a total of 1 112 605 learners. • Scholar Transport • The Department provides scholar transport to 70 207 learners in the province. • School Safety • Through the ESSP, 5887 patrollers were appointed at 1 300 schools. • A total of 1 408 schools have been linked to Police Stations across the province. • Safety Committees have been established in all 1 408 schools.
Skills Development • Public Sector Training • The Department has, since 2009, trained a total of 97 242 public servants across all Gauteng Provincial Government (GPG) departments. • Learnerships and Internships • 8133 learners benefitted from workplace experience facilitated by the Department. • In 2012 and 2013, 11675 community members and unemployed youth were employed as patrollers in schools • 18 326 unemployed youth, that had completed matric, were provided with employment opportunities to assist learners with homework and sports, arts and culture afterschool activities. • 22 567 unemployed youth applications have been scanned and captured on the database. • Bursaries and Career Guidance • Bursaries: 13 555 bursaries have been issued to learners from no-fee schools. • Career Guidance: Since 2009 career guidance programmes was provided to more than 284 000 learners. 19
KEY CHALLENGES • Rapid urbanisation – sporadic growth • Expansion in infrastructure – demand for classroom space, laboratories, ICT infrastructure and administrative blocks at schools. • Improve quality learning outcome • Language , mathematics and science for teaching and learning • Introduction of African languages in schools • Key budget shortfalls • Personnel • LTSM for universal access (including ICT in schools) • School funding for municipal services • School Sport, Arts and Culture activities • School Health • Quality improvement programmes into the District Model. • Scholar Transport 20
Game-changers (1) • Improving performance of township schools • Improving quality of education – Grade 12 passrate 90%, increase bachelor passes and improve ANA performance (75% of learners achieving the required performance) • Improve performance in mathematics and science - 75% • Mainstreaming of SSIP and GPLMS • Expand Grade R and strengthen ECD Services • ICT – Building the Classroom of the Future • Connectivity in each classroom, create an information hub, ensure infrastructure , equipment and support to schools. • Smart classrooms with access to computers and broadband internet • Improve basic infrastructure making schools clean and safe • Pilot the 21 Schools Model – improve performance, schools of the future and development and support to schools (Model C ) to compete with the Best Independent (private) schools. • Provide to ensure a non-racial education system • Twinning and acquisitions of schools so that all learners irrespective of their background can share resources and experiences.
Game-changers (2) • Strengthen educator recruitment and provisioning • Intensify and promote skills for the economy • Manufacturing and related skills • Business and Financial Related Skills • Engineering Skills • Creative Industry and related skills • Bridge between formal education/training and the work place - Response of education to incubate skills: • Investment in maths and science and related fields of study • Improve the quality of passes in all phases • Bursaries to deserving learners • Eradicate illiteracy through AET • Synergy between the Province and FET/HEI through GCRA • Investment in Technical High Schools • Massified career counselling and education intervention • Greater partnership between the education sector and industry to build skills required for the economy
Key Principles • Strategic Thrust • Integrity, Honesty and Trust • Activist Department • Ensuring High Standard Service Delivery • Mandate: • NDP • G2055 • ANC Manifesto • Service Delivery Model/ Delivery Agreement, Education Action Plan
1. Government’s Planning Framework • Sector plan • Action Plan to 2019: Towards the realisation of Schooling 2030 • NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN • Independent analysis conducted by DBE Medium Term Strategic Framework • DBE and PED five-year strategic plans • Periodic reports on progress in the sector (see e.g. 2011 and 2013 reports on DBE website) • Presidency • Key documents which should become more credible • DBE and PED annual performance plans • DBE and PED annual reports • PED quarterly sector reports Processes and formats for these still not sufficiently clear How the sector plan relates to other plans (and reports):
2. The NDP Expanded access to ECD Provide inclusive education: all children with disabilities have access to quality education Encourage sports and physical education Revitalise arts and culture in schools Learners’ home language should be used as a medium of instruction for a longer period 90% of learners in grades 3, 6 and 9 must achieve 50% or more in the ANA Increase the number of enrolments in Maths and Science 450 000 learners being eligible for a Bachelors programme with Maths and Science
2. The NDP… Introduce performance contracts for principals and deputy principals Change the pay structure of teachers Deployment of teachers to teach where they are needed Teacher development: Expose teachers to the use of technology in their training Placement of FunzaLushakagraduates Eradicating inappropriate infrastructure Tracking of learner performance through ANA Keeping curriculum changes to a minimum Support to School Governing Bodies Successful completion of grade 12 QLTC to be more focused
3. Mangaung Resolutions • Accelerate the implementation of the ECD programme through: • Ensuring universal access for at least four (4) years of ECD; and Training of qualified teachers for Grade R • Strengthen and implement policies and programmes on: • Eradication of drug abuse and alcohol in use; Sexuality education in schools; provision of Sexual and Reproductive Health Services and family planning for the youth; and reduction of Learner Pregnancy; drop-out rates, gangsterism, and vulnerability, including incidence of bullying • Promote school sport; focus on indigenous and grassroots sport development; and ensure access to sport facilities by people with disabilities • Continue mainstreaming disabled people in schools and establishing full services • Development of an indigenous language policy • Improving the performance of learners in Maths and Science
3. Mangaung… Increase the number of Grade 12 and University entrance passes Accelerate the uptake and usage of the ICT tools Review the remuneration and conditions of employment of education professionals Match teaching skills and competencies Develop post provisioning norms informed by socio-economic context and curricula needs Profile all educators on the basis of their qualification and experience Establish a stable system to avoid yearly movements of teachers Adopt a centralized approach in the procurement of LTSM Expand the capacity to print text books and workbooks and own their intellectual property Deal with school Infrastructure urgently and in an integrated manner
3. Mangaung… A rigorous monitoring and evaluation of performance in the education sector Assess and evaluate all teachers, principals and deputy principals Refine, improve and enhance IQMS Address both content knowledge and methodology when training teachers Teachers, principals and all officials in the system must be held accountable The funding model is endorsed with special emphasis on a bias toward poor communities Both government and unions to cooperate to stamp out ill-discipline Review of the matric pass requirements and the ANA results Review SGB’ policies and legislation to avoid exclusion Support must be provided to multi-grade schools Increase retention, progression, and completion rates in the sector Job Creation Initiatives
4. Manifesto 2014 Priorities We will work towards realising two years of compulsory pre-school education and strive for fuller integration of Grade R educators in the post and remuneration structure We will strengthen coordination between departments responsible for early childhood development, and the non-profit and private sectors. School safety programmes will be implemented to ensure learner well-being A phased-approach to the introduction of compulsory African languages in schools will be adopted We will continue to work towards the eradication of illiteracy through the KhaRiGude Mass Literacy programme We will introduce mobile devices like tablets into schools to distribute learning content Connect all schools through broadband by 2020
4. Manifesto… We will introduce mobile devices like tablets into schools to distribute learning content. We aim to ensure that every child has a textbook for every learning area, and that the retrieval of textbooks is improved 1000 new schools will be built to expand access to education We will provide interventions, through curriculum and assessment policies, to improve performance in our schools. We will continue our campaign to ensure good discipline and accountability in our schools Teacher development will receive ongoingattention We will maintain the upward trend in the Mathematics pass rate while improving the quality of those passes Access to an early learning stimulation programme before the foundation phase of formal schooling for a million families
5. Sector Plan • In early 2014 Action Plan to 2019: Towards the realisation of Schooling 2030 was completed • (goals and targets kept the same or similar to those in the previous sector plan). Overall purpose of the plan: • Take forward the goals and spirit of the NDP. • Provide a coherent and evidence-based account of the challenges and opportunities facing the sector, aimed at all stakeholders. • Provide strategic guidance, drawing from the NDP, to provincial and DBE planners, also non-government actors working with the sector. • Provide evidence to South Africa and the world that we take the development of the country’s human resources seriously, that we know what it takes to build a prosperous and poverty-free future.
6. MTSF The MTSF is a strategic plan of national government for the 2014 – 2019 electoral term It reflects the actions outlined in the NDP, and key actions from other government plans, such as the New Growth Path (NGP), the Industrial Action Plan Policy (IPAP), and the National Infrastructure Plan. The MTSF is a plan which links the five year strategic plans of individual national and provincial departments, municipalities and public entities, and aims to achieve a clear line of sight between plans across all spheres. This five years’ focus will be built around the MTSF outputs
6. MTSF… • The MTSF therefore includes measures to: - Improve capacity in government in key areas of weakness. • Strengthen coordination within government and to make sure that government policies and programmes are better aligned. • Strengthen performance management. - Improve implementation-level planning, including using the Malaysian Big Fast Results methodology.
7. MTSF: Performance Management The President will enter into new Performance Agreements with each Minister. These will contain the key indicators and targets from the MTSF relevant to each Minister. The same indictors and targets will be put into the performance agreements of DGs and senior officials. Performance assessments of Ministers and senior officials will be based on the degree to which these targets have been achieved. The Minister and MECs will sign a Delivery Agreement for the sector.
6. MTSF Outputs in the next five years Output 1: Improved quality of teaching and learning through development, supply and effective utilisation of teachers. Output 2: Improved quality of teaching and learning through provision of adequate, quality infrastructure and Learning and Teaching Support Materials (LTSM). Output 3: Improving assessment for learning to ensure quality and efficiency in academic achievement Output 4: Expanded access to Early Childhood Development and improvement of the quality of Grade R, with support for pre-Grade R provision Output 5: Strengthening accountability and improving management at the school, community and district level. Output 6: Partnerships for education reform and improved quality.
GDE Strategic Drivers Pillar 1: Curriculum and Assessment Development Pillar 2: Teacher Provision and Support Pillar 3: Leadership and Management Pillar 4: Infrastructure Development and maintenance Pillar 5: Planning, finance and resourcing Pillar 6: ICT in Education Pillar 7: Social Cohesion Pillar 8: School functionality including community involvement Pillar 9: Skills Development Pillar 10: Access to quality Early Child Development (ECD) 39
Strategic Framework for 2014-2019 Planning, finance and resources Support from Parents Social Cohesion Post Schooling Training and Education Curriculum and Assessment Development Teacher Provision and Support Learner Performance grades 3, 6, 9, 12 Improved Learner Attainment Make Schools Attractive Effective classroom Practice Leadership and Management School functionality including community involvement ICT in Education Access to quality Early Child Development (ECD) Infrastructure Development and maintenance Partnerships 40
Pillar 1: Curriculum and Assessment Development • Core pillar and priority of the Department - Oversight and support in the delivery of curriculum in the classroom. • The Department will consolidate the achievements made but ensure that there is consistency and progress. • Improve on learner performance in Grade 12 (90% pass rate) • Improve in all ANA scores – 75% of learners performing at the required level) • Improve performance in mathematics and science • Accountability sessions with school management • Strengthened Subject Advisors to support schools. 41
Pillar 2: Teacher Provisioning and Support • It’s to strengthen and solidify the direct support to teachers, by using coaches. • Enhance Teacher Development – in realising the goals of the curriculum and improving learner attainment. • Recruitment policy that ensures the Best Teachers are in Gauteng. • We will make certain that teachers are in attendance. • Take swift action against teachers who have been absent for a long time, for disciplinary issues, etc. • Create Permanent Labour Dispute Office. • 90 Day turnaround on all labour dispute matters. • Personnel in excess will be resolved and cleared. • Fill vacant posts, especially in Finance, HR and ICT. • Appointment on merit – competence, trust and integrity. • Panel for Appointments – selection process and monitoring: • monitor principal posts • Appointment of all Deputy Director and Chief Education Specialist posts 42
Pillar 3: Leadership and Management • Virtual Districts: The district office/support will be repositioned to give deepened support to school management: • Good District Management as districts are solely responsible for curriculum and core issues in support of schools. • The role of HR and Finance should be a central function enhanced by ICT • Managers take responsibility of their functions in supporting schools – resources to schools are provided timeously. • Work with integrity and honesty – in all aspects including recruitment, appointments, procurement. • Any unsavoury involvement in appointments needs to be confronted and action taken against the perpetrators. • Statutory and policy compliance are non negotiable. 43
Pillar 4: Infrastructure Development • Ensure that the Basics are available and functioning in all schools in Gauteng. • Functional Toilets - will ensure that all block toilets are cleared with immediate effect, • All schools have running water and electricity, • development and maintenance. • A change of focus is required on how Infrastructure Development and Maintenance is rolled and prioritised, that includes the former Model C schools so that they can compete with successful Independent Schools but critically ensuring that all parents and learners have access to these schools. • 21 Schools Model - Prove necessary resources and support: • 11 Dysfunctional Schools – in 9 focus areas are provided the support, resources and model to achieve high learner attainment • 6 Schools: Becoming the Model School of the Future • 6 Schools with high admission enrolment - that competes with and performs better than the top Independent Schools • These public schools in the suburbs with high application will be given the necessary resources to admit more learners and compete effectively. • Model all new schools on this Smart Model School design. • Prioritisation and addressing backlogs such as classrooms and laboratories . • Norms and standards for infrastructure is implemented and monitored. GDE Plan v4 44
Pillar 5: Planning, Finance and Resourcing The Department will reprioritise the NPNC budget and resourcing to schools to ensure that 80% of the budget and resourcing go to schools and 20% at office level. The department will ensure that it provides resources where it is needed. Information for planning and decision making - Data Systems responsiveness and sufficiently supportive of business processes, provisioning needs and planning. Strengthened the 30 Day payment process. 45
Pillar 6: ICT in Education Implement an ICT in Education Solution: 1. Connectivity – All schools have connectivity through State Infrastructure at the classroom level – all learners in the classroom have access to connectivity. • eLearning Solution – create a hub of information, • Content knowledge that will assist teachers in curriculum delivery • Learners have access to learning material, workbooks and other subject matter. • ICT Infrastructure and Equipment to schools, namely iPads/ Tablets/ Desktops that will be utilised by learners in the classroom. • Support of equipment/procurement will be done by a centralised procurement agency to ensure the smooth and efficient process of support to schools. 5. Teacher Development in the ICT sphere – Training of educators in the use of the equipment . 46
Pillar 7: Social Cohesion • The need to ensure a non-racial education system, not two quasi systems. It is a fundamental driver that all learners have equal and fair access to any public school in the province • There will be twinning and acquisitions of schools so that all learners irrespective of their background can share resources and experiences. • School Sports – Prioritise Soccer, Rugby, Cricket and Netball – however athletics and other sporting codes will still be given the necessary support. • Gauteng School Sports league • Agreement with municipalities to maintain playing fields. • School Psych-Social Support – Introduce Medical Wednesdays at schools – social workers/nurses at schools to assist learners. • The HIV/AIDS Grant must respond to these challenges. • All learners in Q1-3 school have access to dignity packs. • NSNP – explore the possibility of providing learners with Nutrition in non contact time feeding (weekend/school holidays) • School Safety – introduce a Direct Line for emergency calls that will direct the Rapid Response Team to address emergency issues. 47
Pillar 8: School Functionality including community Involvement School Functionality will deal with stakeholders, especially SGBs and support from community. A proposal that every Executive Member to be linked (adopt) to a school for year. Strengthen the stakeholder and community involvement in education and their support to schools. Partnerships with various organisations and stakeholders to strengthen education in the province. 48
Pillar 9: Skills Development • The Plan is to significantly upscale skills development in the province in partnership with the Gauteng Department of Economic Development, SETAs and the private sectors in line with the Gauteng Economic Development Strategy. This will be undertaken through: • The Master Skills Plan, FET and AET Sectors and the technical high schools . • The department will develop management and leadership competencies in the provincial government departments to ensure skilled public servants who are committed to public good and prioritise national development and therefore realising the Gauteng City Region, e.g. partnering with CELAP (China) to realise this. • Delivering priority skills programmes, to respond to the skills needs of Government in Gauteng and the economy. • Provide bursaries to the top learners from poor backgrounds and intensify career counselling through Life Orientation lessons. • Ensure capacity and skills strengthened that adressed the skill needs of the economy
Pillar 10: Access to quality Early Child Development (ECD) The priority will focus on: • All learners have access to Grade R. • Increasing access to quality Grade R and work with the Department of Social Development to introduce Pre-Grade R • Social Development to maintain and expand on Pre Grade R • Improving the quality and effectiveness of Grade R and pre-Grade R practitioners. • The Department will strive to ensure that ECD services within the province are effectively planned, managed and coordinated.