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Different Strategies for meeting the needs of all science students…

Different Strategies for meeting the needs of all science students…. 1 Diploma. Today’s Agenda. What is differentiated instruction? How do assessment and differentiation work together? What is tiered learning? How do I manage stations in my classroom? Planning for success.

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Different Strategies for meeting the needs of all science students…

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  1. Different Strategies for meeting the needs of all science students… 1 Diploma

  2. Today’s Agenda • What is differentiated instruction? • How do assessment and differentiation work together? • What is tiered learning? • How do I manage stations in my classroom? • Planning for success

  3. My favorite way to be assessed is... I know that I have really learned something when... Name When I think about student learning, I think that….. I typically assess students by...

  4. ONGOING ASSESSMENT Some teachers talk about--- LEARNING Some teachers talk about--- GRADES VS. • Can these two coexist peacefully? • Should one receive emphasis over the other?

  5. When Do You Assess? Most teachers assess students at the end of an instructional unit or sequence. When assessment and instruction are interwoven, both the students and the teacher benefit. The next slide suggests a diagnostic continuum for ongoing assessment.

  6. On-going Assessment:A Diagnostic Continuum Preassessment (Finding Out) Formative Assessment (Keeping Track & Checking -up) Summative Assessment (Making sure)

  7. Formative Assessment (Keeping Track & Checking -up) Summative Assessment (Making sure) Preassessment (Finding Out) On-going Assessment:A Diagnostic Continuum Feedback and Goal Setting Pre-test Graphing for Greatness Inventory KWL Checklist Observation Self-evaluation Questioning Conference Exit Card Peer evaluation Portfolio Check 3-minute pause Quiz Observation Journal Entry Talkaround Self-evaluation Questioning Unit Test Performance Task Product/Exhibit Demonstration Portfolio Review Post Test

  8. SOME THOUGHTS ON ASSESSMENT Assessment refers to what happens on a daily basis in the classroom. “…ways to use instruction to inform next steps” …continual feedback that helps students progress over time. “Assessment-Instruction Cycle” used to beinstruct, instruct, instruct, then assess now assessment and instruction are interwoven Students should be learning to self-assess, make adjustments, and improve performance. Not helping students gauge their performance can be costly to them. We need to give students models for what we are asking them to do.

  9. “Assessment is today’s means of understanding how to modify tomorrow’s instruction.” Carol Tomlinson

  10. What is it like? What is it? What is it not? Assessment Examples

  11. Let’s Take a Look at Data…

  12. More Data… Basic Proficiency or higher (200+) have met the graduation requirement for these GPS-based tests and will be classified as Proficient for AYP calculations in ELA.

  13. Pretest/Posttest Data__________________________________________________________________ Goal 2: _____ Goal 1: _______________________________ _______________________________ ______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ ______________________________ Strategies __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ Evidence (Look For/Ask About) __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ ______________________________________________________ Evidence (Look For/Ask About) __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ ______________________________________________________ Strategies __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

  14. Are you this teacher? Take a moment to think about the following questions: • At the end of the school day are you and your students exhausted? • At the end of the day, Are you done…no work in hand? • When someone walks in your room, can they find you • easily? • 4. Do you really know your students? • 5. By the middle of the year, do your students describe your class • as an active participation sport? • 6. Do a lot of your students enjoying their first success in science in • your classroom? • 7. Do you and your colleagues have a real reason to meet and share? • 8. Do you have few classroom management problems? • 9. Do you smile frequently throughout the day? • 10. Are administrators at a loss on your teacher evaluations/observations? • If you answered “yes” to 5 or more questions, you might be a differentiated • instructor!

  15. How Do You Differentiate? Pair up with a partner and list several ways you typically assess students in your classroom.

  16. WHAT CAN BE DIFFERENTIATIED? READINESS LEARNING PROFILE INTEREST • Areas of Strength • and Weakness • Work Preferences • Self Awareness • Interest Surveys • Interest Centers • Self-Selection Content Knowledge Skills Concepts

  17. There are many variations to differentiate using these elements

  18. “Lite-n-Lean” Activities for differentiation • Discussion/Journaling • Offering Student Choices • Graphic Organizers • Vocabulary Instruction • Varying Text Levels • Memory Techniques • Learning Profile/Interest-BasedProjects Kryza, K., Stephens, S., & Duncan, A. (2007). Inspiring Middle and Secondary Learners. California: Corwin Press.

  19. “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” -Albert Einstein

  20. Traditional Classroom Whole Class-lectures, demonstrations, videos, etc. Seat Work-collaborative pairs, small group, summarizing strategies, etc Assessment-feedback, grades,etc. Differentiated Classroom Choice! Variety including higher level thinking Accountability Both can co-exist!!!! Traditional vs. Differentiation

  21. What's in a readiness tier? Tier 1 : Basic knowledge, understanding. The student builds on his/her current level of core information.    Tier 2 : Application or manipulation of the information learned in the 1st layer. Problem solving or other higher level thinking tasks can be placed here. Tier 3 : Critical Thinking and Analysis. This layer requires the highest and most complex thought.

  22. What can a tier look like? • Use colors to indicate what level of vocabulary readiness you want to assign: • Green-basic • Blue-average • Black-Advanced Example: Vocabulary - going from green level “need to know” vocabulary to blue level “nice to know” vocabulary to black level “for those of you who are really motivated to go way beyond what’s expected” vocabulary.

  23. Let’s Try a Tiered ActivityGenetics • Readiness based on Vocabulary and Prior Content Knowledge Biology teachers -groups of 3 Please!!! Anatomy teachers can work together in teams In class, I would place you into your groups based on pre assessment

  24. Can both co-exist? The mantra of change…. slowly, slowly, easy, easy!!! Traditional Day 1:Forces • Chunk-Lecture and ppt on gentics with a graphic organizer • Chew- worksheet packet finish for hwk. • Check-finished worksheet packet

  25. Tiered Assignments • Day 1-Tier 1 assignments • Chunk-lecture and ppt with graphic organizer or foldable • Chew- Here is where you can begin to tier based on readiness: • Genetics Readiness Tiered Assessment (see handouts) • Or anatomy • Body Systems Green, blue or black assignments • Blood Cell Cartoon • Check-Quiz on assignments or graded projects

  26. Grading Criteria • What is the purpose? Can they answer the essential question? 2 options for grades: 5 points for worksheets, 5 points for self grading worksheets, 15 points for quiz 5 points for collage/poster, 5 points for 4 or more website sources, 15 points for quiz Days 2-4 are the same format for Tier 1

  27. Moving on in the unit • Day 5/6-Lab Tier 2 lesson Everyone in class will complete a lab

  28. Tier 3 Day 6-Research a topic in the library -Real world application/debates or use your text book Choose 1 • Find out more on genetics lab technician (basic) • Write a play or activity involving your classmates, to explain the various processes that occur in meiosis (average) • Use the documents based questions from Mendel’s work (advanced) Or let them choose a R.A.F.T. (Role, Audience, Format,Topic)

  29. Your Turn to Tier! • Take one acquisition lesson and build in tiered lessons-start small!!!! Talk it out with your group. • Be prepared to share in 45 minutes!

  30. Outcomes Part 2-Differentiated Instruction Identified 3 ways to differentiate Take it Slowly, Slowly, Easy, Easy Developed an Acquisition Lesson with tiered assignments. Discussed Assessment criteria-rubrics, point systems, etc.

  31. Science Stations

  32. Centers are areas in the classroom where students refine a skill or extend a concept Writing center Anchor activity center Multiple Intelligences Stations are different places in the classroom where students work on tasks simultaneously, and whose activities are linked Backgroundbased on the work of Carol Ann Tomlinson

  33. What would the classroom look like?2 ideas • Whole class warm-up • On grade level focus lesson for most of the class • Above grade level students work on an anchor • After focus lesson, students refine their understanding at a specific station or through an anchor activity • Above grade level students receive their focus lesson at the teacher’s station. • Whole class closure activity. • Whole class warm-up • Review station assignments made based on pre-assessment • Pull a group to the teacher’s station for a structured focus lesson. • Other students work at their stations. You move around to monitor their progress when students at the teacher’s station are working in pairs or independently. • Whole class closure activity.

  34. There are 4 stations: Ideas for performance assessments

  35. Preparation • Use pre-assessment data to determine which indicators your students need to cover. • Collect tasks from your textbook resource, online supplemental resources, and your own “files.”

  36. Teacher’s Station • Focus Lessons • Review lesson • Accelerated pathway lesson • More guidance at-risk students • Addressing individual needs

  37. Proof Place • Super Source tasks that have been modeled (whole class focus lesson or Teacher’s Station) • 20 Thinking Questions • Tic-Tac Toe Assessments • Other Formative Assessments

  38. Great websites for differentiation • http://www.isu.edu/biolearn/index2.html includes lesson plans, labs and links to current articles for students. http://www.sln.org/ Science Learning Network

  39. Have students Choose 3-tic tac-toe

  40. Practice Plaza • Choice Menus work great • Student Workbook practice lessons • Old files

  41. The Shop • Use pre-assessment or formative assessment data/errors as tasks. • Summarize with “writing to win” strategies • Use R.A.F.T.s


  43. Sample Writing to Win Strategies • Acrostic –Use the following word: Genetics-Try It! • Gene, Electrophoresis(gel),neucleotide, enzyme, Tryptophan, Intron,Codon, Sex cell • Quad Cluster-Develop sets of 4 words from the word wall where 3 words fit and doesn’t. Explain why you clustered your chosen words. • “ What I thought you taught me”-Choose 5 summary words and develop those into a paragraph. • Either/Or -“Which is more important, meiosis or mitosis

  44. 50 Minute Instructional Block: Day 1

  45. 50 Minute Instructional Block: Day 2

  46. Management • Remember - “Science Stations” is a strategy for differentiating instruction. Students only need to go to stations that will help them in mastering the indicator. • Have an anchor activity center already in place for students who finish their station work, or who don’t need to work at a station that day.

  47. Management continued… • Students do not move from station to station in a round-robin style. You determine which station and when! • Build in time at the TS for you to circulate. • Spend a week modeling the type of work found at, and the expectations for each station. • Collaborate with your team to develop tasks for review, practice, and enrichment.

  48. Call me for help! Don’t worry about perfection. Try one station at a time. Use stations only when the strategy will help you differentiate your instruction. Not all units work! Model, model, model Trying it out…think BIG-start small

  49. Ticket out the Door • “What I thought you taught me” • Choose 5 summary words and develop those into a paragraph about today’s content day. • Thanks for a great work day!!!! • Please fill out the evaluations before you leave.

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