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Registration + Quality Assurance by Providers Trainers Network Conference May 19 2005 Roisin Sweeney rsweeney@fetac.ie

Registration + Quality Assurance by Providers Trainers Network Conference May 19 2005 Roisin Sweeney rsweeney@fetac.ie. Agenda. Introduction / Context Awards, Providers, Programmes Registration Process Provider QA System development Application Process Evaluation & Agreement Q & A.

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Registration + Quality Assurance by Providers Trainers Network Conference May 19 2005 Roisin Sweeney rsweeney@fetac.ie

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  1. Registration + Quality Assurance by Providers Trainers Network Conference May 19 2005 Roisin Sweeney rsweeney@fetac.ie

  2. Agenda • Introduction / Context • Awards, Providers, Programmes • Registration Process • Provider QA System development • Application Process • Evaluation & Agreement • Q & A

  3. FETAC Registration Introduction & Context

  4. The National Framework of Qualifications

  5. Placed Awards - Examples

  6. FET in Ireland • State Training Agencies: - FÁS, Teagasc, Fáilte Ireland, BIM • VEC Provision: FE Colleges, Schools, YouthReach, VTOS, Literacy Training, BTEI • Voluntary Secondary Schools • Institutes of Technology • Training for People with Disabilities • Workplace Training (Employers) • Private Trainers / Colleges / Training Centres • Community Groups • E Learning / Distance Learning

  7. FETAC Functions • FETAC functions, as set out in the Qualifications (Education & Training) Act 1999, are to: • make and promote awards • determine national standards for awards • validate providers programmes • monitor and evaluate the quality of programmes • ensure fair & consistent assessment of learners • ensure access, transfer and progression

  8. FETAC and Providers Guidelines Policies and Procedures for Quality Assurance Agreement Process Criteria Registered Provider Award(s) & Standards Programme Validation Process National Monitoring Internal Monitoring & Self Evaluation Provider Delivery & Assessment FETAC Learner Awards Key

  9. Standards, Awards, Providers, & Programmes • A standard is … • An award is….. • A programme is…. • A provider is …..

  10. Standards, Awards, Providers, & Programmes • A standard is a collection of learning outcomes setting out the knowledge, skill and competence required for an award • An award is a certificate issued by FETAC to a learner who has been assessed as having achieved a standard • A programme is a learning experience designed and offered by a provider based on predetermined national standards and leading to a FETAC award • A provider is one or more centres offering one or more programmes and having a common quality assurance system

  11. FETAC (NCVA) Module • Statement of Standard • Learning Outcomes • ‘Learners should be able to…….’ • Assessment • Outline of how learners’ achievement of the outcomes is to be measured, graded and reported

  12. FETAC Policy on Provider Quality Assurance – main points • FETAC recognises the primary role of providers in the establishment and operation of quality assurance. • Providers with agreed quality assurance procedures can register with FETAC and apply for validation of their programmes. • FETAC will monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of a provider’s quality assurance procedures and will review the agreement within a maximum period of five years.

  13. Providers – rule of thumb Big providers will have bigger programmes and complex qa systems Smaller providers will have smaller programmes and more simple qa systems

  14. Quality Assurance – What is it? CLARITY in • knowing what you are to do • knowing how you are to do it • knowing whether or not you are doing it • knowing whether or not it made a difference

  15. Provider Quality Assurance: Overall requirements Provider to have • Mission:- underpinning • Policies: – statements of position / principles on areas relevant to FE&T • Procedures: - clarity on how the policies are to be implemented • Internal Monitoring: - how the procedures are being implemented and how they might be improved • Self Evaluation: - of programmes and services

  16. Common Quality Assurance Framework: Policies Programmes and Services

  17. Common Quality Assurance Framework: Procedures Fair & Consistent Assessment Policy • Procedures • Planning • Information for Learners • Security • Reasonable Accommodation • Consistency - Internal • Consistency - National • Assessment by Third Parties • Feedback to Learners • Learner Appeals • Return of Results • Corrective Action

  18. Policies and Procedures Providers develop / amend / identify • Policy document(s) for each area • Should inform staff, learners and others • Should address issues set out in guidelines i.e. what is to be included in procedures • Procedures • Should address issues set out in guidelines • Can be individual or integrated • Should incorporate monitoring • Should identify evidence • Can be set out in template provided

  19. How do you write a policy? • These are the ‘what you will do’ • Get familiar with guidelines • Is there an existing policy? • Identify what’s important to you and your learners • Follow the guidelines • What is expected in the policy? • Use clear language • ‘we commit to’ • ‘we will’ • Etc. • Write it as for a new learner or member of staff • Disseminate it

  20. How do you write procedures • These are the ‘how you will do’ • Get familiar with guidelines • Address all elements that are relevant • Capture what you already do well • Identify gaps • Get together to work out most effective and appropriate method(s) • Agree it • Write it down as if for a new member of staff • Disseminate it

  21. Who / what is a provider? • Single centre • National / regional organisation • Network • Federation • Sharing programmes / systems

  22. Building an Application Mission Statement Policy Guideline Policy 1 Document Policy 2 Document Procedure Guideline Procedure n Document Procedure 2 Document Procedure 1 Document Procedure Template Method(s) Evidence Monitoring Application Form

  23. Application Contents • Application Form • Organisation Chart • Policies on • Fair and Consistent Assessment • Protection for Learners • Self Evaluation • Procedures for • Fair and Consistent Assessment • Protection for Learners (if required) • Self Evaluation

  24. Resources for Providers • http://www.fetac.ie/info/publications.htm • www.fetac.ie/qa • www.fetac.ie/qa/qa2.htm • Guidelines • Application form • Evaluation form • Templates • Useful Links • www.fetac.ie/briefings/default.htm • Application Website

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